Extinction Rebellion XR: International Rebellion

October 7th, 60 cities worldwide. Full information about actions around the world can be found HERE: >>> Starting Monday October 7, for 2 weeks, Extinction Rebellion and allied movements will gather in major cities across the globe and continue to rebel against the world’s governments for their criminal inaction on the Climate and Ecological... Read more »

Rage Against the War Machine

White House Washington DC, DC, United States

Last year around 2,000 of our friends and comrades joined us as we marched on the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, where we called for a revival of a mass antiwar/anti-imperialism movement, attention on the toll war takes on women across the globe, the environmental impacts of war, and much much more. In 2019, we’re fighting... Read more »

Triennial IPB Meeting

St Thomas Hospital London, United Kingdom

The International Peace Bureau´s Triennial Meeting is scheduled for Saturday the 19th of October 2019 in London. The Triennial Meeting (hereafter called the Assembly) of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) is coming up on Saturday, 19th of October 2019, at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, opposite the Houses of Parliament. The Assembly is the highest policy-making... Read more »

Count the Nuclear Weapons Money

Move the Nuclear Weapons Money is a specific initiative linking nuclear disarmament with peace, climate and sustainable development. The campaign calls for cuts in nuclear weapons budgets, an end to investments in nuclear weapons corporations, and a re-allocation of these budgets and investments to support peace, the climate and sustainable development. The campaign will run... Read more »

UN Disarmament Week

The elimination of nuclear and all other weapons of mass destruction remains a central but elusive objective of the United Nations. Despite commitments from Member States, there has been limited progress on this long-standing goal. For nuclear weapons, this is largely due to growing tensions between nuclear-armed States and the rigidity of the disarmament machinery.... Read more »

No to Trump – No to NATO: International Counter Summit

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8EP, London, United Kingdom

The New World Disorder. Speakers include: Tariq Ali; Medea Benjamin; Lindsey German; Kaye Hudson; Reiner Braun; Aaron Bastani; Kerry-Anne Mendoza; Arielle Denis On the 3rd and 4th of December the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) will mark its 70th anniversary with a Heads of State Summit in London. With Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Recep... Read more »

Actions against Expodefensa: Colombian Arms Fair

From December 2 to 4 it will take place in Bogotá (Colombia) one of the biggest arms fairs in Latin America, organised by Eurosatory (Paris' arms fair) with participation of many arms companies and estate delegations. Our Colombian partners from War Resisters International, Ramalc and ACOOC (conscientious objectors) are preparing actions to denounce and boicot... Read more »

Global Day of Protest: No War On Iran!

Global Day of Protest: No War On Iran! The Trump administration is dragging the United States into a war with Iran that could engulf the whole region and could quickly turn into a global conflict. On Saturday, January 25 in cities across the globe, there will be protests against a new war in the Middle... Read more »

Militarism & the Climate Crisis

Mill Hill Chapel City Square, LS1 5EB, Leeds, United Kingdom

The interdependence between nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear power, in terms of skills and infrastructure, means our government continues to champion expensive new nuclear at the expense of clean renewables. We need to break this cycle. Climate justice can only come with radical demilitarisation.

Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis

The People’s Forum 320 West 37th Street, New-York, United States

In 2020 we mobilize against ecocide, white supremacist policy and war in all its forms. We gather to put the issue of peace before the voters in an election year and to protest against anti-immigrant policies. Our principles of unity will be strengthened as we gather to stop the wars at home and abroad. The... Read more »


International webinar: April 21, 2020 Held in conjunction with the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, April 10 – May 5, 2020 CHAIR: Vanda Proskova, Move the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign WELCOME AND INTRO: Tony Robinson, Abolition 2000 Coordinating Committee Session 1: Divestment and ethical/impact investment. 11:00-12:30 (EDT, New York Time) • Thies Kaetow... Read more »

Webinar: The Opportunity Costs of Military Spending

The Opportunity Costs of Military Spending: How and Why it’s Time to Rethink Our Priorities Date/Time Date(s) - Wednesday - Apr 22, 2020 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (CET, GMT+2)   As part of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) 2020, IPB will host a seminar for students and young professionals interested... Read more »

IPB Webinar: Challenging Nuclear Weapons in Europe

WEBINAR  Challenging Nuclear Weapons in Europe Monday April 27 - 15:00-16:30 CET Registration :   The tensions between nuclear weapons possessors states have worsen dramatically these last months and Europe is at the centre of the storm. The suspension of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia has directly exposed Europe to a new... Read more »

Stop the New Nuclear Arms Race (Cancelled)

Maryville College 502 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN, United States

Seventy-five years after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Trinity, nuclear weapons are still an existential threat. Nuclear weapons states are investing trillions of dollars to upgrade their weapons systems. The problem of nuclear weapons will not be solved by non-nuclear nations alone—those of us living in nuclear weapons states and under the nuclear umbrella have a primary... Read more »

Webinar: The Extreme Right and Militarization in Latin America

Date/Time Date(s) - Thursday - May 28, 2020 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Important note: this webinar takes place from 4:00-5:30pm Central European Summer Time. If you are in a different time zone, please ensure that you check the event’s time in your location. Dr. Pedro Páez Pérez, professor at the Central University of Ecuador... Read more »

Webinar: Anti-Racism Protest in the United States: No Justice, No Peace

George Floyd’s atrocious murder at the hand of the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25 represents only the most recent incident of racism and police brutality in the United States. The resulting protests have spread not only across major US cities, but have gone global. The International Peace Bureau (IPB), the Campaign For Peace,... Read more »

Two-Part Webinar Series 1/2: The History of Peace Movements and the IPB

IPB presents a two-part webinar series to explore the past two centuries of peace movement activities, including the role of the IPB, which was founded in 1891. In the first session, speakers Guido Grünewald and David Cortright will discuss the peace movement of the 19th century and early 20th century, leading up to the First World War. Special attention... Read more »

Two-Part Webinar Series 2/2: The History of Peace Movements and the IPB

IPB presents a two-part webinar series to explore the past two centuries of peace movement activities, including the role of the IPB, which was founded in 1891. In the first session, speakers Guido Grünewald and David Cortright will discuss the peace movement of the 19th century and early 20th century, leading up to the First World War. Special attention... Read more »

Cancel RIMPAC International Day of Action

CANCEL RIMPAC, the international Rim of the Pacific naval war practice in Hawaiian waters originally scheduled from June through August 2020 but due to citizen activism and COVID19 is now scaled back to the middle to the end of August. Even this shortened war practice is provocative on a regional level and with the COVID19... Read more »

Webinar : The Colombian Peace Agreement: Where Are We Today?

IPB’s own Angelo Cardona is joined by prominent Colombian Senator Iván Cepeda Castro and journalist and political analyst Dr. Victor de Currea-Lugo to reflect on the 2016 peace agreement and its implementation. Many have questioned the peace deal’s survival since President Iván Duque Márquez’s ascension to power in 2018. Further attention will be given to... Read more »

Budget Priorities Discussion

Conversations hosted by Foreign Policy in Focus about budget priorities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: - Underlying trends that strengthen the case for a fully sustainable recovery from the pandemic; - Pertinent facts, statistics and case studies that bolster the progressive case; - Examples of new organizing energy related to a “pandemic pivot.”... Read more »

Webinar: The Gaeseong Industrial Complex and Peace on the Korean Peninsula

The Gaesong Industrial Complex (GIC, located in North Korea) is a joint project between North and South Korea that promotes peace and economic development through inter-Korean economic cooperation. The project was launched in 2003 as a result of the 2000 Korea summit talks. In 2016, the project was shut down, and sanctions on North Korea... Read more »

International Meeting : 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs

2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs (online) Theme: "With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World - for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet" (Zoom webinar: 1000 participants + YouTube) Opening Session: Report from the Organizer: Noguchi Kunikazu, Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the World... Read more »

The IPB supports the Peace Wave, August 6-9, 2020

The Organizing Committee of the World Conference against A and H Bombs met on May 8 in full session and proposed that on August 6 through 9 of this 75th year of the A-bomb tragedies it launches an international joint grassroots action “Peace Wave” with the common aim of the elimination of nuclear weapons and... Read more »

World Conference – Hiroshima Day Rally

2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs (online) Theme: "With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World - for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet" (Zoom Webinar: 1000 participants + YouTube) Organizer’s Report: Tomida Koji, Drafting Committee Chairperson of the International Meeting Testimony of the Hibakusha Announcement... Read more »

IPPNW Film Premiere

IPB is a co-sponsor of an IPPNW-produced film, “The Vow from Hiroshima”, which will be available on the video platform Vimeo for 24-hours on August 9th. The link is Please keep this in mind an share it prior to (and on) August 9th!

World Conference – Nagasaki Day Rally

2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs (online) Theme: "With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World - for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet" (Zoom webinar: 1000 participants + YouTube) Organizer’s Report: Anzai Ikuro, Committee of Chairpersons of the World Conference (TBC) Testimony of the Hibakusha... Read more »

International Day of Peace Lecture

St. John's Cathedral 405 Ann St, 373 Ann St, Brisbane, Australia

International Day of Peace Lecture Presented by: Dr Gillian Triggs and Dr Tillman Ruff FREE EVENT September 21, 2020 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM St John's Cathedral 405 Ann St, 373 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 (Australia) In the 75th year of the United Nations formed after 60 million people died in WW2, the International... Read more »

4th International Congress against Military Bases and Wars

IPB Berlin (Online), Berlin

Date/Time Date(s) - Friday - Sep 25, 2020 11:00 am - 5:30 pm Location Konferenzraum der IALANA/IPB Day: Friday September 25th, 2020 Time: from 11am to 5.30 pm (Central European Summer Time) Location: 10117 Berlin, Marienstraße 19/20 (Meeting room) Virtualization: Hybrid conference with additional zoom participation Initialized by Stopp Air Base Ramstein, with participation and... Read more »

AEPF Webinar: Militarised Geoplitics versus People’s Alternatives

WEBINAR: Militarised Geoplitics versus People's Alternatives Join our upcoming webinar where we will seek to analyse and question the hegemonic & militarised trends in global geopolitics and contrast these with peoples’ security approaches, focussing on social and economic justice and equality. Register here: Even as the world is caught in the multiple impacts of... Read more »

International Action Meeting for a Nuclear Free Europe

Date/Time Saturday - Oct 31, 2020 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Tensions around nuclear weapons are growing on the European continent, between Russia and the US and their allies, and the main nuclear bilateral disarmament agreements have been destroyed. Nevertheless, the Treaty the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will soon enter into force and it clearly... Read more »

Webinar: A Climate for Peace

Webinar: A Climate for Peace by the Peace Union of Finland and the IPB Saturday November 7th 10.30 - 12.30 Peace, Health and Development The world is facing an array of crises: from great power conflict and nuclear weapon buildups to climate change, health pandemics and inequality. With peace as a center point, this webinar... Read more »

Peace & Disarmament Webinar by ‘Leading by Example’

