
– Barcelona Press Conference

Centre Delàs of Peace Studies, as a decentralised office of the IPB and leading organization of GCOMS, will organise a press conference on April 26 to discuss the newly released data on military spending.

CUP Sant Andreu shares infographic

The Catalan political party CUP, Sant Andreu’s branch, shared on their social media the infographic of Spanish military spending created by GCOMS and Centre Delàs, together with the message “Let’s invest in healthcare military spending!” and this image:

Motion at the Senate for the reallocation of military spending towards healthcare by ‘Més per Mallorca’

The regional party ‘Més per Mallorca’ submitted a motion in the Spanish Senate through its Senator Vicenç Vidal Matas to demand the reallocation of military spending towards health care. The group denounced how military spending in Spain is 4 times higher that the total budget of the Balearic region. The group also created 3 infographics based on the reference provided by GCOMS and Centre Delàs.

Senator Mulet presented questions to the Spanish Government

Senator Carles Mulet, from the Valencian political party ‘Compromís’ presented several questions to the Spanish Government at the Senate regarding military spending prospects after the COVID-19 health emergency. The spokesperson of Compromís demanded more transparency to the government in relation with military spending hidden in departments other than Defense and demanded a reallocation of budget given to new weapon’s programmes. He used the comparison between health equipment and weapons elaborated by GCOMS and Centre Delàs and claimed that citizens are entitled to decide what their money is spent on.
Find out more in this news article.
See the registered questions at the Senate here.
Compromís also shared our infographic and message on their social media together with the message: “We need to rethink military spending and dedicate it to rescue people”.

Ecologistas en acción

Ecologistas en acción (Ecologists in Action) joined the Spanish campaign for fiscal objection based on “the non-disposition to collaborate with the State in the war spending and maintaining the military structure, disobeying actively in the moment of the annual tax declaration.” For this purpose they used the comparison made by Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau for GDAMS, where they analyze the 2019 Spanish military spending comparing the amount of money they could have invested in healthcare, something crucial in a pandemic context such as ours. Find more here.

Marea blanca de Lleida

This platform of health personnel and users in defence of public health care shared on their social media our infographic and the petition by Centre Delàs to reorientate military spending and new arms programmes’ money to healthcare and social services.

MEP Miguel Urban supports GDAMS

The Member of the European Parliament Miguel Urbán Crespo publicly supported GDAMS and shared the infographic adapted to the Spanish case and the petition formulated by Centre Delàs and IPB.
¿Cuánto gastamos en armamento y cuánto gastamos (o recortamos) en sanidad? Los datos del @CentreDelas y @IntlPeaceBureau son alarmantes: -Recortes en sanidad en 2008 y 2009: entre 15.000 y 21.000 millones de € -Gasto militar español en 2019: 20.050 millones de € #GDAMS2020


The Andalusian Association for Human Rights (APDHA), a non-profit working for the promotion and defense of Human Rights, joined GDAMS for the first time to demand a reorientation of military spending towards social spending, in particular to health care. APDHA shared the GDAMS materials on their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, wrote an op-ed and joined the Move The Money selfie campaign with dozens of pictures.


The secretary of social movements of the Catalan teachers union USTEC-STES shared information on GDAMS, including its 2020 infographic on the organization’s blog. This post also compiled all educational tools and possible actions to be carried out by students and teachers.

Joint statement by basque organizations

Nine Basque organizations support GCOMS in their demand to invest in social spending instead of militarization and denounce the militaristic management of the COVID-19 health crisis. These organization include: AA-KEM-MOC Nafarroa, Bake-Ekintza Antimilitarista, Centre Delàs (Delegación Vasca), Emakumeok Gerraren Aurka, Gerrarik Ez Eibar, Gerra Hemen Hasten da/La Guerra Empieza Aquí, Gernika Gogoratuz, Kakitzat koordinakunde Antimilitarista and KEM-MOC Bilboko Talde Antimilitarista.

“We shouldn’t and can’t go back to “normal”, as “normal” was already a state of crisis. We are aware it is not going to be an easy task, as nowadays econocmic interests prevail over the rights and needs of people, but, at the same time, the global health crisis we are enduring can help us reconsider the sinister direction which we had taken as societies”

Read the full statement (in Spanish or Euskera) here.

Joint Statement by 3 organizations in Cádiz.

Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos, Ecologistas en Acción and USTEA Cádiz joined to demand a reallocation of military spending to tackle the crisis provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out more here.

Pobresa Zero (Valencia) shares GDAMS infographic

This campaign against poverty shared the Healthcare not Warfare infographic on its social media: “Department of Defence spends on a tank what 440 ventilators cost. Each shot of a Leopard vehicle equals 90 covid-19 tests. Let’s invest in healthcare what we spend on the military. Let’s invest in saving lives”

Greenpeace Spain

Greenpeace España shared the article of Greenpeace International by Jen Maman ‘Redefining safety’ (page 84) and supported its call to reduce military spending and rethink our security paradigm. 

