In light of the recent escalation of violence in Palestine, we come together for a conference dedicated to the analysis of the unfolding situation, the examination of the factors contributing to and explaining this escalation and a collective exploration of potential avenues for peaceful resolution.
We gather leaders, experts, and civil society actors to address these questions and together offer practical steps that we as ordinary people and government can take to dissect the dynamics at play, seeking a deeper understanding of the root causes behind the increased violence. Through dialogue and the exchange of diverse perspectives, we aspire to shed light on the complexities of the current crisis in Palestine. By doing so, we hope to identify practical steps and solutions that can contribute to alleviating tensions and fostering a more stable and harmonious future for the people in the region.
Organizes: International Peace Bureau In collaboration with: Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau With the support of: Barcelona City Council
Free entrance. Registration at: Translation to Español/English/Català