PEACE AND DISARMAMENT - CAMPAIGNING FOR PEACE & DISARMAMENT In partnership with the International Peace Bureau Our speakers are: Binalakshmi “Bina” Nepram (left), an indigenous scholar and a woman human rights defender; Chloé Meulewaeter (centre), collaborator of the Centre Delàs of Peace Studies and a PhD student in Peace Culture; and Arielle Denis (right), former... Read more »

GCOMS at the PyeongChang Peace Forum

Global Civic Agenda for Peace and SDGs in 2021 15:00-16:30 on 8 Feb. (Monday) 2021 – GMT+9 (New York 1 AM, London 6 AM, Rome/Paris 7 AM, New Delhi 11:30 AM, Bangkok 1 PM) Virtual / Updated 24 January 2021 Pre-registration at Background and Objectives The session aims at introducing and setting global agenda... Read more »

US-China Relations – Challenges & Prospects for Disarmament in Asia Pacific

The International Peace Bureau invites you to a RoundTable Discussion on: US-China Relations - Challenges & Prospects for Disarmament in Asia Pacific Feb.18 Thursday 13.00 CET 7:00am US Eastern time (8:00pm PH-China-Mongolia; 9:00pm Japan/Korea; 7:00pm Bkk/Jakarta/Hanoi; 5:30pm Delhi) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information... Read more »

IPB Webinar: Gender and Disarmament in the Asia-Pacific Region

Date/Time Date(s) - Friday - Mar 5, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm In order to mark the upcoming International Women’s Day, the IPB would like to introduce its webinar, “Gender and Disarmament”.  Panellists scheduled to speak are: Ms. Emiko Hirano, New Japan Women’s Association (Japan) Emiko joined the anti-nuclear peace movement when she took... Read more »

Séan MacBride Peace Prize Ceremony

Date/Time Date(s) - Wednesday - Mar 17, 2021 9:00 am - 10:30 am   In 2020, the annual IPB Séan MacBride Peace was awarded to US-based movement Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the International Signature Campaign in Support of the Appeal of the Hibakusha, one of the largest global signature campaigns to date, launched in 2016 by... Read more »

AEPF 13 – GCOMS Workshop

AEPF 13: an overview From 17th until 24th May 2021, the Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) will hold its 13th biennial People’s Forum under the title “Asia Europe Peope’s Forum for a Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World”. AEPF13 will be a virtual event with an exciting series of interlinked dialogues, workshops, actions, policy debates and... Read more »


Date(s) – June 12, 2021 – 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Voices of the International Peace Movement Building Toward IPB’s (Re)think Our Future – World Conference June 12 Webinar 2 p.m. EDT, 8pm CEST Register at: From nuclear weapons abolitionists in Japan, to Belgians working to reduce military spending to meet urgent human needs... Read more »


Brussels Place de l’Albertine, Brussels, Belgium

NATO Heads of State will meet for their annual summit on Brussels on 14th June. Over the past decades the focus of these summits has been the increasing expansion and globalisation of NATO. This year it will focus on how to maintain western dominance in a world where China is rising economically. NATO’s answer as... Read more »

Climate and Militarism Event Planned for 4 November in Glasgow, Scotland

Buchanan Steps Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

By World BEYOND War and partners Facebook Event. A broad and growing coalition of peace and environmental organizations has announced plans for an event on Thursday, 4 November, in Glasgow. WHAT: Announcement of a Petition to COP26 Demanding that Militaries Be Included in Climate Agreement; colorful banners and light projection. WHEN: 4 November 2021, 4:00... Read more »

GDAMS demonstration

yorkshire Menwith Hill Rd, Birstwith, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

On 12th April Bradford CND will join the regular gate-side demonstration by Menwith Hill Accountability Campaign as part of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending month of protest. Menwith Hill is a US NSA spy base on the Yorkshire Moors which operates without UK parliamentary oversight. The US maintains over 1,000 foreign military... Read more »

The Danish Referendum: Can Denmark Resist EU Militarization?

Denmark , Denmark

Tuesday, 12. April 2022, 20.00 CEST The Danish Referendum: Can Denmark resist EU Militarization? A conversation with Susanna Dyre-Greensite, chair of the cross-political People´s Movement against the EU in Denmark and Lave K. Broch, board member of the People´s Movement. Register here:

Online Campaigning by SERPAJ Chile

Chile (Online) Santiago, Chile

One more year, SERPAJ Chile joins GDAMS under the slogan "Give Peace A Budget", which aims to raise awareness among society and public policy makers about the excessive military spending that countries allocate each year in their budgets. For more information, follow this link.

Online Campaigning by VOW Canada

VOW Canada Online, Toronto

VOW has joined organizations around the world in signing on to this year’s appeal for the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), April 13th to May 12th. With the Canadian government on the verge of purchasing 88 new fighter jets, and the war in Ukraine, demilitarization is a topic of conversation needed now... Read more »

Online Campaigning by ONGD Lleida

ONGD Lleida (Spain Online), Lleida

ONGD Lleida has joined organizations around the world in signing on to this year’s appeal for the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), and joined the online campaign April 13th to May 12th. For more information, click here.

USTEA joins 2022 GDAMS campaign

USTEA online campaign USTEA, Málaga

One more year, USTEA joins the GDAMS campaign. This year, the organization denounces once again how military spending, always on the rise, represents an opportunity cost that harms sectors such as education, health or public services, with more and more cuts, while the arms industry and the arms sales sector becomes richer. While conflicts are... Read more »

La Prunelle RDC and Collectif 2250 join GDAMS online campaign

Bukavu (Online) Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bukavu

La Prunelle RDC, a media organisation, and the Collectif 2250, a youth peace organisation, both based in Bukavu (Democratic Republic of the Congo), joined organizations around the world in signing on to this year’s appeal for the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS). They stated: "Weapons destroy and kill, and we have to... Read more »

Para la guerra nada – Educamos por la paz

Flampa Gades Cádiz (Spain Online), Cádiz

Este año FLAMPA se suma a la Campaña global contra el gasto militar (GDAMS- GCONS), que finaliza el 12 de mayo. Desde las familias que conformamos toda la federación queremos hacer hincapié en que si queremos unas escuelas imbuidas en una cultura de paz, sin bullying, sin violencia hacia ningún colectivo, por su origen, por... Read more »

Tabling at Oakland County 2022 Earth Fair

Royal Oak Centennial Commons Park, Oakland, CA, United States

CCMP and VFP Chapter 74’s objectives are to distribute information, to recruit volunteers, and to discuss the fact that the USA cannot sufficiently mitigate climate change or truly promote environmental, racial, and economic justice, while funding our military more than the next 11 nations combined.  

Tax Day Cut the Pentagon & Global Mobilization to Stop Lockheed Martin

Palo Alto El Camino @ Page Mill (Palo Alto Plaza parking lot), Palo Alto, CA, United States

Sponsored by: CODEPINK, Pacific Life Community, World Beyond War, Environmentalists Against War, Raging Grannies, and more. Where: Lockheed Martin facility in Palo Alto. Meet up at El Camino @ Page Mill (Palo Alto Plaza parking lot) 11:30am. March to Lockheed Martin facility. To join a carpool or offer rides from SF and East Bay, email Petition... Read more »

Proposed Parade and Demonstration

Front Gate FAFB Front Gate FAFB, Spokane, WA, United States

Organized by VFP Spokane WA - Proposed Parade thru International District & Proposed Demonstration Front Gate FAFB

Let’s Use Our Taxes for a Better World

Corvallis Howland Plaza, Riverfront Park, 1st & Madison, Corvallis, OR, United States

What would you rather spend our money on than militarism? Come join advocacy groups from around Corvallis to share how we can use our taxes to build a better world. More information here.

Event at Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman Northrop Grumman, Chandler, AZ, United States

Organized by Phoenix Anti-War Coalition - Attendees at the event will be holding signs and tax info flyers

Fund Communities Not War!

Washington 245 2nd St NE #5795, Washington, WA, United States

Organized by CodePink - We will take to the streets in Washington DC for disruption, political education, and community building through art. Final details to come!

Penny Polls in City Center Square

City Center Square Lancaster, PA, United States

Organized by 1040 for Peace - Penny Poll where public can "vote" on how they'd like to have their federal taxes spent. 1040 for Peace website.

No Wars, No Warming: Fund Our Future

New York 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY, United States

The climate and peace movements come together for a rally and short march in front of the IRS this tax day, April 18th, to demand that our tax money stop being used to fund endless war and environmental destruction. The Pentagon is the number one institutional consumer of oil on the planet. In order to... Read more »

Invest in Life not Death: A Tax Day March

Sam Adams Statue in Faneuil Hall Sam Adams Statue in Faneuil Hall., Boston, MA, United States

The Raytheon campaign and climate justice activists will march to various financial institutions in Boston that provide investment and lending support to both Raytheon and to fossil fuel companies. Gather at noon, April 19, in downtown Boston at the Sam Adams statue at Fanueil Hall View the Save the Date announcement on their website.

Women in Black: London – GDAMS Vigil I

Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Place, London, United Kingdom

First of the Women in Black London GDAMS vigils is on Wednesday 20th from 6pm to 7pm at the Edith Cavell statue. It is in St.Martin’s Place, London WC2, opposite the entrance to the National Portrait Gallery, and not far from Trafalgar Square. GDAMS Placards and leaflets – #GivePeaceABudget. All welcome.

Global Mobilization to #StopLockheedMartin

Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin, Maryland, MD, United States

Lockheed Martin is by far the largest weapons producer in the world. From Ukraine to Yemen, from Palestine to Colombia, from Somalia to Syria, from Afghanistan and West Papua to Ethiopia, no one profits more from war and bloodshed than Lockheed Martin. We call on people around the world to join the Global Mobilization to... Read more »

Demonstration at Raytheon Missiles & Defense HQ

Raytheon Missiles & Defense HQ Raytheon Missiles & Defense HQ, Tucson, AZ, United States

Join the Raytheon Peacemakers as we demonstrate against war and those who profit from it. Survival demands better ideas, not better weapons. The peace vigils are a regular, nonviolent presence in our community: to call for an end to wars and occupations waged by our government in our name and with our tax dollars to... Read more »

Convert the War Economy: Windmills Not War Machines

Asheville Bent Creek River Park, Asheville, NC, United States

Organized by Reject Raytheon AVL - The Pratt & Whitney plant now being built in Asheville is a danger to people and planet. It will manufacture airfoil turbines, integral components of jet engines to be used in both military and commercial aircraft. What is needed is to convert our economy from one centered on the... Read more »

SCRAP Weapons’ Webinar: After the Assault on Ukraine: Strategies for Reducing Military Expenditure

London [ONLINE] London, United Kingdom

Register here Please come to a webinar organised by SCRAP Weapons that will showcase strategies for reducing military spending in light of the Ukraine crisis. The webinar will be held on 22nd April, as part of the International Peace Bureau’s 2022 Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS). What does Russia’s unprovoked invasion of... Read more »

A NO-WAR Prayer for the Love of Humanity

Linthicum 793 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum, MD, United States

Prevent Nuclear War/Maryland is organizing a demonstration at Northrop Grumman, a letter to its CEO and a leaflet to be handed out to the workers at 793 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum, Maryland on Earth Day, April 22, at 3 PM.

