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17 September @ 3:29 pm

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13/06/2021 - 14/06/2021


NATO Heads of State will meet for their annual summit on Brussels on 14th June. Over the past decades the focus of these summits has been the increasing expansion and globalisation of NATO. This year it will focus on how to maintain western dominance in a world where China is rising economically. NATO’s answer as outlined in its recent NATO 2030: United for a New Era document, is to expand its orientation to the Asia Pacific, to deal with the ‘impact’ of the emerging China.
There is no place for NATO in the world we want to build: join our virtual counter-summit to discuss alternatives – in solidarity for peace, justice and disarmament.

Join us at the anti-NATO events – Sunday June 13 1. Global NATO: a Threat to Peace

3am-6:30am PST | 9am-12:30pm EDT | 1pm-4:30pm UTC | 2pm-5:30pm UK | 3pm-6:30pm CEST Interpretation: English, French and Spanish Introduction Heinz Bierbaum, Germany, President – European Left

Part I: 3am-4:30am PST | 9am-10:30am EDT | 1pm-2:30pm UTC | 2pm-3:30pm UK | 3pm-4:30pm CEST

  • NATO2030 – NATO’s new global vision: Ludo De Brabander, Belgium, vrede vzw
  • Nuclear weapons – abolition or new arms race?: Kate Hudson, UK, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
  • Military spending on the rise: Chloé Meulewaeter, Barcelona, Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau
  • War on terror – 20 years on: Lindsey German, UK, Stop the War Coalition

Moderation: Kristine Karch, Germany, No to war – no to NATO

Part II: 5am-6:30am PST |11am-12:30pm EDT | 3pm-4:30pm UTC | 4pm-5:30pm UK | 5pm-6:30pm CEST

  • NATO sets its sights on Asia: Corazon Valdez Fabros, Philippines, Nuclear Free Philippines Coalition (Filipinas)
  • Pacific and China – we need a Pivot to Peace: Ann Wright, USA/Hawaii, Veterans for Peace
  • Latin America – how far will NATO go?: Julieta Daza, Venzuela/Colombia, Juventud Rebelde, Campaign Stopp Air Base Ramstein
  • Russia is still a NATO target – flashpoint Ukraine: Reiner Braun, Germany, IPB
  • NATO in Africa: Alain Rouy, France, Movement de la Paix (tbc)

Moderation: Sara Medi Jones, UK, CND

Since the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO has developed into a global alliance through expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, conducting destabilizing military interventions in the ‘war against terror’ and forging bilateral and multilateral alliances worldwide. At the NATO summit, the report “NATO 2030: United for a new Era” will be discussed. Its militaristic approach to security defines Russia and China as systemic rivals while complex problems in the south are treated simply in terms of counter-terrorist responses to extremist violence. In this webinar we’ll analyse NATO as a global militarist actor. Register at:

Protest action in Brussels – June 13th: 1 – 2 pm BruPlace de l’AlbertinePlace de l’Albertine – Brussels (close to the Central Station) Wearing a mouth mask is mandatory, as is respecting the distance rules of 1.5 meters. The peace movement calls for a protest action on the eve of the summit on Sunday, June 13, to send a clear signal to NATO leaders. We say no to NATO’s policy of confrontation and Cold War. We ask instead:

  • A global common security and relaxation
  • Drastic reductions in military spending. Towards a world in which armaments are kept at the lowest possible level
  • Transfer of armament resources to sectors that effectively contribute to the security of the population: social security, environmental security, diplomacy, the fight for equality and against exclusion, etc …
  • Signing the UN Convention against Nuclear Weapons
  • Nuclear bombs away from Kleine Brogel
  • Stop the F-35 contract

Organise by: intal, CNAPD, Comité Surveillance OTAN, Pax Christi Vlaanderen, Agir pour la Paix, Comité Belge de soutien au peuple sahraoui, Amsterdam Peace Initiative, Nav-Bel, Vrede vzw

Register at:

Monday June 14th: 1pm to 2.30pm CEST 1am-2:30am PST | 7am-8:30am EDT | 11am-12:30pm UTC | 12pm-1:30pm UK | 1pm-2:30pm CEST Interpretation: English, French, and Spanish

2. Dissolution of NATO – for solidarity, sustainability and disarmament

By diverting attention and resources to militarism, NATO will also make it difficult to achieve the urgent Paris Agreement climate targets and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Global solidarity and international cooperation is needed to solve common challenges: the pandemic, the climate emergency, and inequality. With diplomacy, disarmament and sustainable development through a democratised United Nations system, there is no need for this western hemisphere-dominated, anachronistic military alliance. In this webinar we’ll discuss how we can challenge NATO and promote human security.

Opening Greetings: Özlem Demirel, Germany, MEP, THE LEFT Introductions:

  • For nuclear abolition and common security: Sean Conner, USA/Germany, IPB
  • Solidarity and resistance to war: Kate Hudson, UK, CND
  • Transformation for sustainability and peace: Tamara Lorincz, Canada, Women for Peace
  • Achieving disarmament: Quique Sanchez, Barcelona, GCOMS

Moderation: Jessica Pardo, Colombia, IPB

Register at:

Monday, June 14: Voices for Peace – you !!! can protest against NATO 5-7am PST | 11-1pm EDT | 3-5pm UTC | 4-6pm UK | 5-7pm CEST

Calling for 2 minutes “protest greetings against NATO”

Angelo Cardona, Columbia | Bernhard Trautvetter, Germany | Chris Nienham, UK | Darnska-Réty, France | David Swanson, USA | Isabelle Vanbrabant, Belgium | Jeannie Toschi M. Visconti, Italy | Jeremy Corbyn, UK | John Lannon, Ireland | Joseph Gerson, USA | Julieta Daza, Venezuela/Colombia | Laura Capote, Colombia | Leo Gabriel, Austria | Malalai Joya, Afghanistan | Marc Botenga, Belgium | Marta Di Giacomo, Italy | Marzia Ronconi, France | Nilufer Koc, Kurdistan | Oz Karahan, Cyprus | Özlem Demirel, Germany | Pablo Dominguez, Montenegro | Pablo Ruiz, Chile | Pat Elder, USA | Rae Street, UK | Rhonda Ramiro, USA | Sadet Karabulut, Netherlands | Sissy Vovou, Greece | Tamara Lorincz , Canada | Ulla Kotzer, Finland | Veronique Coteur, Belgium | Vijay Prashad, India | Yildiz Temürtürkan, Turkey | Yuri Sheliazhenko , Ukraine.

Moderation: Kate Hudson and Reiner Braun

Register at:

Twitter storm message(s) against the NATO Summit addressed to Stoltenberg and other NATO leaders, with hashtags like #NotoNato #NATODangerToPeace …


Place de l’Albertine
Brussels, Belgium


Place de l’Albertine
Brussels, Belgium

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No Money for Nuclear Weapons: 16-22 September

[Online] Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

There are 91.4 billion other things money could buy Nuclear weapons programmes divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services. The nuclear-armed countries spend more than $173,000 per minute on their nuclear bombs, over $90 billion each year. Meanwhile, the companies producing these weapons of mass destruction and their investors make billions... Read more »

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Common Security, The New Agenda for Peace, and the Pact for the Future: Redefining Security for the 21st Century

New York 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY, United States

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