Centre Delas of Peace Studies: GDAMS infographic and online actions

Centre Delàs of Peace Studies prepared and shared infographics and reflections on military spending within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain, bringing attention to the vast opportunity costs of military outlays and to human security-based  alternatives.

Centre Delàs adapted the GDAMS infographic to the Spanish case, comparing its military spending (more than 20 billion €) and its major arms programmes (such as Eurofighter jets, submarines, tanks or frigates), with the costs of health care equipment and personnel, much needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This infographic follows the same logic as the general one from GDAMS, but bringing attention to the imbalance between expenditure in health services and what has been spent in weapons systems in Spain for the last two decades and what’s been approved for new weapons programmes.
This infographic was launched at the same time as the April 27 press conference was held. Together with a press release (here) and messages on social media, Centre Delàs and IPB Barcelona demanded the cancellation of all new arms programmes approved by the current government (over 13 billion €) and a major reduction of Spanish Military Spending. This infographic was widely shared on social media, reaching also political parties as Compromís (València), Més Mallorca or CUP (Catalonia)

You can download this infographic here with translations available in Catalan and Euskera.