Earth Day Hancock Field

Ithaca and Syracuse, NY Street theater, Ithaca, NY, United States

Organized by Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones - Street Theater

Averting Climate Catastrophe: No New Arms Race!

London [ONLINE] London, United Kingdom

Following an introductory presentation showing the links between militarism and climate change, a panel of experts will discuss how to proceed in uniting the peace and climate movements to avoid increasing militarism and worsening the climate crisis. Moderator: Marcy Winograd of CODEPINK Panelists: • Ann Wright, author, activist, retired U.S. Army Colonel and U.S. State... Read more »

Conferencia “¿Qué queda en Afganistán después del fin de la Guerra?

Librería Bakakai Tendillas de Santa Paula, 11, Granada

Los próximos viernes 22 y sábado 23 de abril tendrá lugar en Granada un nuevo encuentro de la 2ª Escuela Pacifista del Centre Delàs Este tercer módulo del ciclo formativo en activismo pacifista empezará con la conferencia “¿Qué queda en Afganistán después del fin de la Guerra: violencias de género, lucha por los recursos, ¿qué... Read more »

XIV Marcha Ciclista contra la guerra, el gasto militar y la industria militar

Bilbao Spain, Bilbao

On April 23 different peace groups hve organised the XIV Marcha Ciclista (Cycling Rally) against war, military spending and arms trade, defending the conversion of military companies to civil purposes. They also dennounced the growing institutional investments in the military industry, while social emergencies don't get the urgent attention they require. The Marcha Ciclista started... Read more »

War industry Conversion to a Sustainable Future

Huntsville corner of Airport Rd and Whitesburg Drive., Huntsville, AL, United States

This North Alabama Peace Network event will focus on War Industry Resistance. War industry conversion to a sustainable future. The event will take place at the corner of Airport Rd and Whitesburg Drive.

Demonstration and Educational Gathering

Ventura Ventura, CA, United States

Organized by California for a World BEYOND War - We will host a public demonstration and educational gathering in Ventura, California to coincide with Earth Day week festivities, in order to promote Divestment from the war economy and Investment in a peace economy, for the sake of people, planet, and a just transition. More details... Read more »

One Planet. One People. No War!

Northampton L3Harris' building, 50 Prince Street, Northampton, MA, United States

Organized by Demilitarize Western Mass - We'll meet at weapons contractor L3Harris' building, 50 Prince Street, Northampton, Mass. and march to downtown for a rally. If you prefer not to march, meet us in front of City Hall, downtown Northampton at 1 pm for the rally and speakers. The event, co-sponsored by Code Pink of... Read more »


Barcelona Sede de (calle Tàpies, 1-3 Barcelona), Barcelona

Members of GCOMS in Barcelona will be present to protest on 24th April 2022, at Plaça Universitat. No to war and no to nuclear war  For the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine No to NATO, or any other military alliance No to European missiles No to a new Cold War For the demilitarization of... Read more »


Barcelona Sede de (calle Tàpies, 1-3 Barcelona), Barcelona

On Monday 25 April, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) will publish new figures on global military spending for the year 2021, which shows a growing trend for the eighth consecutive year, surpassing the 1.98 trillion dollars revealed by the 2020 data. With the aim of critically presenting the new data and an analysis... Read more »

Online Campaign Launch: ‘Diamo una possibilità alla Pace’

Italia [Online] Roma

Rete Pace Disarmo with Sbilanciamoci (a campaign that for 20 years has proposed a different Budget for the State) will issue a campaign a specific request for Italy's budget on the occasion of GDAMS. A press release will also be issued in the morning of the 25 with new SIPRI data.

32nd Gernika Culture and Peace Conference

Gernika Spain, Gernika

Join the 32nd Gernika Culture and Peace Conference and discuss the war in Ukraine, the role of the European Union, feminist contributions to decolonising humanitarian responses, peacebuilding in Mozambique and much more! With the participation of Tica Font, from Centre Delàs and WILPF Spain, who will talk about changing paradigm, giving a budget to disarmament... Read more »

NDH Cameroun: Social media actions

Yaoundé Yaoundé, Cameroon

Nouveaux Droits de l'Homme Cameroun will carry out social media campaigning to generate a disucssion within Cameroun about the governments commitment to spending on social needs and spending on arms/military. How can the state put more money in social issues and less in war?

ANZAC Day Online Peace Event

New Zealand [Online] Wellington

Honour the war dead by ending war: This year's ANZAC Day online peace event combines a peace vigil to remember all the casualties of war, and ‘Budget for peace, not war’, a forum marking the Global Day of Action on Military Spending. Join us to discuss the new global military spending figures on the day... Read more »

GDAMS Social media storm

This is the big one. The release of the latest SIPRI global military spending figures gives us a fantastic opportunity to highlight the dangers of runaway military spending and the opportunity costs of diverting public resource from public health, common security and the climate crisis. Last year, by working together globally the storm ‘reached’ over... Read more »

Peace Boat Military Spending Workshops

Japan kyoto

Series of workshops on military spending in Peace Boat centers across Japan. More details will appear here soon.


Sant Cugat del Vallès Plaça del Coll, 4, Sant Cugat del Vallès

Unipau (Universitat Internacional de la Pau) joins GDAMS by endorsing its appeal and campaigning online.

Online Campaigning by Corruption Tracker

Shadow World Investigations UK 7 Cavendish Square, London, United Kingdom

In 2020, Climate Policy Initiative reported global climate finance flows at $632 billion, nowhere near our needs - conservatively estimated at $4.5-5 trillion annually. To transition to net-zero and guarantee a sustainable future, climate investment must increase drastically. Instead, our governments pour trillions into global military expenditure, a large portion of which finances the international... Read more »

Seoul Press Conference

Seoul Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Press conference on 25th April + media content. Peace organisations in South Korea lead by PSPD. Candlelit vigil. More details will come soon.

Online event ‘Diamo una possibilità alla Pace’

Italy [ONLINE] , Italy

Live conference with: Martina Pignatti Morano, Un Ponte Per Vanessa Pallucchi, Forum Terzo Settore Giulio Marcon, Sbilanciamoci Mao Valpiana, Movimento Nonviolento e membro dell’Esecutivo Francesco Vignarca, Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo You can find all details here >

Women in Black: London – GDAMS Vigil II

Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Place, London, United Kingdom

Second of the Women in Black London GDAMS vigils is on Wednesday 27th April from 6pm to 7pm at the Edith Cavell statue. It is in St.Martin’s Place, London WC2, opposite the entrance to the National Portrait Gallery, and not far from Trafalgar Square. GDAMS Placards and leaflets – #GivePeaceABudget. All welcome.

A NO-WAR Prayer for the Love of Humanity

King of Prussia King of Prussia (behind King of Prussia Mall), Montgomery, PA, United States

Organized by Brandywine Peace Community - Good Friday @Lockheed Martin. Mall & Goddard Boulevards, King of Prussia (behind King of Prussia Mall). Next to a large wooden cross, with Lockheed Martin logos at the crucifixion nail points and a large peace sign, people will vigil and intone a large bell of bell, will hold large banners emblazoned with... Read more »

International and North American Launch of 21st Common Security Report

North American Launch (online) United States (online), Washington

There will be a time beyond the Ukraine and Yemen wars, and the time to prepare for it is now. Midst the Ukraine war tectonic changes in the global disorder, leading international organizations have developed a call and blueprint for new Common Security order for peace, climate sustainability and justice. To join this event, follow... Read more »

Book Presentation “Pacifistas en acción”

Gáldar Gáldar, Gran Canaria

Presentation of the book "Pacifistas en acción" by Jordi Calves Rufanges and Koldobi Velasco Vázquez, organised by Alternativa Antimilitarista MOC and Canarias por la Paz, which joined the GDAMS campaign once again! For more information, follow this link.

Vigil on Military Spending – Keighley

Keighley Bus Station Airedale Centre, Keighley, United Kingdom

In response to the SIPRI figures and yesterday’s inflammatory statement by Liz Truss, Keighley peace campaigners will adorn the Airedale Centre with banners and posters calling for an end to the arms race and for public money to instead be invested in building a secure future.

Bicycle ride against the Air Base Ramstein.

Air Base Ramstein Air Base Ramstein, Ramstein, Germany

Bicycle action at Air Base Ramstein on April 30th! We are back in Ramstein! In the context of the „Global Days of Action on Military Spending“ (GDAMS) we will circle the Airbase by bike in order to take a stand against rearmament and set an example for peace. Especially in these times of war, it... Read more »


Bagattenstraat 158 Belgium, Ghent

Vrede calls on people to join the May 1 protest in Ghent with a message of peace and solidarity. The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is drastically increasing military spending. The Belgian government decided at the end of January to invest 10 billion in war materiel, on top of the 9.4 billion of the... Read more »

Hibakusha Video Message

Japan [ONLINE] Nagoya

Video message from a Hibakusha who will connect military spending, the war on Ukraine and nuclear weapons. More details soon.

World Social Forum 2022 plenary: NO TO WAR – YES TO LIFE!

Mexico City and online Escuela de Medicina Ciudad, Mexico City

This would be the main event in the thematic PEACE AREA which, because of its importance should be organized by the WSF-Facilitation-Committee. The threats with nuclear weapons, 26 actual wars and more than 200 armed conflicts demonstrate: the world is in danger. 2Billion Dollar 2020 for military spending and 900 million people are going with... Read more »

Report by the Transnational Institute (TNI)

TNI Online The Netherlands, Amsterdam

The Transnational Institute launched a report and online campaign denouncing the militarization of the EU. "Long before the Ukraine war, the EU increased its security, defence and military budgets for 2021-2027 by a staggering 123% compared to the last budget round. EU funding for law enforcement, border control and military research, development, and operations (€43.9bn)... Read more »

AFSC Budget Advocacy Training

Demilitarizing the Budget: Important even in times of war As the war in Ukraine adds to the many violent conflicts around the world, govenments are responding by increasing military budgets, sending weapons to allies, and calling for escalatory measures against other nations. In 2020, the world spent almost $2 trillion on militaries, and if we... Read more »

Give Peace A Budget – GDAMS event in Brisbane

Anzac Square, Adelaide Street Anzac Square, Adelaide Street, Brisbane

Join Just Peace Queensland to protest the $billion$ of your taxes diverted from creating a secure life for you and your children, and funnelled into limitless military spending. We will have flyers to distribute illustrating graphically Australia's expenditure on weapons and personnel over the coming years. This will rely on SIPRI data and the expenditure... Read more »

International Days of Action for Peace in Ukraine

Watertown (Online), Watertown, United States

This devastating war is killing thousands, displacing millions, and causing hunger, inflation, unrest, and increased militarism globally. It is not far-fetched to foresee a protracted war that goes on for years. Just look at the decades-long US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 7-year of fighting in the Donbas, and the interest the U.S. has... Read more »

Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace action

Kjipuktuk Halifax, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace displayed a 'Peace Knot Bombs" banner at Mount St. Vincent University commemorating the 38 Yemeni children killed by a Lockheed Martin bomb in 2018 while on a school trip. We want to draw attention to the real cost of military spending and the devastation of grief for children... Read more »

Disarm the Seas: Actions against AUKUS & the Indo-Pacific Expo

International Convention Centre Sydney International Convention Centre Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Watch a video of this action here. You can download this leaflet as a pdf file here. See also: Media release 'Indo-Pacific Expo exposes Australian Government hypocrisy'

Webinar – Feminist Voices for Peace from Russia

IPB Berlin (Online), Berlin

Peace Movement in Action 3: Feminist Voices for Peace from Russia  Join the IPB and our partners in Russia for a discussion on the actions being taken to promote peace and nonviolence in Russia in light of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. All of the four speakers will offer a feminist perspective on social... Read more »

Webinar – Feminist Voices for Peace from Russia

IPB Berlin (Online), Berlin

Peace Movement in Action 3: Feminist Voices for Peace from Russia  Join the IPB and our partners in Russia for a discussion on the actions being taken to promote peace and nonviolence in Russia in light of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. All of the four speakers will offer a feminist perspective on social... Read more »

USTEA: del GDAMS-GCOMS a la contracumbre de la OTAN

Andalucía Andalucía

Un año más USTEA se ha sumado a la Campaña mundial contra el gasto militar, GDAMS-GCOMS, mientras los países de la Unión Europea se suman a una loca carrera aumentando sus gastos militares, como les venían exigiendo las directrices de la OTAN. Dentro de unos días nos sumaremos al Día Mundial de las Mujeres por... Read more »

Climate Change causes War – War causes Climate Change

Brighton Stop War (online) Brighton, United Kingdom

Public Zoom Meeting – All Welcome Speakers include: Jake Easby-Robinson – Brighton Peace & Environment Centre – a Brighton charity promoting peace, equality, and protection of the environment. Matt Fawcett – Global Campaign on Military Spending UK – created by the International Peace Bureau to highlight the issue of excessive military spending. Elaine Graham-Leigh – writer on climate change &... Read more »

Peace Summit 2022: NO TO NATO

c / Lope de Vega, 40 c / Lope de Vega, 40, Madrid

From Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June, the Peace Summit will take place in Madrid, saying “No to NATO, and yes to peace”. Members of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and GCOMS will participate in the programme of activities and actions planned for these days. The opening ceremony of the summit will take place on... Read more »

24 Hour Peace Wave: No to Militarization – Yes to Cooperation

Find more information about the event here: We're a global movement and a global community with brilliant voices at every longitude and latitude of the Earth. Let's show it! The G7 will be meeting near Munich June 26-28. NATO will be meeting in Madrid on June 28-30. Our goal is to speak up for... Read more »

Common Security Report 2022: UK launch

online Madrid, Spain

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Olof Palme’s Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. The Commission presented its report in 1982, at the height of the Cold War, and the Commission developed the concept of Common Security – the idea that nations and populations can only feel safe when their counterparts feel safe.... Read more »

Webinar: Cancel RIMPAC – Time for a demilitarised and independent Pacific

New Zealand [Online] Wellington

Join speakers from Aotearoa, Hawai'i and Guahan to discuss RIMPAC and the alternative - a free, independent, and demilitarised Pacific. About this event: RSVP for the zoom: Or watch in live on Facebook. RIMPAC is happening now. It is a maritime warfare exercise based in and around Hawaiʻi used to demonstrate US domination and... Read more »

International Peace & Planet Network conference

online Madrid, Spain

Peace & Planet’s July 30 conference has been designed to provide a forum for the world’s peace movements, in order to: Share positions and observations on the dynamics of an increasingly dangerous world disorder, and Organize common strategies for peace, disarmament, and human survival. The conference is structured with three panels and a breakout session... Read more »

THE US, RUSSIA, CHINA AND NATO : The new dangerous era of great power confrontation and how we respond

Berlin [ONLINE] Berlin

Webinar on August 8 - "THE U.S. RUSSIA, CHINA & NATO: The Dangerous New Era of Great Power Confrontation & How We Respond" Panelists: Reiner Braun (International Peace Bureau – Berlin) & Phyllis Bennis (Institute for Policy Studies - Washington, DC) The Ukraine War crystalized a new and threatening era of “blockification”, and increasingly dangerous... Read more »

“Increasing militarization & arms race: recommendations for disarme & common security”

Cambodia Phnom Pehn

Next Friday, November 4, the second day of the Asean Civil Society Conference – Asean Peoples Forum “Convergence Space on Peace & Human Security” will take place, organized once again this year by the Asia Europe Peoples Forum together with the International Peace Bureau and various organizations and networks international. In this session, under the... Read more »

G20 Summit – Between Confrontation and Common Securit

Berlin [ONLINE] Berlin

On November 9 , 2022 at 11AM CET the IPB, AEPF and No to War – No to NATO will host the Asia Network webinar: G20 Summit – Between Confrontation and Common Security. Join us for a discussion on the role of the G20 in the current political situation of wars worldwide with Professor Walden... Read more »

Global NATO – The Economic Wars Against Russia and China

Join us for a discussion on the key elements of Economic War, the Economic War against the ‘enemy’, Economic War against the South, the role of the arms economy and alternatives for the new economic order and cooperative structures. Co-organisers: Asia Europe Peoples’ Forum No To War, No to NATO The international Peace Bureau Speakers:... Read more »

Online event: What Russia and Russians think about NATO and War 

online Madrid, Spain

Date/Time Date(s) - Monday - Dec 12, 2022 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Impressions after the visits of Reiner Braun (former executive director IPB) and Tamara Lorincz (WILPF  Canada) to Moscow and other cities in Russia and Eastern Europe. A conversation about war and peace between Reiner Braun, Tamara Lorincz and Kristine Karch (No to... Read more »

365 Days of War in Ukraine: Prospects Towards Peace in 2023

Berlin [ONLINE] Berlin

Date - Friday - Feb 24, 2023 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm REGISTER HERE: ➡️ Date: Feb 24, 2023 – 01:00 PM (CET) One year after the beginning of the Ukraine war – the International Peace Bureau in cooperation with the Peace in Ukraine Coalition (USA), Movement de la Paix (France), CND (UK) and Transform! Europe will... Read more »

Tabling in Albuquerque, New Mexico

University of Mexico Student Union Albuquerque, NM, United States

Tabling outside the University of Mexico Student Union.

Online Actions in Chile


Serpaj Chile joins GDAMS one more year, by endorsing our Appeal and posting on their social media. "Social inequality, the climate crisis and injustice are serious problems affecting millions of people around the world. Yet military spending continues to be exorbitant, pouring millions into weapons and conflicts. That is why, as every year, SERPAJ Chile... Read more »

Sign-holding in Portland, Oregon

Portland Bridges E. Burnside and MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

Sign-holding on Portland bridges (Burma Shave Style). Meet at E. Burnside and MLK Jr. Blvd. Sponsored by War Resisters League – Portland.

Penny Poll in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

City Center Square Lancaster, PA, United States

Penny Polls in City Center Square. Organized by 1040 for Peace – Penny Poll where public can “vote” on how they’d like to have their federal taxes spent.

Tax Day Protest, Greenfield, Massachusetts

Greenfield Greenfield, MA, United States

Tax Day protest dedicated to the theme of the militarized, immoral discretionary federal budget. The event will feature a sound system, musicians, banners and signs, as well as handouts on the federal budget and JFK’s peace speech plus a tent for speakers and musicians. It is sponsored by Traprock Center and cosponsored by MAPA.

Vigil in Harrisonburg, Virginia

LOVE Park next to the Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market 228 S Liberty St., Harrisonburg, VA, United States

Virginia Harrisonburg Saturday, April 15, Noon. Shenandoah Valley Taxes for Peace has organized a War Tax Resistance/Redirection vigil at LOVE Park next to the Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market (228 S Liberty St.). The group will publicly re-direct resisted war taxes to peace and justice organizations. Anybody is welcome to join us – even if you are... Read more »

Bake Sale in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

U.S. Army Reserve 5130 W. Silver Spring Dr., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Bake Sale for Military Victims and protest against federal tax dollars for war, U.S. Army Reserve, 5130 W. Silver Spring Dr. Sponsored by Milwaukee War Tax Resistance, Casa Maria Catholic Worker, & Peace Action of Wisconsin. For more info, contact Lincoln at Casa Maria.  

Penny Poll in Cedar Falls, Iowa

Cedar Valley Unitarian Universalist Cedar Heights Drive, Cedar Falls, IA, United States

War tax resistance lit table and Penny Poll at the Cedar Valley Unitarian Universalist during their 11am fellowship.

Support from Toronto, Canada

[ONLINE] Toronto Toronto, Canada

The organization Canadian Voice of Women for Peace supported the GDAMS 2023 campaign on Instagram: "We, at VOW, support the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, and call on the Canadian Government to reduce military spending and prioritize decarbonization and peace. This year of war in Ukraine has meant a huge boost for militarism... Read more »

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Troy, New York

Sage College, Bush Memorial Center 50 First St., Troy, NY, United States

CALL FOR DIPLOMACY IN UKRAINE: NOT MORE WAR, Sage College, Bush Memorial Center, 50 First St., Troy, Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

The Sanctuary at the College of St. Rose 959 Madison Ave., Albany, NY, United States

WAR IN UKRAINE: MAKING SENSE OF A SENSELESS CONFLICT, The Sanctuary at the College of St. Rose, 959 Madison Ave., Albany, Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

University at Albany Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Albany, NY, United States

UNTANGLING THE WEB OF WAR IN UKRAINE: THE CHALLENGE FOR JOURNALISTS, University at Albany, Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

First Unitarian-Universalist Society of Albany 405 Washington Ave., Albany, NY, United States

UNTANGLING THE WEB OF WAR IN UKRAINE, First Unitarian-Universalist Society of Albany, 405 Washington Ave., Albany, Free

Protest in Tucson, Arizona

Nogales Highway and Hermans Road, Tucson, Arizona Nogales Highway and Hermans Road, Tucson, AZ, United States

Arizona Tucson  Peace vigil at Raytheon Missile Systems at corners of Nogales Highway and Hermans Road. Vigil and parking is on the NORTH side of the Hermans Road entrance to the plant (3rd traffic light south of Valencia on Nogales Highway, the extension of South 6th Avenue). Park on the gravel off northbound Nogales Highway,... Read more »

Information table in Brattleboro, Vermont

Brattleboro Food Coop 2 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT, United States

WTR information table outside the Brattleboro Food Coop, 2 Main Street. Sponsored by Taxes for Peace New England. For more information, contact Daniel Sicken.

