May 2nd, Helsinki

Press Conference presenting the GCOMS Statement on global military spending, with SIPRI data and GDAMS message at the center. At 9:30am, in the meeting room Filatelia at Posthouse, Helsinki. The Sipri figures will be pesented by the Rauhanliitto Information officer Tuuli Vuori. Then a foreign and securitupoliticla reseacher Olli Ruhomäki, visiting Senior Fellow at Finnish Foregn political inistitute FIIA, will give an comment on the global security  trends and then Timo Mielonen, peace organisation Committee of 100´s  chair,  will comment  about Finnish defence budget and our new big coming military investements. We have an finnish press information but will be sharing also the english GDAMS statement. Organized by Peace Union Finland Rauhanliitto.