Statement by Escuelas de Paz
A statement for life and demilitarization of bodies, minds and territories in South Colombia
Schools of Peace Foundation, as an organization committed to peacebuilding, peace education development and territorial peace transformations, calls on respect for the life of our community leaders, youngsters, adolescents, boys and girls.
We consider necessary to make visible what happens in Colombia and to create sensitive and protective actions in order to decrease affectation and effects on minds, hearts and bodies of people who inhabit the territories and on the construction of individual and collective life plans.
We are convinced ceasefire is completely necessary. Militaristic path will never mean security for communities and culture of violence possible transformations will be given by paths of education, non- violence, creativity and public pedagogy that builds collectively.
As an organization active present in South Colombia territories, once again we join social leaders, youngsters, adolescents, boys and girls.
Download it as a pdf. You can find it in Spanish.
Political advocacy action at the Colombian Congress: Colombia sets an example by shifting military spending towards healthcare
On the occasion of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) promoted by the International Peace Bureau from April 10 to May 9 of 2020, we celebrate the proposal made by the Colombian congressman and human rights defender Iván Cepeda Castro, alongside 27 other congressmen, to the government of the Republic of Colombia, of transferring 1 billion Colombian pesos allocated to arms purchases and the defense sector towards the health sector.
“I propose that a billion pesos that could go to buy weapons or other non-essential defense sector expenses goes to buy ICU equipment, diagnostic tests for coronavirus, biosecurity aspects or payment of health personnel’s delayed salaries,” stated Senator Cepeda.
On April 21, 2020, Colombia’s defense ministry accepted the proposal of the 27 Colombian congressmen and decided to invest US$25 million in the health sector to respond to the health crisis facing the South American country.
From the coordination of the Global Campaign on Military Spending, we believe the actions of Senator Ivan Cepeda and the other 27 Colombian congressmen create a hopeful outlook and set an example for other parliamentarians around the world to join their voices and demand reductions of military spending.
ONLINE SURVEY – ACOOC-Acción Colectiva de Objetores/as de Conciencia
We invite you to fill out and share this survey, which attempts to add voices and proposals to urgently reduce military spending, and use those resources for the basic needs of the population in the midst of the COVID – 19 situation.
The resources of war, we need them for life
Find the survey here
Please visit our website or our Facebook Page
April 22 – No Bullet Stops a Virus: Military Spending in the Context of Covid 19 – La Vox Populi
#SONORAVIRUS – The Radio Pandemic. Chapter 17: No Bullet Stops a Virus: Military Spending in the Context of Covid 19
Every year, a large amount of resources is allocated to strengthen the military capacities of States around the world. Although this situation has been problematic for a while, the current situation of the pandemic allows us to see some particular characteristics of this militarist structure at a global level, revealing its functioning in moments of crisis and the precarious conditions in which the basic needs of humanity are found, in contrast to the strengthening of military investment as one of the key axes of the capitalist system.
Participants: Pelao Carvallo (Ramalc – Chile y Paraguay), Benjamín Tarqui (Bolivia), Koldobi Velazco (Internacional de resistentes a la guerra – Islas Canarias), Alejandro Parra (ACOOC – Colombia)
Wednesday 22nd from 4pm (col)
live broadcast:
fb live @ la vox populi radio
Cucutá, Colombia – GDAMS Press conference
May 9 – Medellín, Statement
Corporación Con-Vivamos, an organisation that works for community development and human rights in Colombia, adhered to the GDAMS declaration (here).
April 24 – Online campaigning
Acción Colectiva de Objetores y Objetoras de Conciencia Colombia ACOOC (Conscientious Objectors Action Colective of Colombia) endorsed the Global Campaign on Military Spending and shared its materials, putting an emphasis on Colombia being part of the top 30 spenders. Read more here.
April 27, Medellín
Latin American Youth Congress for Peace. This Congress assumed the role of pre-conference towards the World Congress “TRANSFORM” of the International Peace Bureau Youth Network, to be held in Berlin, September, 2019. Look at the photo in our gallery and read the Congress Declaration here!
April 25-26-27, Medellín
The second International Conference on Science and Education for Peace and Development will be held in Medellin on April 25 to 27. The aim of the Conference is to promote a national and international debate with analysis and discussions, to consolidate a National Agreement for the establishment of public policies for education and science. This National Agreement should guarantee social justice and human development in the framework of the present post-conflict situation. It will be presented to the candidates to the Presidence of the Colombian Republic. More information here (in Spanish).
April 24, Medellín
Last Tuesday, April 24, 2018 there was a concentration/action of Women in Black in the Parque Berrío de Medellín from 5 to 7 p.m. against war and violence in general. Attendance was about forty adults and about 30 girls and boys in an organized manner in addition to the people that attended autonomously. In this sit-in we had a banner against military expenses. We distributed an informative flyer on the subject and we had the opportunity to explain the flyer through a public microphone. We must stop this madness of military spending in the world! Look at a photo selection: Photo1 and Photo2
April 14, Medellín
Emilio Arranz writes on violence, military spending, and objection actions in Colombia. Read it here (in Spanish).
14 April 2015, COLOMBIA – Bogotà
Las Mujeres por la Paz, hemos ayudado a liderar los Plantones contra el Gasto Militar en Colombia desde hace 3 años. Venimos trabajando muy fuerte desde cuando se anunció en el 2009 la apertura de las 7 bases militares de Estados Unidos en Colombia.
Las mujeres estamos convencidas de la búsqueda de la Paz sin armas. Nuestro país Colombia ha sufrido el incremento del Gasto Militar y la disminución de inversión para la paz. La educación y la salud las más afectadas en este progreso militar, en pro de un conflicto armado que nos carcome a todos los colombianos.
Mujeres por la paz, es una plataforma de más de 100 organizaciones de Mujeres que trabajamos por la paz en el país. Nacimos en el marco de este nuevo proceso de paz, cuando se anunció el inicio de conversaciones de Paz entre el Gobierno de Santos y las guerrillas de las FARC. Nos unimos las mujeres preocupadas de ver que quienes hemos sido las más afectadas en este conflicto no tuviéramos espacio en la mesa de conversaciones. Los 8 negociadores de ambas partes eran hombres. Así que tratamos de incidir para estar también visibles en la paz.
(Mujeres por la Paz believes that women are convinced of the search for peace without weapons. Their country Colombia has suffered increasing military spending and decreasing investment in peace. Education and health are the most affected in this military progress towards a conflict that affects all Colombians. Mujeres por la Paz is a platform of more than 100 women’s organizations which work for peace in the country.)
Organiser: Mujeres por la paz
Facebook: Observadores De Derechos Humanos y Para-Política
Blog de la Parapolítica
14 April 2014, COLUMBIA-Bogota
Here are the pictures from the women’s action in Bogota.
15 April 2013, COLOMBIA Bogotá
The organisations Mujeres por la Paz and Acción Colectiva de Objetoras y Objetores de Conciencia (ACOOC), invited the public to tell what they wanted their taxes to be spend on. This survey will then be submitted to the Colombian government as a formal petition.
Please watch the video: Jornada de acción global contra el gasto militar – Bogotá DC 15 de abril de 2013.
And see the photos here (from the peace manifestation on April 9 and April 15).
Read the article from El Siglo about military spending.
April 2011, COLOMBIA- Medellin
Antimilitarismo / Kontracultura / Accion directa
Leaflet of metro stations:
Statement available here.
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