
May 5 – Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto (The Union of Conscientious Objectors)

Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto joined GDAMS by sharing its message and materials on their social media.“Vuonna 2019 maailman valtiot käyttivät sotilasmenoihin n. 1,77 biljoonaa euroa eli 1,77 miljoonaa miljoonaa euroa eli 1770 miljardia euroa! 1 770 000 000 000 €! Kasvua edellisestä vuodesta tapahtui 3,6 %. Vertasi sotilaskuluja terveydenhuollon kuluihin. #GCOMS”.

Online Action

Online actions by Peace Union of Finland (Rauhanliitto).

Sharing selfies, the GDAMS statement and a press release on April 27.

April 13 – onwards: Online campaigning + infographic’s translation

The Committee of 100 (Sadankomitea) of Finland endorsed GDAMS via online, helping disseminate the materials and translating the infographic on global military spending (with SIPRI’s data from the year 2018) to Finnish, in order to better disseminate the contents of the campaign in their country. You can download the Finnish infographic on military spending here.

April 13 – onwards: Online campaigning

Peace Union Finland (Rauhanliitto) endorsed the Global Days of Action on Military Spending via online, with their own proposals for the #MoveTheMoney selfies campaign and by disseminating the campaign’s materials.

May 2nd, Helsinki

Press Conference presenting the GCOMS Statement on global military spending, with SIPRI data and GDAMS message at the center. At 9:30am, in the meeting room Filatelia at Posthouse, Helsinki. The Sipri figures will be pesented by the Rauhanliitto Information officer Tuuli Vuori. Then a foreign and securitupoliticla reseacher Olli Ruhomäki, visiting Senior Fellow at Finnish Foregn political inistitute FIIA, will give an comment on the global security  trends and then Timo Mielonen, peace organisation Committee of 100´s  chair,  will comment  about Finnish defence budget and our new big coming military investements. We have an finnish press information but will be sharing also the english GDAMS statement. Organized by Peace Union Finland Rauhanliitto.

April 2011, FINLAND- Helsinki

Committee of 100 in Finland / Peace Union of Finland / Finnish Reserve Officers’ Federatio

“To mark the Global Day of Action on Military Spending, we organized a discussion panel on the Finnish military budget with representatives of most major political parties present. In this way, the theme of the day was linked to the upcoming parliamentary elections. The event, open for all, took place at a central location in Helsinki and attracted some tens of people. The main themes discussed were: 1) Universal conscription in Finland 2) The national defense budget and 3) The issue of national defense vs. international missions. The party representatives were asked to present their views on a number of questions relating to these themes. As to whether Finland should abandon universal conscription for either selective military service or a professional army, most parties still stood behind universal conscription, with only one party representative in favor of a selective system. Regarding future cuts in the defense budget, most representatives acknowledged the need for reductions in national spending. Other issues, such as the contents of military training, women’s role in the army, new military threats and Finland’s role in international military/humanitarian operations were also brought to the fore. In addition, the audience was given the opportunity to present questions in writing to the representatives. During the coming years, changes in the Finnish military system are likely to occur due to a number of issues, e.g. budjet restrictions, population decline and a growing degree of impopularity of the armed service. It is clear that the new parliament will play an important part in these changes and their contents. The Committee of 100 continues to follow up on decisions and developments concerning the military sector in Finland, in line with it’s work for peace and demilitarization.