“Los nuevos datos de SIPRI elevan a 1,9 billones de dólares el gasto militar mundial de 2019. La crisis del COVID-19 nos ha enseñado que la seguridad y potencial militar no son lo mismo. ¡Redefinamos la seguridad!”

Webinar by Centre Delàs: “Virus, fear, security and loss of rights”

In this online seminar (May 5), experts of Centre Delàs analysed and reflected on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of security, militarization and rights. They also reflected on the loss of liberties and on the social control mechanisms that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about. Are measures taken necessary and proportional? How do we avoid their normalization? Which of these measures will become permanent? What’s the impact of this situation on vulnerable communities? 

You can watch it on Youtube (in Spanish)

Webinar by ADNV ‘Deconfining our minds, unlearning war”

A representative of GCOMS (Quique Sánchez) and a military spending expert from Centre Delàs (Pere Ortega) participated in the first session of this series of webinars (in Spanish) organised by Acción Directa Noviolenta (ADNV). This first session took place on April 29 and hosted a discussion on  military spending and tax resistance to war as a form of civil disobedience. The webinar also included a representative of Mujeres de Negro (Women in Black) and was organised with the collaboration of Ben Magec – Ecologistas en Acción, Radio Guiniguada and Radio pimienta.

You can watch this webinar here.

Centre Delas of Peace Studies: GDAMS infographic and online actions

Centre Delàs of Peace Studies prepared and shared infographics and reflections on military spending within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain, bringing attention to the vast opportunity costs of military outlays and to human security-based  alternatives.

Centre Delàs adapted the GDAMS infographic to the Spanish case, comparing its military spending (more than 20 billion €) and its major arms programmes (such as Eurofighter jets, submarines, tanks or frigates), with the costs of health care equipment and personnel, much needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This infographic follows the same logic as the general one from GDAMS, but bringing attention to the imbalance between expenditure in health services and what has been spent in weapons systems in Spain for the last two decades and what’s been approved for new weapons programmes.
This infographic was launched at the same time as the April 27 press conference was held. Together with a press release (here) and messages on social media, Centre Delàs and IPB Barcelona demanded the cancellation of all new arms programmes approved by the current government (over 13 billion €) and a major reduction of Spanish Military Spending. This infographic was widely shared on social media, reaching also political parties as Compromís (València), Més Mallorca or CUP (Catalonia)

You can download this infographic here with translations available in Catalan and Euskera.

Educational toolkit: USTEA – Cadiz

This toolkit (in Spanish) has been prepared by a Spanish teachers union to help teachers start a conversation with students on militarism & military spending.

Please, find the toolkit here.

April 29 – Granada, Conference ‘Reducing military spending to build peace’

16h in the “Francisco A. Muñoz” conference room, Centro de Documentación Científica C/ Rector López Argüeta s/n, University of Granada. Organised by Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz and Instituto Universitario de la Paz y los Conflictos. With José Ángel Ruiz, Chloé Meulewaeter (Centre Delàs) and Stellan Vinthagen (War Resister’s International).

Speakers presented civil resistance and nonviolence as tools for peacebuilding and tackling militarization.

May 9 and 10 – Cádiz and Puerto de Santa María, School Rallies

Two school rallies and a protest took place in Cádiz and Puerto de Santa María (IES Cornelio Balbo and La Arboleda) as part of the campaign ‘Demilitarize Schools: more social spending, less military spending’ with students representing Picasso’s Guernica, symbol of the horrors of war.

May 4 – Gijón (Asturias), Conference Tax objection to military spending

“Leave us in Peace: Less military spending and more social investment”. At noon in Conseyu de la Mocedá (Av. Manuel Llaneza 38). With Tica Font and Pere Ortega (Centre Delàs of Peace Studies) analysing military spending in Spain, the EU and globally. Prior to the conference, tax resistance strategies and examples were presented. Organised by ‘Campaña asturiana pola oxeción fiscal al gastu militar’ (Asturian campaign for tax objection).

April 30 onwards – Online Campaigning in Castellón

The UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace of the Jaume I University (UJI) in Castellón prepared an online campaign to support the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, raising awareness on the issue at the university.

April 13 – Madrid, GDAMS Statement

Justicia y Paz – Comisión General (Justice and Peace) endorsed the campaign on military spending on the occasion of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) by publishing a statement (in Spanish).

April 15 – Barcelona, Extinction Rebellion International Demonstration

At 18:30 in Plaça Catalunya, ending in Plaça Sant Jaume, members of the GCOMS campaign marched along with young climate protesters and had the chance to talk about climate emergencies from the criticism to military spending. The GCOMS representative introduced the campaigned and remarked the connections between the climate emergency and militarism, which share many causes and consequences. More information on the event here. Here Extinction Rebellion’s web and manifest.

April 13 – Bilbao, Street stall

In Plaza Unamuno (downtown) an information point on military spending’s tax objection was displayed. Organised by Alternativa Antimilitarista.

April 13 – Andalusia, Campaign ‘Demilitarize Schools, more social spending, less military spending’

In support to GCOMS, the teachers’ union USTEA launches a campaign to claim for de demilitarization of schools in Andalusia, which includes a survey for teachers, in order to map militarism in schools of the region, which at the same time are suffering from intense budgetary cuts. It also includes a “Resistance” manual to confront militarization of schools. More information (in Spanish) here.

