
TNI’s new report “Climate in the Crosshairs: The planetary impact of NATO’s spending increases”

Military spending increases greenhouse gas emissions, diverts critical finance from climate action, and consolidates an arms trade that fuels instability during climate breakdown, TNI says. Read the report Here are some of the key findings NATO’s overall military spending in 2023 of $1.34 trillion produces an estimated 233 million metric...


‘Under the Radar – 20 years of EU military missions’: New Report by TNI

For two decades, the EU has been gradually moving towards becoming a de facto military power. This has happened beyond...


Infographic ‘The militarization of Europe’

Countries in red are NATO member states, in light blue members of the EU, and in dark blue both countries...


[Webinar] European Military Spending and the Climate Emergency: Squaring the Circle

With military spending exponentially growing across the world and with the EU increasingly adopting militarization as a 'necessary' deterrent and...


#WarCostsUsTheEarth banner online campaign

Join our online campaign by proposing alternatives to the 2.44 trillion USD the world dedicates to the military each year....


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