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Troy, New York

Sage College, Bush Memorial Center 50 First St., Troy, NY, United States

CALL FOR DIPLOMACY IN UKRAINE: NOT MORE WAR, Sage College, Bush Memorial Center, 50 First St., Troy, Free

Leafleting in Chico, California

Chico 141 West Fifth Street, Chico, CA, United States

Leafleting WRL pie charts outside the downtown post office (141 West Fifth Street).

Vigil and leafleting in Manhattan, New York

in front of the Federal Building on Broadway 26 Federal Plaza, Manhattan, NY, United States

Vigil and leafleting at 26 Federal Plaza in front of the Federal Building on Broadway stretching down to the IRS office at 290 Broadway and Duane Street. The vigil will be followed by a march to the financial district to call out the criminal corporations that profit from war. Sponsored by NYC War Resisters League,... Read more »

Rally, leafleting, banners and penny poll in Eugene, Oregon

Howland Plaza, 1st & Madison Howland Plaza, 1st & Madison, Eugene, OR, United States

“Let’s Use Our Taxes for a Better World” rally  at Howland Plaza, 1st & Madison; featuring leafleting, banners, and a penny poll. Banners will say “No War,” “Diplomats not Bombs in Ukraine,” “The US Pentagon is the biggest Polluter in the World,” and a huge bar graph showing how much money goes to the Pentagon... Read more »

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

University at Albany Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Albany, NY, United States

The WAR IN UKRAINE: UNTANGLING A SENSELESS WAR….DETAILING ITS IMPACT ON WOMEN, Co-sponsored by the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, Institute for Research on Women & UUP Albany Chapter, University at Albany, Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Free

Women in Black: Vigil I in London

at the Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Pl, London, WC2N 4JL United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom

Vigils at the Edith Cavell statue will focus on military spending/ climate justice/move the money for on the 19 and 26 April. Will be inviting people to take selfies with a move the money option, military or… All welcome. Here some pictures from the vigil:  

Leafleting in London

Outside the Ministry of Defence Whitehall, London SW1A 2HB, London, United Kingdom

XR's The Big One around the Houses of Parliament is just one week away! Join CND and the XR Peace collective as we take a stand against nuclear weapons and militarism and stand up for the planet! Join CND to leaflet about nuclear weapons outside the Ministry of Defence.

Workshops, people’s assemblies, and creative actions in London

In the green area off Whitehall and Richmond Terrace SW1A 2NL, London

Join CND and the XR Peace collective as we take a stand against nuclear weapons and militarism and stand up for the planet! A series of workshops, people’s assemblies and creative actions in the green area off Whitehall and Richmond Terrace. GCOMS will be speaking at 2:15 pm. Here some pictures of the event:

Online event: Military spending – what can Quakers say and do?

[Online] Bolton 50 Silverwell St., Bolton, United Kingdom

Military spending – what can Quakers say and do? Online briefing and meeting. We are approaching a period when campaigners around the world will be contributing to the Global Campaign on Military Spending through ‘Days of Action’. Quakers, through NFPB and QPSW, are part of the UK working group on this. We have set up... Read more »

March in London

Central London London, United Kingdom

XR's The Big One around the Houses of Parliament is just one week away! Join CND and the XR Peace collective as we take a stand against nuclear weapons and militarism and stand up for the planet! XR Peace will join a march for biodiversity in central London.

Earth Day Action in Oslo, Norway

[ONLINE] Oslo Majorstuveien 39, OSLO, Norway

By acknowledging the International Earth Day on 22. April 2023, the organization Internasjoinal Kvinneliga for Fred & Frihet promotes our GDAMS 2023 Appeal.

Rally, parade, a marching band in Eugene, Oregon

Federal building 405 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR, United States

We will join local environmental groups at the Federal building for a rally, march/parade, a marching band, and more. Banners will say “No War,” “Diplomats not Bombs in Ukraine,” “The US Pentagon is the biggest Polluter in the World,” and a huge bar graph showing how much money goes to the Pentagon versus life affirming... Read more »

London March

Parliament Square Parliament Square, London, United Kingdom

XR's The Big One around the Houses of Parliament is just one week away! Join CND and the XR Peace collective as we take a stand against nuclear weapons and militarism and stand up for the planet! The Big One coexists with the London Marathon as it cuts across Parliament Square, providing an exciting opportunity... Read more »

Workshops and creative actions in London

At the Ministry of Defence and the Parliament London, United Kingdom

XR's The Big One around the Houses of Parliament is just one week away! Join CND and the XR Peace collective as we take a stand against nuclear weapons and militarism and stand up for the planet! CND returns to the MoD and Parliament for more workshops and creative actions.

Berlin Press Conference

Headquarters IPB Marienstraße 19/20, 10117 Berlin, Alemanya, Berlin, Germany

Discussion of the new data on military spending from a German perspective.

SIPRI Figures Social Media Storm

online Madrid, Spain

On the 24th of April Stockholm International Peace Research Institute will release the latest global military spending figures, the first to indicate the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The international GCOMS steering group has called for a huge social media response to get the message out. Let’s get peace trending!  

Street Action in Seoul, Republic of Korea

In front of the Ministry of National Defense 22 Itaewon-ro, 한강로동 Yongsan-gu, Seol, Korea, Republic of

Street action in front of the Ministry of National Defense. Here one of the pictures of their action:

Online Support from Madrid, Spain

online Madrid, Spain

Justicia y Paz España supported Centre Delàs during the press conference on the recently published SIPRI data on military spending. They tweeted: "Razones por las que el es un desastre para la lucha contra el cambio climático @DemilitarizeDay 1. Cuando aumenta, también lo hacen las emisiones de GHG 2. Desvía recursos de financiación para el... Read more »

Online Support from Manchester, UK

[ONLINE] Machester Manchester, United Kingdom

The organization Demilitarise Education supported GCOMS spreading its GDAMS 2023 Appeal. They tweeted: "When we underfund education, the unethical interests of private arms companies prevail. Support @DemilitarizeDay and @GCOMS_UK to share what you'd rather the government spend their money on. #WarCostsUsTheEarth #FundPeaceNotWar" 

Support from Amsterdam, Netherlands

[ONLINE] Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands

By spreading the GDAMS 2023 appeal on Instagram and translating it into Dutch, the organization Stop Wapenhandel supported the campaign.

Online Forum: Militarism will cost us the earth

[Online] New Zealand Wellington, New Zealand

Has the rapidly escalating climate emergency finally shifted governments' thinking away from narrow outdated notions of military security based on endless preparations for war towards prioritising spending on human health and wellbeing, and care for the planet? Join us online on Monday, 24 April, from 1pm to 2pm, to discuss the new global military spending... Read more »

Online intervention on arms industry

Italy [ONLINE] , Italy

Arms Industry: Current overview and possible solutions for a more peaceful planet. Agenda: - Words of welcoming, Business and Peace Village. Ricardo and Gala - Presentation of the panelists. - Participation of father Tojeira: ethics and morality behind the funding of arms and war. - Participation of Jordi Calvo: processes of financing of wars, what... Read more »

Round table in the context of the day “Contrast the Industry of Wars and Borders” with Ainhoa Ruiz in Bilbao

La Bolsa Colón de Larreátegui K., 14, Bilbo, Bizkaia, Bilbao, Spain

The Marcha Mundial de las mujeres de Euskal Herria calls a Day of Feminist Solidarity against the war and border industry in Bilbao. Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, a research member of the Delàs Center for Peace Studies, will participate in the round table held within the framework of the conference, “Contra la Industria de las guerras... Read more »

Action in Lleida, Spain

Article Lleida, Spain

Article on global military spending, see here for more detailed information. They tweeted: "La despesa militar real espanyola per al 2023 serà de 27.617 milions, més del doble del que s’ha assignat al Ministeri de Defensa i per sobre del 2% del PIB que exigeix l'OTAN".    

Support from Valencia, Spain

Valenica Valencia, Spain

Online support by Antimilitaristes MOC València. They tweeted: " de oportunidades perdidas de atender los problemas y las emergencias reales, y una apuesta por perpetuar la guerra y un mundo más peligroso e injusto #GDAMS #WarCostsUstheEarth #LaGuerranosCuestalaTierra #SeguridadHumana"  

Support from Iberoamerica

[ONLINE] Botogá Bogotá, Colombia

Online support from the organization Alianza Iberoamerica por la paz AIPP. They tweeted: "En 2022 el mundo gastó 2,24 billones $ en lo militar según @SIPRIorg. Aunque nuestros gobiernos puedan argumentar que ese gasto en "defensa" es necesario, al final nos dejará indefensos ante la amenaza existencial que supone la crisis climática. #WarCostsUsTheEarth #GDAMS"

Onboard day of action in Japan

On the peaceboat 3-13-1-B1, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Peace Boat joined GDAMS during their 114th voyage, appealing for peace in Ukraine. During the onboard day of action for May 5, there'll be lectures and workshops and participants are planning to take a photo to show Peace Boat's support for GDAMS. Peace Boat will also translate  the GDAMS infographics to Japanese. During the Civil7... Read more »

Online Webinar ‘Mismatch or on track: Does global military spending align with national security priorities’

[ONLINE] UK London, United Kingdom

The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is pleased to invite you to an online webinar ‘Mismatch or on track: Does global military spending align with national security priorities’, organized in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). On 24 April, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute will release its new data... Read more »

Support from Oslo, Norway

[ONLINE] Oslo Majorstuveien 39, OSLO, Norway

The organization Norges Fredsrad joined the GDAMS campaign on Instagram: "#SIPRI har sluppet sin årlige rapport om verdens militære utgifter. "Kontinuerlig øking i verdens militære utgifter signaliserer at vi lever i en stadig mer usikker verden," sier Dr. Nan Tian, seniorforsker ved SIPRI med ansvar for SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. (transl.: "Continuous increases in global... Read more »

Women in Black: Vigil II in London

at the Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Pl, London, WC2N 4JL United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom

Vigils at the Edith Cavell statue will focus on military spending/ climate justice/move the money for on the 19 and 26 April as well as 3 May. Will be inviting people to take selfies with a move the money option, military or… All welcome. Here some pictures from the vigil:

Roundtable on Twitch El Salto in Madrid, Spain

Roundtable on Twitch Madrid, Spain

Members of Centre Delàs discussed the global military spending in a roundtable on twitch. They tweeted: "¡#SAltoElFuego ya está en directo en el Canal de Twitch de @ElSaltoDiario! Hoy hablamos de gasto militar y objeción fiscal junto a compañeras del SIOF, @DemilitarizeDay, Cuerpo Consciente-IRG. Síguelo ahora"

Side event at the 2023 ECOSOC Youth Forum in New York, US

ZOOM ONLINE NY, United States

SIDE EVENT AT THE 2023 ECOSOC YOUTH FORUm: “Disarmament for Development: Rebalancing Military Expenditure with Development Priorities” Through an examination of these issues, the event will discuss the opportunity cost of excessive military spending and how this relates to the achievement of Agenda 2030 and specifically SDG 17 (partnerships for the Goals), which has been... Read more »

Conference in Luino, Italy

complesso auditorium Via Pietro Valsecchi 21, Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca VA, Italy

Disarmo: Bussalo della Pace Conference with don Renato Sacco, national councilor of Pax Christi and Vito Alfieri Fontana, a former landmine maker turned deminer, who worked in Bosnia and Kosovo.  