May 2nd, Barcelona

Press Conference at 11:30am at La Fede, presenting the GCOMS Statement on global military spending, with SIPRI data and GDAMS message at the center.

April 24, Madrid

GDAMS Meetings with Spanish Deputies at the Spanish Parliament (Madrid) regarding the 2018 discussion of the Spanish Annual Budget. Due to the increase in the Spanish military budget, the meeting was held to discuss about the Spanish Annual Budget between Jordi Calvo from GCOMS and Spanish parlamentarians, to suggest amendments and to advocate for a reduction in the national annual military spending. Look at the photo!

Spain, Barcelona: Colin Archer conference on Military Spending

25th April, 2017
7 pm, La Fede, Tapies 1-3, 08001 Barcelona
Conference  with Colin Archer: Militarized States. What can we do from a Global Justice perspective?

Organized by (Catalan Federation of Organizations for Global Justice). With the cooperation of Delàs Center for Peace Studies, Novact, Fundipau, Unipau, Justícia & Pau and Escola Cultura de Pau.


Spain, Bilbao, Barakaldo, Getxo: Bike March

April 22th
Spain, Bilbao, Barakaldo, Getxo: Bizi Marxta against military industry
Bike March, starting at 11am from the Palacio Foral Bizkaia “Diputacion” to go to the Arms Factory Precicast PCB in Barakaldo. Ending at Getxo, at the entrance of Sener, a company involved in arms production.
This is the 10th Bike March against Military Spending and Military Industry.
The initiative is promoted and organized by several anti-militarist organizations together with ecologists and internationalist solidarity groups in Bizkaia.

Read more (in Spanish), here!

Bilbao Kem-MOc

14 April 2015, SPAIN – Andalucia

“En 2015, como viene ocurriendo cada año, el presupuesto militar español carece no solo de transparencia sino también de realismo. En un contexto permanente de crisis económica, en el que las necesidades sociales son una prioridad para la ciudadanía, se vuelve a aumentar el gasto militar, retrayendo recursos de las políticas que persiguen el bien social”.

Read the Red Antimilitarista y Noviolenta de Andalucìa (R.A.N.A) GDAMS media release (Spanish).

gdams 2015_ES_rana

14 April 2014, SPAIN-Las Palmas


Activists pave international waters of the Army to report military spending and infrastructure, pointing that “War starts here: let’s stop it here!”


The Alternativa Antimilitarista MOC led 40 international activists enter the waters near the Las Palmas Navy Base to denounce military expenditure and infrastructure. The nonviolent direct action placed the “yellow dotted lines” in the water to symbolize the “cut” to military spending.

Click here to read the press release.

14 April 2014, SPAIN-Andalucia


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La Red Antimilitarista y Noviolenta de Andalucía (R.A.N.A.), con motivo de los actos internacionales del Gdams 2014 en los que participa (ver: propone a los contribuyentes de Andalucía que hagan la objeción fiscal a los gastos militares para que en estos momentos de dura crisis social y desempleo, de recortes sociales en sanidad y educación se desvíe la parte del presupuesto de lo militar a necesidades sociales.

Click here to read the complete report.

21 and 22 April 2012, SPAIN- Barcelona

Mundo Sin Guerras

We set up a stand at the Fira de la Terra (Earth Fair) on 21 and 22 April, and collected signatures on a petition to the European Parliament for reducing investment in arms, and military spending on the continent.

17 April 2012, SPAIN- Madrid

Mundo Sin Guerras/Asamblea Antimilitarista/Derecho a Rebelión

We collectively organized an event in the Puerta del Sol entitled, “Cutbacks, yes! To the Military!” There was a performance, as well as a number of discussion sessions on topics such as military spending in Spain, fiscal objections to military spending, paramilitarization in Colombia, military aid to the occupation of the Western Sahara, and the experience of “take the base” direct actions. See more info here.

17 April 2012, SPAIN

Mundo Sin Guerras, or World Without Wars, organized a number of events throughout Spain. Their report and informative press release can be seen here en Español.

April 2012, SPAIN- Vigo

Mundo Sin Guerras

We set up a public display and a mural demonstrating the costs of military spending, and the equivalents of those costs in social resources like hospitals, schools, etc.

April 2012, SPAIN- Coruña

Mundo Sin Guerras

We organized a campaign to raise awareness through the internet and social media, the local media and with posters around the city.

5 April 2011, SPAIN- National

Fundació per la Pau

“As a first action, the 5th April, Fundació per la Pau launched an animated video comparing the figures of the MDG with the military expenditure…

“The 12th, the Day of Action, together with another NGO, we launched a Manifesto that had the support of 15 organizations and 50 personalities of the Catalan and Spanish civil society, peace movement, and cultural world.

“Together with the Manifesto we launched a cyber action to ask people to send a letter to the Spanish president, Mr. Zapatero, to ask him to reduce military expenditure.”