The Danish Referendum: Can Denmark Resist EU Militarization?

Denmark , Denmark

Tuesday, 12. April 2022, 20.00 CEST The Danish Referendum: Can Denmark resist EU Militarization? A conversation with Susanna Dyre-Greensite, chair of the cross-political People´s Movement against the EU in Denmark and Lave K. Broch, board member of the People´s Movement. Register here:

Online Campaigning by SERPAJ Chile

Chile (Online) Santiago, Chile

One more year, SERPAJ Chile joins GDAMS under the slogan "Give Peace A Budget", which aims to raise awareness among society and public policy makers about the excessive military spending that countries allocate each year in their budgets. For more information, follow this link.

SCRAP Weapons’ Webinar: After the Assault on Ukraine: Strategies for Reducing Military Expenditure

London [ONLINE] London, United Kingdom

Register here Please come to a webinar organised by SCRAP Weapons that will showcase strategies for reducing military spending in light of the Ukraine crisis. The webinar will be held on 22nd April, as part of the International Peace Bureau’s 2022 Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS). What does Russia’s unprovoked invasion of... Read more »

Conferencia “¿Qué queda en Afganistán después del fin de la Guerra?

Librería Bakakai Tendillas de Santa Paula, 11, Granada

Los próximos viernes 22 y sábado 23 de abril tendrá lugar en Granada un nuevo encuentro de la 2ª Escuela Pacifista del Centre Delàs Este tercer módulo del ciclo formativo en activismo pacifista empezará con la conferencia “¿Qué queda en Afganistán después del fin de la Guerra: violencias de género, lucha por los recursos, ¿qué... Read more »

XIV Marcha Ciclista contra la guerra, el gasto militar y la industria militar

Bilbao Spain, Bilbao

On April 23 different peace groups hve organised the XIV Marcha Ciclista (Cycling Rally) against war, military spending and arms trade, defending the conversion of military companies to civil purposes. They also dennounced the growing institutional investments in the military industry, while social emergencies don't get the urgent attention they require. The Marcha Ciclista started... Read more »

Online Campaign Launch: ‘Diamo una possibilità alla Pace’

Italia [Online] Roma

Rete Pace Disarmo with Sbilanciamoci (a campaign that for 20 years has proposed a different Budget for the State) will issue a campaign a specific request for Italy's budget on the occasion of GDAMS. A press release will also be issued in the morning of the 25 with new SIPRI data.

32nd Gernika Culture and Peace Conference

Gernika Spain, Gernika

Join the 32nd Gernika Culture and Peace Conference and discuss the war in Ukraine, the role of the European Union, feminist contributions to decolonising humanitarian responses, peacebuilding in Mozambique and much more! With the participation of Tica Font, from Centre Delàs and WILPF Spain, who will talk about changing paradigm, giving a budget to disarmament... Read more »

NDH Cameroun: Social media actions

Yaoundé Yaoundé, Cameroon

Nouveaux Droits de l'Homme Cameroun will carry out social media campaigning to generate a disucssion within Cameroun about the governments commitment to spending on social needs and spending on arms/military. How can the state put more money in social issues and less in war?

ANZAC Day Online Peace Event

New Zealand [Online] Wellington

Honour the war dead by ending war: This year's ANZAC Day online peace event combines a peace vigil to remember all the casualties of war, and ‘Budget for peace, not war’, a forum marking the Global Day of Action on Military Spending. Join us to discuss the new global military spending figures on the day... Read more »

Peace Boat Military Spending Workshops

Japan kyoto

Series of workshops on military spending in Peace Boat centers across Japan. More details will appear here soon.

Seoul Press Conference

Seoul Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Press conference on 25th April + media content. Peace organisations in South Korea lead by PSPD. Candlelit vigil. More details will come soon.

Online event ‘Diamo una possibilità alla Pace’

Italy [ONLINE] , Italy

Live conference with: Martina Pignatti Morano, Un Ponte Per Vanessa Pallucchi, Forum Terzo Settore Giulio Marcon, Sbilanciamoci Mao Valpiana, Movimento Nonviolento e membro dell’Esecutivo Francesco Vignarca, Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo You can find all details here >

Hibakusha Video Message

Japan [ONLINE] Nagoya

Video message from a Hibakusha who will connect military spending, the war on Ukraine and nuclear weapons. More details soon.

AFSC Budget Advocacy Training

Demilitarizing the Budget: Important even in times of war As the war in Ukraine adds to the many violent conflicts around the world, govenments are responding by increasing military budgets, sending weapons to allies, and calling for escalatory measures against other nations. In 2020, the world spent almost $2 trillion on militaries, and if we... Read more »

Give Peace A Budget – GDAMS event in Brisbane

Anzac Square, Adelaide Street Anzac Square, Adelaide Street, Brisbane

Join Just Peace Queensland to protest the $billion$ of your taxes diverted from creating a secure life for you and your children, and funnelled into limitless military spending. We will have flyers to distribute illustrating graphically Australia's expenditure on weapons and personnel over the coming years. This will rely on SIPRI data and the expenditure... Read more »

Disarm the Seas: Actions against AUKUS & the Indo-Pacific Expo

International Convention Centre Sydney International Convention Centre Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Watch a video of this action here. You can download this leaflet as a pdf file here. See also: Media release 'Indo-Pacific Expo exposes Australian Government hypocrisy'

This event does not have a mappable address.

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No Money for Nuclear Weapons: 16-22 September

[Online] Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

There are 91.4 billion other things money could buy Nuclear weapons programmes divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services. The nuclear-armed countries spend more than $173,000 per minute on their nuclear bombs, over $90 billion each year. Meanwhile, the companies producing these weapons of mass destruction and their investors make billions... Read more »

Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice: 21–28 September 2024

[ONLINE] New York New York, NJ, United States

Divest From War – Invest In Climate Justice The first annual Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice will address the links between war, militarism and climate injustice, promoting grassroots action and policy making for peace and climate justice. This year’s theme is divest from war – invest in climate justice! Find out more... Read more »

Common Security, The New Agenda for Peace, and the Pact for the Future: Redefining Security for the 21st Century

New York 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY, United States

Co sponsored by: International Peace Bureau (IPB), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) New York, Peace Action New York State (PANYS), Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS), Centre Delas Details: Duration: 90 minutes Date and Time: Saturday, 21 September 1:15 pm | 7:15pm CEST Type of Event: Panel + Q&A Location: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation-New York... Read more »