Become a member

Join us and take action!


If you are a non-for-profit organization of the civil society and your activities are based on ethical principles and on the respect of human rights, with no partisan interests, you are most welcome to join this campaign.
We will be happy to include you in our partner’s directory and mailing list.

  • Send us an email and tell us a little bit about your organization and your motivation to join the campaign.
  • Make plans for actions on the Global Days of Action on Military Spending -GDAMS-, every spring. Also, have a look at our agenda.
    Press conferences are always a good strategy. We analyse the new data on military spending released by SIPRI and get our message on the media: we demand major reductions on defence budgets and the refunneling of those funds to people and the environment!
  • Stay informed: keep up with latest news regarding military spending, defence budget, military industry… Analyse your country’s military/defence budget and share your findings.
  • Reach out to groups in your country and to other organization in your sector; Use your social networks to spread the word and find allies; Form a national coalition!
  • Share your ideas, actions and comments with the GCOMS network: through social media – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram -, directly with other partners, or by emailing our Coordination Team.
  • Support the work of the International Peace Bureau with a donation.


  • Join a local group working on the issue – or set one up!
  • Organize/support GDAMS actions in your city /country.
  • Do Online Campaigning: use social media to get a buzz going in your own community; help spread the word on demilitarization and disarmament by sharing news, materials and actions; contact your local/national representatives, ask them to position themselves; Join our selfie campaign!
  • Stay informed: keep up with the latest news (both local and global) and draw your own conclusions from a pacifist perspective!

For the latest news and updates follow us in:

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There are no upcoming events at this time.