IPB Youth Network, IPB in partnership with ITUC and ITUC Youth
With the support of DFG-VK, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (tbc)
In the 21st century, we experience multiple wars, destruction and injustice. Challenges and problems are becoming more visible at both small and large scales, ranging from threats with the potential to end human life itself to diverse destruction of the environment and other foundations of life. Militarism and injustice drive these potentials on multiple levels. Aspects of societies – i.e. lack of democracy, distribution of wealth, gender inequalities or the belief in infinite profit maximization – are at the base of many challenges and problems.
Young people are agents of change and need to discuss and exchange on these matters much more. We want to organize to amplify our voices and to engage much more in peace processes and struggles for societal progress.
The world youth congress is a youth-led congress, contributing to the vision of a world in peace and without war and to the vision of a more peaceful, just and sustainable future. The idea of the youth congress derives from the preparatory process of the youth gathering of the IPB World Congress “Disarm! For a Climate of Peace – Creating an Action Agenda” ( Some of the discussions of this Congress as well as of an international working meeting on the weekend of the international day of peace 2018 ( will be continued at the world youth congress.
The congress will focus on transformation towards a more peaceful, just and sustainable future. This will be achieved by informal learning to develop a sense of personal responsibility, by developing plans for concrete actions in day-to-day life as well as in societal processes. The Youth Congress will engage youth from various different backgrounds and with varying perspectives and approaches to peace, justice and sustainability as well as diverse experts and lays from different fields related to the Congress’ issues.
The overall objective of the world youth congress is to build bridges and foster discussions among youth with different perspectives on and approaches to peace, justice and sustainability alongside non-youth stakeholders active in the peace movement and in the various fields. Voices of youth against war and for peace should be increasingly and strongly heard. Among others, the specific objectives are:
To speak out and act against war, militarism, injustice, and planetary destruction.
To equip young people with the confidence and competencies to build peace, sustainability, and justice.
To bring young people into regional national and international decision-making processes.
To facilitate intergenerational and interdisciplinary approaches to a global culture of peace, justice and sustainability.
Friday, 20 September 2019
15:00 – 17:00 ITUC preparatory briefing for trade union participants (MA 143)
From 17:30 Registration (in front of MA 043)
19:00 – 21:30 Public Evening Debate (MA 043)
“Transform – #ChangeTheRules – how fundamental and how fast do we need change”
Welcome and Greetings: Jeroen Beirnaert (ITUC), Reiner Braun (IPB), Marie Cucurella (IPB Youth)
With: Joachim Spangenberg (SERI / INES), Sara Medi Jones (CND), Josef Holnburger (DGB Youth), Joseph Gerson (AFSC / IPB), Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Club of Rome), Chloé Meulewaeter (Centre Delàs d´Estudis per la Pau)
Moderation: Reiner Braun (IPB), Marie Cucurella (IPB Youth)
Saturday, 21 September 2019
From 09:00 Registration (in front of MA 043)
9:30 – 12:00 Smaller group discussions in the methodology of non-formal education
Floor for meaningful exchange of experiences and information and floor for open discussions in the framework of the topics of the Summit
Facilitators: Quique Sánchez (GCOMS), Emma Pritchard (IPB Youth), Marie Cucurella (IPB Youth), Anna Fendley (ITUC Youth), Jonas Skorzak (IPB Youth), Franziska Heinisch (IPB Youth), Theresa Kresse (IPB)
Groups: Bertha von Suttner (MA 043), Mahatma Gandhi (MA 549), Mairead Maguire (MA 550), Malala Yousafzai (MA Foyer 1), Martin Luther King Jr. (MA Foyer 1), Nelson Mandela (MA Foyer 1), Rigoberta Menchú (MA Foyer 1)
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Panel discussions on the themes of the Summit (separate rooms)
Parallel panels in the following rooms: MA 043, MA 549, MA 550. The rooms will be announced during lunch time.