Music Video of 2023 GDAMS from the Philippines

[ONLINE] Philippines Manila, Philippines

To promote the GDAMS 2023 campaign, the organization Stop The War Coalition Philippines created a video. Our thanks to Delfin Pilones, Victoria Valdez-Pilones, Matthew Victor Pilones and @corafabros!

Women in Black: Vigil III in London

at the Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Pl, London, WC2N 4JL United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom

Vigils at the Edith Cavell statue will focus on military spending/ climate justice/move the money for on the 19 and 26 April as well as 3 May. Will be inviting people to take selfies with a move the money option, military or… All welcome. Here some pictures from the vigil:

Event in el Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain

At the premises of Ecologists in Action in El Puerto de Santa Maria C. Misericordia, 31, 11500 El Puerto de Sta María, Cádiz, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Andalusia, Spain

Event at the premises of Ecologists in Action in El Puerto de Santa Maria with the theme: GDAMS campaign against military spending and tax objection to military spending.

Newsletter in Madrid, Spain

[ONLINE] Madrid Madrid, Spain

The organisation supported the campaign by publishing a weekly newsletter. Among others, they wrote: El 9 de mayo termina el periodo de acción contra el gasto militar GDAMS «La guerra nos cuesta un mundo» y desde la campaña nos proponen 3 acciones muy sencillas: 1. Firma de Llamamiento por organizaciones aquí 2. Fotografía para campaña... Read more »

Noveaux Droits de l’Homme Joins GDAMS

Cameroun [online] Yaoundé, Cameroon

Noveaux Droits de l'Homme Cameroun joins GDAMS one more year, endorsing the 'War Costs Us The Earth' Appeal, sharing GDAMS materials on social media and participating in the banner campaign. Also, the following article was published on the NDHC website: Comment réduire les dépenses militaires et favoriser la création d’emplois? "War will not be able... Read more »

SERPAJ Paraguay joins GDAMS and a signature campaign

Asunción Asuncion, Paraguay

SERPAJ Paraguay joined GDAMS and shared its message and a signature campaign on their social media. Pedimos que los gobiernos de nuestro continente reduzcan o eliminen el gasto militar y comprometan esos fondos para el bienestar social, en legitimar esfuerzos de paz, de amistad, de unidad, cooperación, y multilateralismo, que nos alejen de la amenaza... Read more »

GDAMS rally in Brisbane, Australia

At the offices of the Federal Australian Treasurer, Dr. Jim Chalmers #2A, 38-74 Wembley Rd, Logan Central QLD 4114,, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

A GDAMS rally at the offices of the Federal Australian Treasurer, Dr. Jim Chalmers. Here is the flyer, which has been distributed:  

Roundtable in Granada, Spain

[ONLINE] Granada Granada, Spain

A roundtable about "The Price of War: Global Military Spending and Alternatives from civil resistance" (original title: "El precio de la guerra: gastos militares globales y alternativas desde la resistencia civil") Speakers: Quique Sánchez Ochoa. Researcher at the Delàs Center for Peace Studies: "Presentation of the Global Campaign on Military Spending. (GCOMS)". Chloé Meulewaeter. Researcher of... Read more »

Streetaction in Asti, Italy

Piazza San Secondo Piazza S. Secondo, Asti AT, Italy

The organization Rete Welcoming Asti participated the GDAMS 2023 campaign by street actions and the slogan: 'The world is starting a mad arms race' (transl. Il mondo sta iniziando una folle corsa alle armi).

Online Support from Paraguay

[ONLINE] Paraguay , Paraguay

The organisation SERPAJ Paraguay supported the GDAMS 2023 Campaign by posting on Instagram: Pedimos que los gobiernos de nuestro continente reduzcan o eliminen el gasto militar y comprometan esos fondos para el bienestar social, en legitimar esfuerzos de paz, de amistad, de unidad, cooperación, y multilateralismo, que nos alejen de la amenaza de la guerra,... Read more »

Photo Action in Andalucía, Spain

[ONLINE] Andalusia Andalusia, Spain

APDHA tweeted: ‘La guerra nos cuesta la Tierra’  ‘War costs us the Earth’  Como habéis podido comprobar durante estos últimos días, la campaña impulsada por @DemilitarizeDay ha recibido numerosas muestras de apoyo. Y, por ello, hemos creado este precioso collage (Translation: As you have been able to see over the last few days, the campaign... Read more »

Carta por la Paz in Chile

[ONLINE] Chile , Chile

The organisation promoted the GDAMS 2023 Campaign by collecting signatures: Campaña Firmas: (Abajo puedes firmar. La carta será entregada posteriormente y se agregarán las firmas de organizaciones y personas que adhieran) Sres. Presidentes de América Latina, El Caribe y de América del norte De nuestra consideración, Las organizaciones y personas firmantes apoyamos la Campaña Internacional... Read more »

Vredescafé #11: Europese militarisering

De Expeditie Café Dok-Noord 4/F, Ghent, Belgium

In het kader van de ‘Global Days of Action on Military Spending’ (GDAMS) -een internationale campagne tegen de gigantische proporties van de wereldwijde militaire uitgaven- organiseren we een Vredescafé over de voortschrijdende militarisering van de Europese Unie.  Vrede vzw stelt vast dat de oorlog in Oekraïne een enorme impuls heeft gegeven aan het militarisme en de... Read more »

Online conversation from London, UK

Zoom Meeting London, United Kingdom

A conversation on the Arms Industry discussing the laws and regulations governing the arms trade and the conditions which have allowed an increase in global military spending. The event took place on 27th April. Further discussions will be on 22th 2pm, and 25th May 3pm.

Online event – European military spending harms peace and the planet

[ONLINE] Brussels Brussels, Belgium

Join us on Thursday 8 June to know more about how a growing European military spending is a threat to peace and the planet, and who are the main profiteers of the war economy, with the presentation of our data collection work on the top European arms companies for 2022. We will also discuss how... Read more »

Roma Press Conference on Military Spending

Palazzo Madama Piazza Madama, Roma, Italy

Ridurre le spese militari per affrontare i veri problemi globali: guerre, disuguaglianze, crisi climatica   Mercoledì 12 luglio - ore 13.00 Sala Caduti di Nassirya - Senato della Repubblica Palazzo Madama (entrata principale) - ROMA  Le spese militari globali hanno raggiunto il proprio massimo storico nel 2022 (dati SIPRI) e si apprestano ad aumentare ancora,... Read more »

Shaping a New Path for Peace: Introduction and insights in the application of Common Security and the Principles for Peace to Parliamentary work


This webinar, co-hosted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the International Peace Bureau (IPB), and the Principles for Peace Foundation (P4P) is set to equip parliamentarians with insights and practices for understanding of the Common Security approach and the Principles for Peace framework. Highlighting the importance of these approaches in (re)defining the shared fundamentals of peace... Read more »

Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine Extern


Following the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine (ISPU), the International Peace Bureau is calling on civil society organizations in all countries to join a Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine from Saturday 30th September to Sunday – 8th October 2023. The common goal is to call an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to... Read more »

Peace Action zoom conference

ZOOM ONLINE NY, United States

We warmly invite you to join the first Peace Action zoom conference held by the No to War  No to NATO Network on September 30 from 19:00 until 21.00 CEST in preparation for the peace actions against the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington. Below you can find more information about the topics for discussion & the program. Current challenges:... Read more »

Climate Crossfire Webinar

[ONLINE] , Belgium

Should the world’s richest countries spend on wars or on preserving the planet? New research reveals that NATO’s aim to spend 2% of GDP on the military will accelerate climate breakdown, potentially endangering our planet. The climate is caught in the crossfire of war. To safeguard our world, peaceful conflict resolutions are essential. A secure... Read more »

NATO Climate Killer Part 2: Climate Crossfire webinar

NATO Climate Killer Part 2: Climate Crossfire Webinar Should the world’s richest countries spend on wars or on preserving the planet? New research reveals that NATO’s aim to spend 2% of GDP on the military will accelerate climate breakdown, potentially endangering our planet. The climate is caught in the crossfire of war. To safeguard our world, peaceful... Read more »

Online event. Some insights into COP 28: What is happening on the ground?

[ONLINE] , Belgium

Online event. Some insights into COP 28: What is happening on the ground? How does militarism escalate climate breakdown? What has antimilitarism got to do with climate justice? From the exemption of military emissions from carbon reduction targets, to military spending as a driver of emissions and diverter of climate finance. From intensifying military forms... Read more »

Justicia y Paz shared GDAMS 2024 Statement on its website

[ONLINE] Madrid Madrid, Spain

"Los Días de Acción Global para la Reducción Gasto Militar (GDAMS), que este año tienen lugar entre el 12 de abril y el 15 de mayo,  urgen a destapar los vínculos entre militarismo, guerras, emergencias globales (sobre todo climática) y gastos militares. Este periodo especial de acciones es parte de la campaña GCOMS (Campaña de... Read more »

Conference GDAMS and Global Disarmament

Granada, Spain Plaza de Mariana Pineda, Granada, Granada, Spain

Conference organized by IFOR and IPAZ in the framework of a meeting of several representatives of different IFOR branches in Granada (Spain). Participant: Chloé Meulewaeter

Tax Day Action Milwaukee

U.S. Army Reserve 5130 W. Silver Spring Dr., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Saturday, April 13, Noon-1pm. Protest against federal tax dollars for war, U.S. Army Reserve, 5130 W. Silver Spring Dr. Sponsored by Milwaukee War Tax Resistance, Casa Maria Catholic Worker, & Peace Action of Wisconsin. Long-time war tax resister Lincoln Rice will be there to answer any war tax resistance questions. For more info, contact Lincoln... Read more »

Tax Action Day Lone Rock to Madison (and back)

Lone Rock Lone Rock, WI, United States

Saturday, April 13, Starting at 9a in Lone Rock and Hwy 14 and finishing on Sunday April 14. Captain “A” War Tax Bike Ride to remind us all where our tax dollars really go, and sharing flyers on how to pay less. Let Captain “A” know if you’d like to get a message when coming... Read more »

Tax Day Action Lancaster

City Center Square Lancaster, PA, United States

Saturday , April 13, 11a-1p. Penny Polls in City Center Square. Organized by 1040 for Peace – Penny Poll where public can “vote” on how they’d like to have their federal taxes spent.

Tax Day Action Harrisonburg

LOVE Park next to the Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market 228 S Liberty St., Harrisonburg, VA, United States

Saturday, April 13, Noon. Shenandoah Valley Taxes for Peace has organized a War Tax Resistance/Redirection vigil at LOVE Park next to the Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market (228 S Liberty St.). The group will publicly re-direct resisted war taxes to peace and justice organizations. Anybody is welcome to join us – even if you are not a... Read more »

Tax day Teach-In: Another World is Possible!

