Fund Communities Not War!

Washington 245 2nd St NE #5795, Washington, WA, United States

Organized by CodePink - We will take to the streets in Washington DC for disruption, political education, and community building through art. Final details to come!

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Troy, New York

Sage College, Bush Memorial Center 50 First St., Troy, NY, United States

CALL FOR DIPLOMACY IN UKRAINE: NOT MORE WAR, Sage College, Bush Memorial Center, 50 First St., Troy, Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

The Sanctuary at the College of St. Rose 959 Madison Ave., Albany, NY, United States

WAR IN UKRAINE: MAKING SENSE OF A SENSELESS CONFLICT, The Sanctuary at the College of St. Rose, 959 Madison Ave., Albany, Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

University at Albany Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Albany, NY, United States

UNTANGLING THE WEB OF WAR IN UKRAINE: THE CHALLENGE FOR JOURNALISTS, University at Albany, Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

First Unitarian-Universalist Society of Albany 405 Washington Ave., Albany, NY, United States

UNTANGLING THE WEB OF WAR IN UKRAINE, First Unitarian-Universalist Society of Albany, 405 Washington Ave., Albany, Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Troy, New York

Sage College, Bush Memorial Center 50 First St., Troy, NY, United States

CALL FOR DIPLOMACY IN UKRAINE: NOT MORE WAR, Sage College, Bush Memorial Center, 50 First St., Troy, Free

Medea Benjamin speaks on Ukraine in Albany, New York

University at Albany Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Albany, NY, United States

The WAR IN UKRAINE: UNTANGLING A SENSELESS WAR….DETAILING ITS IMPACT ON WOMEN, Co-sponsored by the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, Institute for Research on Women & UUP Albany Chapter, University at Albany, Humanities 354 (Uptown Campus), Free

Tax Day Action San Francisco

San Francisco

Monday, April 15, Noon. Ralley at UN Plaza at the intersection of Market and Hyde Streets. At 12:30p, there will be parade to the IRS office at 450 Golden Gate Avenue. At the IRS office there will be a Tax Refusal Teach-In, children’s activities, and more. Sponsored by CODEPINK, The SF Gray Panthers, Extinction Rebellion... Read more »

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No Money for Nuclear Weapons: 16-22 September

[Online] Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

There are 91.4 billion other things money could buy Nuclear weapons programmes divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services. The nuclear-armed countries spend more than $173,000 per minute on their nuclear bombs, over $90 billion each year. Meanwhile, the companies producing these weapons of mass destruction and their investors make billions... Read more »

Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice: 21–28 September 2024

[ONLINE] New York New York, NJ, United States

Divest From War – Invest In Climate Justice The first annual Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice will address the links between war, militarism and climate injustice, promoting grassroots action and policy making for peace and climate justice. This year’s theme is divest from war – invest in climate justice! Find out more... Read more »

Common Security, The New Agenda for Peace, and the Pact for the Future: Redefining Security for the 21st Century

New York 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY, United States

Co sponsored by: International Peace Bureau (IPB), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) New York, Peace Action New York State (PANYS), Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS), Centre Delas Details: Duration: 90 minutes Date and Time: Saturday, 21 September 1:15 pm | 7:15pm CEST Type of Event: Panel + Q&A Location: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation-New York... Read more »