We are acting to reduce military assets!
GDAMS just started last week and it has been the busiest period for our campaigners all over the world to raise public awareness about military spending with this year slogan “Reducing 10% of military assets will help saving our planet. Take action!”, from April 14th to May 3rd.
From Canberra to Quang Ninh, Leeds, London, Berlin and Rome, from Bilbao to Auckland, throughout the US and finally to Medellín, activists have united and will still be for the next two weeks, peacefully protesting to allocate a large part of military budgets to human needs.
Last week and just like every year, the movement wanted to contribute to remind people, especially just before U.S Tax Day, April 17th, 2018, where their tax money really goes to.
On April 14th only there have been various events and actions undertaken by GDAMS partners and supporters: a new video on military sales by the Australian government has been screened in Canberra; in Berlin, Kathrin Vogler supported the “Global Day(s) of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS)” of the International Peace Bureau by participating in the Selfie Campaign; in Rome, Italy, an action was organized with US Citizens for Peace and Justice as well as ReteNoWarRoma, BDS Italia and BDS Roma, Diem25, among others, and with the participation of young students from international high schools and universities of Rome; in Bilbao, a Tax Objection Talk week event just started, to tell their government “Don’t pay wars with our taxes”.
Furthermore, particularly in the U.S, we experienced, and will still do for the next two weeks, a variety of events organized by many non-profit organizations for peace, disarmament and human rights.
Only last week rallies have been held in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, a march took place in Oregon, a workshop was held in Maine, as well as many other events. In Asheville, North Carolina, Leaflets were distributed downtown. On April 16th, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom & Tucson Raging Grannies handed out War Resisters League “Where Your Tax Money Really Goes” Pie charts in front of the Wilmot Library in Tucson, Arizona.
Many events are still to come and we invite you to check them out and join us. From peaceful rallies, and gatherings to vigils, speeches, flyering, workshops, screenings, selfies and so on, there are many different ways to support our campaign.
We need to involve even more citizens and organizations in an open debate on the counterproductive results of military expenditure. More than ever, we urge you to reach out new partners to work on the ongoing Global Campaign on Military Spending, and to make the Global Days of Action on Military Spending a great success!
Have a look at the already organized GDAMS actions, and visit our photo gallery!
Participate in the GDAMS selfie campaign, and also in the “You Owe Us” campaign!