Women in Black: London – GDAMS Vigil I

Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Place, London, United Kingdom

First of the Women in Black London GDAMS vigils is on Wednesday 20th from 6pm to 7pm at the Edith Cavell statue. It is in St.Martin’s Place, London WC2, opposite the entrance to the National Portrait Gallery, and not far from Trafalgar Square. GDAMS Placards and leaflets – #GivePeaceABudget. All welcome.

Women in Black: London – GDAMS Vigil II

Edith Cavell statue 10 St. Martin's Place, London, United Kingdom

Second of the Women in Black London GDAMS vigils is on Wednesday 27th April from 6pm to 7pm at the Edith Cavell statue. It is in St.Martin’s Place, London WC2, opposite the entrance to the National Portrait Gallery, and not far from Trafalgar Square. GDAMS Placards and leaflets – #GivePeaceABudget. All welcome.

War Cost Us the Earth: GDAMS 2024

[ONLINE] UK London, United Kingdom

Join a webinar looking at the political landscape in the UK on around military spending ahead of the General Election. With: Same Perlo-Freeman - CAAT Richard Reeve - Rethinking security Kate Hudson - CND

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