IPB calls on world leaders to dramatically reduce military spending in favour of health care and social needs
The international Peace Bureau is calling for a dramatic reduction in military spending in favour of health care and to satisfy the social needs.
The world’s oldest peace NGO, the Nobel Prize-winning IPB, has called on world leaders gathering at the UN General Assembly in September to send a message of peace and solidarity to reduce military spending in favour of health care and social needs.
“This is a time to open a new page in global relations to put geopolitical tensions to one side, to end proxy wars, for a ceasefire in those many conflicts around the world all of which stand to hamper a global solidarity effort. We have to lift the shadow of war and military brinkmanship which has blighted global cooperation in recent years and work to ensure that a spirit of peace and solidarity prevails.
The IPB has long drawn the world’s attention to the increasing velocity of the global arms race.
“Our communities are paying a high price for an arms race that has diverted resources from the basic health and welfare needs of the people. We are all paying a heavy price for failed leadership and misplaced market-driven practices that have weakened our means to address this emergency, which has hit the weakest hardest”.
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