Red Wagon Meadow Red wagon, Riverfront Park, 507 N Howard Street, Spokane, WA, United States

Saturday, April 13, 2024 2:00 PM -  3:00 PM PT Red Wagon Meadow, Riverfront Park, 507 N Howard St, Spokane, WA 99201 Hosted by Union Carter In a world marked by increasing militarization and imperialism, it is essential that we challenge this long-standing pattern and work towards building alternative systems that prioritize human needs over... Read more »

Tax Action Day Portland

St. Andrews church Portland, OR, United States

Saturday, April 13, 2:30-4p. The Oregon Community for Peace will show a short documentary, Death and Taxes, about war tax resistance, followed by Q&A. At St. Andrews church (806 NE Alberta; in the community building, Oscar Romero room). For more info, email

Demonstration in Granada

Granada, Spain Plaza de Mariana Pineda, Granada, Granada, Spain

Manifestación en Granada en el marco de los días de Acción Global contra el Gasto Militar Ruta pasando por la Capitanía General-Mando de adiestramiento y doctrina (calle San Matías) y la Merced-Mando de adiestramiento y doctrina (acera de San Ildefonso). ¡Abajo las armas! ¡No a la guerra! ¡Inversión social no militar!

Tax Day Action

Oakland 2847 Peralta Avenue, Oakland, CA, United States

Sunday, April 14, 2:00p-4:00p. Sponsored by People’s Life Fund. 2024 Tax Redirection Granting Ceremony and Program at 2847 Peralta Avenue. They will be holding an in person gathering for the first time since 2019. There will be music, finger food and refreshments. RSVP on their Facebook event page and share it.

Tax Day Action Portland

Portland Bridges E. Burnside and MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

Monday, April 15, 7:30a. War Resisters League-Portland will be holding “burma shave” style signs on the bridges for the morning commute. Signs provided. RSVP John at

AFSC: No Tax Dollars for War Crimes

Washington 245 2nd St NE #5795, Washington, WA, United States

We call on Congress to support a cease-fire for Gaza and an end to U.S. military aid for Israel. Actions like these are critical to keep up the pressure on elected officials. Meet up at the Quaker Welcome Center at the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) 245 2nd St NE #5795, Washington, DC 20002,... Read more »

Tax Day Action Brattleboro

Brattleboro Food Coop 2 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT, United States

Monday, April 15, 10am-5pm. WTR information table outside the Brattleboro Food Coop, 2 Main Street. Sponsored by Taxes for Peace New England. For more information, contact Daniel Sicken at 802-387-2798 or

Care for People and Planet not Warfare

Congressman Adam Smith's office 15 S Grady Way Bldg, Renton, WA, United States

10:30 am Wave your peace, climate and justice signs and send messages to Congressman Adam Smith to invest our taxes spent for education, health , & earth care, not military and war; abolish nuclear weapons 11:00 am Sing, chant, share speeches; then wave signs until noon. Questions? suggestions? Contact Earthcare not Warfare hosts, Beth or... Read more »

Tax Day Action Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Monday, April 15, 11:45a-1p. Southwest corner of Tejon St. and Pikes Peak Ave. Local war tax resisters will set up a penny poll and hand out the War Resisters League pie chart.

Tax Day Rally

Downtown Post-Office Downtown Post Office, 51 E Jefferson St, Orlando, Florida, United States

We’re holding a press conference and mailing post cards calling on President Biden and Congress to stop sending our taxpayer dollars to Israel as they commit war crimes and genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. We the taxpayers do not want our money funding the killing of innocent men, women and children.

No More Taxes for Israel’s War

Senator Heinrichs' office 400 Gold Ave SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Join us outside our Senators' offices to tell them no more of our tax dollars for war!

Tax Day Action Brunswick

Brunswick Brunswick, ME, United States

Monday, April 15, Noon. Sponsored by PeaceWorks in conjunction with War Industry Resisters Network. Details being finalized. More information will be listed at

Tax Day Action Manhattan

IRS office New York 290 Broadway, New York, United States

Monday, April 15, Noon. Vigil, music, and leafletting at IRS office at 290 Broadway (off Duane St.) Details being finalized as this goes to press. Sponsored by NYC War Resisters League, New York Catholic Worker, Kairos Community, Pax Christi NYS, Brooklyn For Peace, World Can’t Wait, Move the Money, and more. For more information,,... Read more »

Tax Day Action San Francisco

San Francisco

Monday, April 15, Noon. Ralley at UN Plaza at the intersection of Market and Hyde Streets. At 12:30p, there will be parade to the IRS office at 450 Golden Gate Avenue. At the IRS office there will be a Tax Refusal Teach-In, children’s activities, and more. Sponsored by CODEPINK, The SF Gray Panthers, Extinction Rebellion... Read more »

Tax Action Day Worcester

Worcester Central Post Office 3 East Central Street, Worcester, MA, United States

Monday, April 15, 3-4p. Information picket at the Worcester Central Post Office (3 East Central Street). There will also be a sign-making meeting on Thursday April 11 at 6p at 144 Pleasant Street. Sponsored by Worcester War Tax Resisters, Agape, The Center for Nonviolent Solutions, Saints Francis & Thérèse Catholic Worker.

Tax Day Santa Fe

Santa Fe Plaza Santa Fe Plaza, San Francisco & Old Sant Fe Trl, Santa Fe, NM, United States

Gather at Santa Fe Plaza at 5 with speakers re: tax dollars going to bomb and kill civilians in Gaza. March to Federal Post Office to protest our Senators and Reps voting for more bombs for Israel, and cutting off aid to UNRWA. "NM Taxpayers have paid $13M already and Biden is asking for $49M... Read more »

Tax Day Vigil

Strickland Office Lacey COLLEGE St SE, Lacey, Lacey, WA, United States

A coalition is gathering for a vigil to demand that Marilyn Strickland fund the needs of the local community, and stop funding genocide.

Tacoma Tax Day Rally Against the Nuclear Budget

Tacoma Federal Courthouse 1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA, United States

Join people in Tacoma to demand that our members of Congress stop funding new nuclear weapons and other wasteful programs around the globe! Speakers to be announced.

Tax Day Rally in Everett

Representative Larsen’s Congressional District 2 Director, Casey Ryan Wall Street, Between Westmore And Oakes Avenues, Everett, WA, United States

We will meet with Representative Larsen’s Congressional District 2 Director, Casey Ryan, at 4:30 pm on Monday, April 15 on Wall Street downtown Everett between Westmore and Oakes Avenues. Afterwards, we will rally from 5 – 6 pm. Bring signs. Carmen Alik from the North Puget Sound Marshallese Community Association will speak. We want tax... Read more »

Tax Day Action Eugene

Eugene Public Library 100 West 10th, Eugene, OR, United States

Monday , April 15, 5-6p. Taxes for Peace Not War, Planet vs Pentagon and allies will conduct a Penny Poll outside the Eugene Public Library at 100 West 10th in downtown Eugene. We will also have fliers and banners that show how much of our tax dollars go to the military and how little goes... Read more »

Tax Day Demonstration- Save the Future

U.S. District Court House U.S. District Court House, 601 Market St Rm 2609, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Demonstrate at U.S. federal building - Call for new U.S. spending priorities away from increasing military toward a human centered future.

Vancouver Tax Day rally

Home Depot parking lot 8601 NE Andresen Rd, Vancouver, WA, United States

Rally with signs to demand that our federal taxes are spent on our needs and not on nuclear weapons. Call to action that people contact their representatives to to oppose the National Defense Authorization Act and other absurd nuclear weapons and military programs. Meet at the Home Depot parking lot at 8601 NE Andresen Rd.... Read more »

The Atomic Age Cinema Fest in Olympia

Evergreen State College LEWIS ROAD DOGTOOTH Ln, Olympia, WA, United States

Two films of the International Uranium Film Festival, ATOMIC COVER-UP (Hiroshima & Nagasaki classified footage (1945/2020) and SEA GYPSIES: The Plutonium Dome of Marshall Islands will be shown with speakers and Q&A to follow

Tax Action Day Eugene Penny Poll

Eugene 355 Madison, Eugene, OR, United States

Monday, April 15, 7-10p. Taxes for Peace Not War will table with NWTRCC literature and conduct the penny poll at a benefit for Gaza from 7 to 10 pm at 355 Madison. For info, email Sue at

Seattle Tax Day to Earth Day Event

Henry M. Jackson Federal Building 915 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Veterans For Peace, alongside the Fellowship of Reconciliation Seattle, Ground Zero for Nonviolent Action, the Seattle Anti War Coalition, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Washington Against Nuclear Weapons, will be at the Federal Building in Seattle to demand that Congress disband efforts to spend over $2 trillion tax dollars to grow and rebuild the... Read more »

The Atomic Age Cinema Fest in Olympia, WA

Evergreen State College LEWIS ROAD DOGTOOTH Ln, Olympia, WA, United States

Two videos of the International Uranium Film Festival, ATOMIC BAMBOOZLE: The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance (2023) and MAKING WAVES: The Rebirth of the Golden Rule (2017) will be shown with speakers and Q&A to follow.

War Cost Us the Earth: GDAMS 2024

[ONLINE] UK London, United Kingdom

Join a webinar looking at the political landscape in the UK on around military spending ahead of the General Election. With: Same Perlo-Freeman - CAAT Richard Reeve - Rethinking security Kate Hudson - CND

Better World Info expressed support for GDAMS 2024

Berlin [ONLINE] Berlin

On its website, Better World Info shared GDAMS' statement as well as ressources offered by GCOMS and ways to further support the campaign. Organised by the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) in collaboration with the International Peace Bureau (IPB), the Global Days of Action event has been held annually across the world since 2011.... Read more »

Reimagining Safety Panel and Film Discussion

WWU, Miller Hall 138 Miller Hall 138 Western Washington Unive, Bellingham, WA, United States

Join us for a screening & discussion on Reimagining Safety on Thursday, April 18th at 5:30pm, at WWU, Miller Hall 138! Reimagining Safety (2023) explores the nature of policing, especially following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police. It discusses how policing and incarceration create more harm than good, why the system... Read more »

Meaningful Movie & panel: Move our money from war to protect our planet

[ONLINE] , Belgium

Meaningful Movies and South Seattle Climate Action Network will stream movie "Dear President Biden" Calling him to declare a climate emergency and take bold action protect our climate. Then panel "What can we do now to move our money from war to protect people and planet? Veterans for Peace, 350Seattle, Green New Deal leaders Zoom... Read more »

Tulip Festival Street Fair

Mount Vernon Street Fair Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, WA, United States

No More Bombs will have a table at the downtown Mount Vernon Street Fair during the Tulip Festival. We'll be on the sidewalk for three days, from Friday though Sunday, April 19 to 21. Look for our big red banner! ( and

Le spese militari non ci rendono più sicuri

Lodi Lodi, Italy

In un contesto in cui la parola guerra, dalla Palestina all’Ucraina, è tornata a essere mezzo per affrontare i conflitti e, in tutto il mondo, le nazioni tornano ad armarsi destinando risorse sempre più ingenti alle spese per la difesa, con Francesco Vignarca, Coordinatore della Rete Pace Disarmo, ci si chiederà se davvero questa tendenza... Read more »