• Transformation from militarism to non-violence – just transition from conflict to peace and resilience (MA 043)
o With: Kevin Martin (Peace Action USA), Emma Pritchard (IPB Youth), Jennifer Menninger (WILPF), Omar H.O. Abuzaydeh (PGFTU Palestine), Luisa Fernanda Ospina Madera (CUT Colombia), Michael Watt (ILO ACTRAV)
o Moderation: Arielle Denis (IPB)
• Transformation from environmental destruction to sustainability – just transition to climate ambition (MA 549)
o With: Tamara Lorincz (IPB), Jagoda Munic (Friends of the Earth Europe), Matt de Vlieger (IPB Youth) CUT Brasil, NLC Nigeria
o Moderation: Corazon Valdez-Fabre (Nuclear Free Philippines Coalition/IPB)
• Transformation from injustice to global justice – democracies for people – just transition to a new social contract (MA 550)
o With: Wong Kit Yip (HKCTU Hong Kong), Anis Jabeur (UGTT Tunisia), Giga Bekauri (GTUC Georgia), Chloé Meulewaeter (Centre Delàs d´Estudis per la Pau), Measho Berihu Gebreyohans (CETU Ethiopia), Nicoletta Merlo (CISL Italy)
o Moderation: Maria Tsirantonaki (ITUC Youth)
15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 18:00 Parallel working groups deepening the panel discussions (see above)
• Which strategies and actions can be applied and developed?
• What can we do together?
From 18:30 Social Event with light dinner
Sunday, 22 September 2019
9:30 – 11:00 Smaller group discussions in the methodology of non-formal education
Developing strategies & actions – Transform! #ChangeTheRules – just transitions towards peace, social justice and environmental sustainability
Facilitators: Quique Sánchez (GCOMS), Emma Pritchard (IPB Youth), Marie Cucurella (IPB Youth), Anna Fendley (ITUC Youth), Jonas Skorzak (IPB Youth), Franziska Heinisch (IPB Youth), Theresa Kresse (IPB)
Groups: Bertha von Suttner (MA Foyer 1), Mahatma Gandhi (MA Foyer 1), Mairead Maguire (MA Foyer 1), Malala Yousafzai (MA Foyer 1), Martin Luther King Jr. (MA 043), Nelson Mandela (MA 549), Rigoberta Menchú (MA 550)
11:00 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 13:30 Panel discussion with open mic: How do we transform our societies?
(MA 043)
With: Jeroen Beirnaert (ITUC), Corazon Valdez-Fabros (IPB), Fridays for Future, Angelo Cardona (IPB Youth), Jordi Calvo Rufanges (IPB), Maria Tsirantonaki (ITUC Youth)
Moderation: Sara Medi Jones (CND), Emma Pritchard (IPB Youth)
Closing: Lucas Wirl (IPB Youth Network)
IPB Youth Network
Lucas Wirl
ITUC Youth
Maria Tsirantonaki
Marie Cucurella
Organizational Information:
Please register for the congress at
We would like to ask participants for a financial contribution to the conference in the amount of 5 Euro / 20 Euro / 40 Euro. You may submit a contribution upon arrival or via bank/ PayPal transfer ( European bank account holders may transfer a contribution to Bank Account Holder: Unterstützung des Internationalen Friedensbueros e.V.; IBAN: DE23 1005 0000 0190 6331 58; Bank: Berliner Sparkasse. PLEASE give the following reference: IPBYN congress 2019.
How to get there: TU Berlin is located close to S-Bahn station Tiergarten and U-Bahn station Ernst-Reuter-Platz. The entrance to the Mathematician Building is right next to Mathe Café. Geographic coordinates 52.513392, 13.326323
Accommodation: for cheap accommodation check or Around S-Bahn station Zoologischer Garten are various hostels and hotels. Furthermore, we will be able to offer limited private accommodation. Please contact us for more details.