Infographic ‘The militarization of Europe’
Countries in red are NATO member states, in light blue members of the EU, and in dark blue both countries in both NATO and the EU.
The Member States of the European Union have been increasing their military expenditures for several years now, culminating to €298 billion in 2023, and up to €374 billion if the UK and Norway are included. This makes the EU-27 Member States, with UK and Norway, collectively rank second on the global scene, after the US and before China.
How are further increases going to change the current situation and build security?
Besides military expenditures, the infographic also shows countries’ position at the Arms Exporters Ranking and the number of companies at the Top 100 arms industries.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Military Expenditure, Arms Transfers, and Arms Industries Databases (2021).
- European Network Against the Arms Trade (ENAAT).
- Transnational Institute (TNI), ‘At what cost?’ report (2022).