Joint statement by basque organizations

Nine Basque organizations support GCOMS in their demand to invest in social spending instead of militarization and denounce the militaristic management of the COVID-19 health crisis. These organization include: AA-KEM-MOC Nafarroa, Bake-Ekintza Antimilitarista, Centre Delàs (Delegación Vasca), Emakumeok Gerraren Aurka, Gerrarik Ez Eibar, Gerra Hemen Hasten da/La Guerra Empieza Aquí, Gernika Gogoratuz, Kakitzat koordinakunde Antimilitarista and KEM-MOC Bilboko Talde Antimilitarista.

“We shouldn’t and can’t go back to “normal”, as “normal” was already a state of crisis. We are aware it is not going to be an easy task, as nowadays econocmic interests prevail over the rights and needs of people, but, at the same time, the global health crisis we are enduring can help us reconsider the sinister direction which we had taken as societies”

Read the full statement (in Spanish or Euskera) here.