GDAMS 2023 will take place from April 13 to May 9. Save the dates! This year of war in Ukraine has meant a huge boost for militarism and military budgets across the world, especially in countries of the Global North. But at GCOMS we believe the response should be quite the opposite: we should drastically reduce military spending and invest in common & human security instead…
The 12th edition of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending will take place from April 13 to May 9, 2023. Join us protesting military budgets & warmongering, and take action for peace & justice!
These dates include:
- April 18: Tax Day in the USA
- April 22: Earth Day
- April 24: GDAMS press conferences and social media storm on the occasion of SIPRI’s release of new data on military spending
- May 9: Europe’s Day of Peace · Actions against the militarization of the EU
More details will appear here soon!