juliol 9, 2024| Readings TNI’s new report “Climate in the Crosshairs: The planetary impact of NATO’s spending increases”
novembre 27, 2023| Readings Bad business for Spain: it increases its arms purchases by 266% in the last 10 years
octubre 26, 2022| Readings Centre Delàs’ Report: “Transnational corporations, warmongering and the climate emergency”
febrer 24, 2021| Infographics & Materials | Readings Report: Militarism and Environmental Crisis: A Necessary Reflection
octubre 24, 2020| Readings Report: ‘In search of enemies. The governments holding disarmament hostage’
juny 11, 2020| Readings A vision for Black Lives: Policy demands for Black Power, Freedom and Justice
abril 30, 2020| Readings ‘Rethinking Unconstrained Military Spending’ – UNODA Occasional Papers No. 35
desembre 10, 2019| Readings Resisting militarisation and militarism within the Spanish state- War Resisters’ International
octubre 17, 2019| Readings Memo: Americans Want a Progressive Overhaul of American Foreign Policy – Data For Progress