Challenging Nuclear Weapons in Europe
Monday April 27 – 15:00-16:30 CET
Registration : arielled@ipb.org
The tensions between nuclear weapons possessors states have worsen dramatically these last months and Europe is at the centre of the storm. The suspension of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia has directly exposed Europe to a new nuclear arms race and there is no indication that a successor to the US-Russian New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) will be negotiated before the February 2021 deadline. NATO states are much too silent, worse, French President Macron suggested that France’s nuclear weapons could become a European “deterrent”.
But, along with the 74% Millenials thinking that war and nuclear annihilation can be avoided, let’s point the historical movement building up around the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) ratified by 36 states and 81 have signed the Treaty, putting it on its way to entering into force in the coming months. What is the situation from different perspectives in Europe? How can civil society bring its contribution?
This Webinar replacing a Side Event due to take place at the opening of the 2020 NPT session will host experts and activists to discuss with the participants how to challenge of nuclear weapons in Europe.
CHAIR : Reiner Braun IPB Executive Director
- Hans Kristensen – Federation of American Scientists – Points of tensions in regards to Nuclear Weapons in Europe
- Oleg Bodrov-Coalition for a Clean Baltic/Russia – A view from Russia of the nuclear tensions in Europe
- Kate Hudson Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – UK nuclear developments
- Bastien Lachaud French MP – French situation
- Katherine Vogler German MP – German situation – 5min
- Daniel Hogsta ICAN – Potential tracks for progress in Europe(TBC)
- XXX ITUC Representative
- Susi Snyder –Pax/ Don’t Bank On the Bomb campaign on divestments and financial institutions
- Philip Jennings– IPB- building coalition with the social movements
Thank you for registering at adenis@ipb.org