Tax Day to Earth Day

Main Bothell Intersection Bothell, WA, United States

Holding signs at the corner of NE Bothell Way and Bothell Way NE. Put our tax dollars towards climate change solutions, not weapons, war, and destruction. Bring a sign or come as you are. Your sign tells what you're passionate about - the money, the weapons, the Earth - or, all of these interrelated issues.... Read more »

Procession of the Species and Luminary Light Parade

Main street in Anacortes COMMERCIAL Ave, Anacortes, WA, United States

PROCESSION OF THE SPECIES AND LUMINARY LIGHT PARADE In celebration of Earth Day join us for a Procession of the Species, Luminary Light Parade, and a street fair in Downtown Anacortes. The main street will be shut down! Join in with a costume or luminary or simply come and visit! Commercial Avenue will be closed... Read more »

Movie Screening & Poster Making

Whitman College, Reid Campus Center Basement 280 Boyer Ave, Walla Walla, WA, United States

Come to the screening of Nuclear Savage: The Islands of Secret Project 4.1 on Saturday April 20th at 7:00pm! This film chronicles the testing the U.S. government did on Marshallese people following their nuclear weapons tests on the Bikini and Enewetok atolls. We will also have poster making supplies for the Earth Day demonstration on... Read more »

WILPF UK showed its support for GDAMS’ Campaign

[ONLINE] UK London, United Kingdom

WILPF UK has shared GDAMS' statement as well as SIPRI's new research findings on its website. Read here   War Costs Us The Earth: Global Days of Action on Military Spending Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has just published new data on military spending for the year 2023, and the figures show an impressive... Read more »

Online forum: Climate justice, social justice or endless preparation for war?

[Online] New Zealand Wellington, New Zealand

In the face of multiple threats - the rapidly escalating climate emergency, increasing levels of social inequity, devastating armed conflicts, humanitarian catastrophes and ecological disasters around the world - have governments finally shifted away from narrow outdated notions of military security based on endless preparations for war towards prioritising spending on human health and wellbeing,... Read more »

Walla Walla Earth Day Rally

Downtown Walla Walla 1St Ave And East Main St, Walla Walla, WA, United States

Join us in downtown Walla Walla outside of Cathy McMorris Rodgers' office to demand Congress to stop investing in nuclear weapons and war! Hold signs about the Earth, where our tax dollars go, militarism, etc., at 1st and Main. We must move our money from militarism to fund people's needs! Contact Claire Warncke for more... Read more »

Especial Para la Guerra nada, para la vida todo.

[ONLINE] Canarias , Spain

En este programa de Primavera, nos acercamos al Gasto Militar Mundial, con el lema de campaña "La guerra nos cuesta la tierra", además, la banca armada y la irresponsabilidad social corporativa, el gasto militar en el Estado español y el control social y campañas de acción: por la objeción fiscal al gasto militar y contra... Read more »

Gasto Militar: Récord historico

[ONLINE] Madrid Madrid, Spain

"La historia enseña que los momentos de militarización siempre son el preludio de la guerra" Escucha el programa de LaBaseTV que analyza el aumento del gasto militar mundial y español. On Youtube:

Petition “WagesNotWeapons” by C&D

[ONLINE] London

The government must stop wasting money on nuclear weapons and use it instead to ensure fair wages and a decent standing of living for all. People across the country are facing hardship during this cost of living crisis, but the government is spending at least £205 billion on a new nuclear weapons system. Instead of... Read more »

Online Support by Catédra UNESCO de Educacion por la Paz

Puerto Rico , Puerto Rico

Catédra UNESCO de Educacion por la Paz in Puerto Rico has shared its support on Facebook and Instagram, publishing GDAMS' banner as well as the infographics put together by ENAAT, adding its own statement to the GDAMS Campaign. "La guerra no discrimina, provoca sufrimiento sobre toda forma de vida. Desde la destrucción de ecosistemas hasta... Read more »

Share the world’s resources publishes our statement

[ONLINE] London

Share the World's Resources has published our statement Disarmament now to save people and planet "At the start of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, the International Peace Bureau (IPB) have released a new statement calling on governments to redirect military spending to pressing global challenges that require all available resources". Read it here: 


[ONLINE] , Belgium

Join us to debate European military spending in 2023 and how it harms peace and the planet How much has the European continent spent on the military in 2023? How is EU militarisation exacerbating military spending? Why is militarization not compatible with the fight against climate change? How European militarisation and energy issues are linked,... Read more »

Protest in Brisbane

Brisbane Brisbane, Australia

We will be attending the Brisbane State High School to hand out GDAMS flyers with up-to-date data from SIPRI.  We shall be using the image with the slogan: WAR COSTS US THE EARTH.

Media Forum Stop the War Coalition Philippines

[ONLINE] Philippines Manila, Philippines

Stop the War Coalition Philippines Media Advisory April 23, 2024 References: Dj Janier (09336412694)                        Mercy Angeles (09063677594) The Global Campaign against Military Spending or GCOMS runs from April 12 to May 15 for this year. This campaign aims to raise awareness about excessive military spending. Part of this campaign will also highlight the... Read more »

Unpacking the latest trends and patterns in global military expenditure

[ONLINE] Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is pleased to invite you to a webinar ‘Unpacking the latest trends and patterns in global military expenditure’, organized in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). On 22 April, SIPRI will release its new data on global military expenditure. New data is expected to... Read more »

El rearme de Europa y el Gasto Militar Record

[ONLINE] Barcelona Barcelona, Spain

Hablamos sobre el giro bélico de la Unión Europea, del aumento sin precedentes en el gasto europeo y mundial en armamento con Laëtitia Sédou de la Red Europea Contra el Comercio de Armas y Jordi Calvo de Centre Delàs. Conduce Yago Álvarez.

Objeción de Conciencia para desarmar nuestras vidas

Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la UCLM Cuenca, Spain

Este martes, 30 de abril, a partir de las 11:00 horas, se realizará una visita guiada por la expo ‘Para la guerra nada, para la vida todo’. Será en el Campus de Cuenca UCLM, en la Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la UCLM. A continuación se realizará una concentración y... Read more »

Vigil at the Edith Cavell Statue, Women in Black

at the Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Pl, London, WC2N 4JL United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom

Women in Black London have invited people to say how they would spend the equivalent of the UK Military Budget. They are holding 3 GDAMS vigils, 17,23,April, 1 May, Edith Cavell Statue, Central London.  

Where your 2023 Taxes went: A People’s Briefing

[ONLINE] New York New York, NJ, United States

It’s spring, and that means many Americans either just filed their tax returns or are still struggling to get them in. Most will know whether they get a refund, but how many know where their tax dollars really go? Just like our personal expenses, our income tax payments can change our lives for the better... Read more »

Peace boat demonstration

Japan kyoto

On May 3, participants onboard the 117th Global Voyage took part in the Global Days of Action on Military Spending. Participants gathered on the top deck with a banner bearing the sign "War Costs Us The Earth". The action took place on Japanese Constitution Memorial Day with celebrates the enactment of the 1947 constitution.

Statements and Online Support by SERPAJ Chile

Chile (Online) Santiago, Chile

SERPAJ Chile expressed support for GDAMS' campaign this year, making social media posts sharing GDAMS' banner as well as infographics put together by ENAAT  

Venti di guerra e riarmo in Europa


Fra minacce vere e presunte, aumentano le spese militari, ma restano irrisolti i dilemmi della difesa comune europea e della costruzione di una politica estera unitaria. Le conseguenze sull’economia e sulle società. L’importanza della legge 185/90 sull’export di armi italiane. Temi di cui si parla poco in campagna elettorale…   Ne parliamo con: Chiara Bonaiuti... Read more »

Op-ed Who needs butter when you got guns? World arms spending reaches $2.5 trillion

[ONLINE] New York New York, NJ, United States

Between wars and increased tensions, every region saw increases JIM LOBE APR 23, 2024 Total military spending by nations reached a record high of $2.443 trillion in 2023, according to a new report released Monday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, or SIPRI. Across the globe, military expenditures increased by 6.8% in real terms... Read more »

Cut Australia military’s budget

Railway Square Sydney, Australia

Invitation to stand up against the explosion in Australia's military spending. Meet at the pyramid in Railway Square Tuesday May 7 12 noon to 1.30 pm

Europa: il tradimento di Ventotene

Sala Officina Windsor Park Modena Modena, Italy

Il progetto smarrito di un’Europa di pace per un futuro senza guerre: decostruzione della narrazione bellicista. Un evento organizzato in relazione alla Giornata europea della Pace – 9 maggio, all’interno della Campagna Giornate globali di azione sulle spese militari   INCONTRO – Mercoledì 8 maggio ore 20.30 Daniel Degli Esposti – storico, “Allacciati le storie” Pasquale... Read more »

Presidio per la Pace, contro guerre e spese militari


Giovedì 9 maggio, ore 18.00, piazza S. Secondo, Asti La Rete Welcoming Asti in occasione della giornata europea per la Pace giovedì 9 maggio organizza un presidio in piazza San Secondo, dalle 18. “L’Umanità si trova a un bivio in cui le decisioni politiche sui bilanci della difesa determineranno la traiettoria delle molteplici crisi in... Read more »

Conflitti, spese militari e commercio di armi: addio all’Europa di Pace

Brescia Brescia, Italy

L’Unione Europea va verso un’economia di guerra. L’Italia sta smantellando la Legge sull’export di armi. Le iniziative della società civile per una politica di pace e una finanza disarmata CONVEGNO Giovedì 9 MAGGIO (Ore 20.30)Missionari Comboniani, Viale Venezia, 112 – Brescia PROGRAMMA Saluto degli organizzatori e delle istituzioni Europa: spese militari e iniziative della società... Read more »


Washington Park New York, NJ, United States

Grannies for Peace, a project of Women Against War, will hold a vigil at the Albany New York (US) annual Tulip Festival calling on the US to stops sending arms to Israel.

International Conscientious Objection Day

Central London London, United Kingdom

On the occasion of International Conscientious Objection Day, War Resisters’ International are launching a new international action #RefuseWar to support worldwide the refusal of war and the right to conscientious objection.   View all Actions here

C7 Statement to the G7 Foreign Ministers


Press release of the C7 Civil7 organizations call on G7 governments to promote systemic, transformative and generative changes in international politics through the multilateral system. Rome, April 19, 2024 – The meeting of Foreign Ministers of G7 countries, hosted by Italy in the year of its presidency that will see the leaders’ summit in June,... Read more »

24-Hour Peacewave 2024

[ONLINE] , Belgium

  International Peace Bureau and World BEYOND War will hold the third-annual 24-hour peacewave on June 22-23, 2024. This will be a 24-hour-long Zoom featuring live peace actions in the streets and squares of the world, moving around the globe with the sun. There will be a live Q&A section on Zoom for the last... Read more »

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