
Inter Alia – Online campaigning

Inter Alia joined GDAMS for the second time by sharing its message and infographic on social media.
Would you sacrifice more than 3000 Intensive Care Unit beds to have one more fighter jet? Maybe you don’t have to answer, because someone has already opted for the jet. Let’s move the money from what takes lives to what saves them!”

May 9 – Athens, Online campaigning

InterAlia, a greek non-profit organisation dedicated to improve social participation and collective action, endorsed the Global Campaign on Military Spending on the occasion of GDAMS by sending pictures for the #MoveTheMoney online campaign.

April 16, Athens

Panel at the “Union of the Lowers” in Athens with speakers: a lawyer, an economist, and Panos Trigazis from PADOP (who spoke about chemical weapons with the occasion of the bombing in Syria concluding that the International Community and NOT some states should decide and act in use of ALL prohibited weapons). There was discussion among the audience with representatives from Colombia, Turkey, Syria, Union of Arabic Countries, and a parliamentarian (Giorgos Dimaras) who has signed the ICAN declaration. More information (in Greek): – Text of Panos Trigazis speech (in Greek, published in the first page of the Greek daily Press AVGI) is available here: – Look also at the photo, or download it!

Greece, Athens: Social versus Military Costs

April 23th

action 23 04

‘Social vs. Military Costs’

In the context of the international campaign ‘Poetry Against Arms’ and the Global Campaign on Military Spending (, we conducted the action ‘Social vs. Military Costs’, in front of the Greek Parliament, organized by:

-World without Wars and Violence (

-Association of Conscientious Objectives (http: //,

-Voluntary Civil Service Hellas (

-feminist collective The Purple (

With a central demand to reduce military spending and increase social spending, we wore white masks emphasizing that we are not invisible, we opened up gigantic ‘There are no money’, we planted flowers in military helmets with the painted sign of peace and play poems.

More inforrmation:

15 April 2013, GREECE- Athens

On 15 April 2013, the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection organised an action in front of the Greek Parliament,  at Syntagma Square, in the heart of Athens, above the central metro  station. They had  a huge banner writing on its first half « THERE ARE  MONEY » with drawings of a military tank, a military airplane, a military  submarine and bombs, while on its second half one could read «  THERE ARE NO MONEY »  with drawings of a public school, a public hospital, a public bus and a  peace sign.  This action was co-organised by World Without Wars and Violence, the Greek Association of  Conscientious Objectors, the  Antinationalistic-Antimilitaristic Initiative, the Greens and the Synaspismos Youth.

Find here some newspapers articles about this action:

April 2012, GREECE- Athens

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (ECBO)/Greek Association of Conscientious Objectors/World Without Wars and Violence/World Women March/Antinationalistic-Antimilitaristic Initiative/Antigone Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence/Ecologists Greens Party/ Youth of Synaspismos Left Party and Iliosporoi Network

The participants condemn the excessive level of military spending and call for a reallocation of resources to fulfill basic human needs. They were holding the five posters of the international campaign, sharing leaflets to the people and speaking to passer-by, journalists, and photo reporters.

17 April 2011, GREECE- Athens

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection

“Our action took place on the Parliament Square in the heart of Athens where the central metro station is. We opened a big banner writing on its first half THE MONEY IS THERE (for military tank, airplane, submarine and bombs) and on its second half THE MONEY IS NOT THERE (for schools, hospitals, public transportation and peace). We also opened a banner with the IPB poster and a banner with the graph Military Spending vs. Millennium Development Goals (after translation in greek and calculation in Euros). We took textiles of different colours and we opened them in scale to show the proportional length of the costs. The coloured textiles are the MDGs and the black one is the military spending. On the military spending textile we put military helmets with the peace sign on them asking for social spending instead of military spending. We were reading our press release and we were asking people passing by to write on the black textile of the military spending where they would like this money to go instead (education, health, environment etc). People were very positive and we gave 800 press releases and some GDAMS follow-up fliers.” More info and photos available from