Better World Info expressed support for GDAMS 2024

Berlin [ONLINE] Berlin

On its website, Better World Info shared GDAMS' statement as well as ressources offered by GCOMS and ways to further support the campaign. Organised by the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) in collaboration with the International Peace Bureau (IPB), the Global Days of Action event has been held annually across the world since 2011.... Read more »

WILPF UK showed its support for GDAMS’ Campaign

[ONLINE] UK London, United Kingdom

WILPF UK has shared GDAMS' statement as well as SIPRI's new research findings on its website. Read here   War Costs Us The Earth: Global Days of Action on Military Spending Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has just published new data on military spending for the year 2023, and the figures show an impressive... Read more »

Gasto Militar: Récord historico

[ONLINE] Madrid Madrid, Spain

"La historia enseña que los momentos de militarización siempre son el preludio de la guerra" Escucha el programa de LaBaseTV que analyza el aumento del gasto militar mundial y español. On Youtube:

Petition “WagesNotWeapons” by C&D

[ONLINE] London

The government must stop wasting money on nuclear weapons and use it instead to ensure fair wages and a decent standing of living for all. People across the country are facing hardship during this cost of living crisis, but the government is spending at least £205 billion on a new nuclear weapons system. Instead of... Read more »

Online Support by Catédra UNESCO de Educacion por la Paz

Puerto Rico , Puerto Rico

Catédra UNESCO de Educacion por la Paz in Puerto Rico has shared its support on Facebook and Instagram, publishing GDAMS' banner as well as the infographics put together by ENAAT, adding its own statement to the GDAMS Campaign. "La guerra no discrimina, provoca sufrimiento sobre toda forma de vida. Desde la destrucción de ecosistemas hasta... Read more »

Statements and Online Support by SERPAJ Chile

Chile (Online) Santiago, Chile

SERPAJ Chile expressed support for GDAMS' campaign this year, making social media posts sharing GDAMS' banner as well as infographics put together by ENAAT  

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No Money for Nuclear Weapons: 16-22 September

[Online] Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

There are 91.4 billion other things money could buy Nuclear weapons programmes divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services. The nuclear-armed countries spend more than $173,000 per minute on their nuclear bombs, over $90 billion each year. Meanwhile, the companies producing these weapons of mass destruction and their investors make billions... Read more »

Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice: 21–28 September 2024

[ONLINE] New York New York, NJ, United States

Divest From War – Invest In Climate Justice The first annual Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice will address the links between war, militarism and climate injustice, promoting grassroots action and policy making for peace and climate justice. This year’s theme is divest from war – invest in climate justice! Find out more... Read more »

Common Security, The New Agenda for Peace, and the Pact for the Future: Redefining Security for the 21st Century

New York 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY, United States

Co sponsored by: International Peace Bureau (IPB), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) New York, Peace Action New York State (PANYS), Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS), Centre Delas Details: Duration: 90 minutes Date and Time: Saturday, 21 September 1:15 pm | 7:15pm CEST Type of Event: Panel + Q&A Location: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation-New York... Read more »