GDAMS 2013

List of actions per countries:

  • Belgium (1)
    11 April 2013, BELGIUM- Brussels

    Agir pour la Paix realised a video (hidden camera) about military spending. They dressed up as soldiers and ask people to give them money to buy new weapons.

  • USA (26)
    13 April 2013, MAINE- Brunswick

    Occupy Maine Bath/Brunswick and Greater Brunswick Peace Work organised a vigil outside the post office on April 13, 2013.

    See photos here.

    13 April 2013, RHODE ISLAND- Bristol

    Eleven members from East Bay Citizens for Peace’s stood outside the Bristol Post Office on Saturday April 13 from 11 to noon. They held signs that said:  “Tax to help, not to kill”,  “Fund our Communities – Not War”,  “How is the war economy working for you?”, and handed out 40  GDAMS fliers . Their tax day letter to the editor was printed in the local newspaper and included on the back of the flier. Passersby stopped to thank them, drivers honked and waved and many, including a couple from Germany, made a point of saying how much they agreed with them.

    15 April 2013, ARIZONA- Tuscon

    Peace activists held signs outside Tucson’s RaytheonMissile Systems while the workers arrived for the early morning shift.

    The messages were “Not With Our Tax Dollars”, “Drones: Terror From the Sky” and “Will the World’s Children Survive Your Work?” — the group publicly expressed their desire that tax dollars fund social needs such as education and health care rather than the pilotless drones, cruise missiles, Star Wars “kill vehicles”, cluster bombs and more built at Raytheon’s Tucson plant.

    That afternoon, John Heid had a trial in Tucson City Court for his December 28, 2012 arrest during a drone protest at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, home to an active combat predator drone unit. He told the judge that he didn’t go to Davis-Monthan AFB that day with criminal intent, but rather with the intent to challenge criminality. Heid was found guilty of trespass and sentenced to time served on the day of his arrest.

    See the photos.

    15 April 2013, CALIFORNIA- Arcata

    On April 15, Tax Day, volunteers conducted the annual Penny Poll in front of the Arcata, CA post office.  A total of about 186 people took the time to vote by distributing ten pennies among ten containers labeled to represent major government programs. By choosing where they want their federal tax dollars to go, they can also inform the community about their priorities.

    The graph of the Penny Poll votes by Humboldt County taxpayers looks like an inverted image of the federal government priorities.  The federal budget allocates 55% of our discretionary budget tax dollars to the military, and a total of 18% to Education, Health, Environment, Housing and Social Services.  Local people choose to give only 3% to the military and 78% of their taxes to those five programs.

    The Penny Poll is carried out every year on tax day, in front of post offices across the country. While results do vary slightly from city to city, the Poll consistently shows broad consensus for a federal budget that addresses people’s basic needs rather than shoveling funds into the military industrial complex.

    See photos here.

    15 April 2013, CALIFORNIA- Berkeley

    $22,000 in grants from Northern Calfornia People’s Life Fund (PLF) were distributed in a ceremony on tax day evening at the Co-Housing Common House in Berkeley. The funds for PLF grants come from interest earned on a pool of income tax dollars that activists refuse to pay to the federal government because they cannot in good conscience support the government’s use of these taxes for military purposes. Instead they choose to re-direct them to community organizations through the PLF. One of the priorities is to fund groups that include in their leadership the people impacted by the work of the organization.

    15 April 2013, CALIFORNIA- Oakland

    On April 15, a dozen of people gathered in front of the Oakland Federal Building to hand out flyers. Some people were lying on the ground covered with sheets while others read the names of people who died in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    15 April 2013, CALIFORNIA- San Francisco

    The coalition of Bay Area organizations had over 40-50 volunteers passing out nearly 8,000 flyers to BART subway commuters mostly in the morning and some in the afternoon. Some people leafleted along Piedmont Avenue and at the noontime vigil at the Oakland Federal Building. They covered three BART stops in San Francisco and up to 12 in the East Bay.

    They also held a press conference at 6 am that had a KPIX TV van pull up and then away and one article in Chinese in the World Journal.

    See the photos here.

    15 April 2013, COLORADO- Colorado Springs

    Fifty people voted in a penny poll on Tax Day, April 15, in downtown Colorado Springs. Each given 10 pennies to allocate to 8 categories, voters chose healthcare and hunger as top priorities — 21% for each, $1.09 and $1.08, respectively.

    The remaining categories received: education, 17% (88 cents); environment, 13% (66 cents); housing, 8% (42 cents); the arts, 8% (40 cents); military, 6% (33 cents); and retirement (6%, 30 cents). Total cash voted was $5.16 — 16 cents are unaccounted for, believed to be contributed by voters.

    A dozen activists hosted the poll from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., offering the War Resisters League pie chart leaflet, Where your income tax money really goes, as well as penny candy to each voter in the penny poll. Given the very military nature of Colorado Springs (5 bases and many “defense” industry contractors), it’s significant that the military received a 6% vote while healthcare and hunger each received more than 3 times as much.

    While the federal income tax assigns 47% of its dollars to past and present military use, the people vote for human needs when given a choice. It’s time to move the money!

    See the action on Youtube and see the photos here.

    15 April 2013, HAWAII

    Honolulu Friends Meeting (Quakers) demonstrated in front of the Downtown Post Office. See the photos here.

    15 April 2013, ILLINOIS- Evanston

    by Chicago Area Peace Action (CAPA)

    Please view photos from the CAPA action in their Facebook page.

    15 April 2013, KENTUCKY- Lexington

    War Resisters League Steve Olshewsky handed out 500 WTR Pie Chart at Lexington Kentucky’s main post office from 2 to 7 pm. This action picked up the interest of the Central Kentucky Coalition for Peace & Justice, which has a 1,000 readership newsletter. It also was mentioned in a weekly paper in Eastern Kentucky.

    15 April 2013, MISSOURI- Kansas City

    by American Friends Service Committee

    The American Friends Service Committee organised a demonstration in order to urge not to cut Social Security, Medicare and Human needs programs. See their flyer here.

    15 April 2013, NEW HAMPSHIRE- Portsmouth

    by Seacoast Peace Response

    Seacost Peace Response conducted a War Tax Education Penny Poll in Market Square on April 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The action was aimed at calling attention to the cost of the militarized federal budget, and it also showed how tax dollars are being spent.

    Obama’s 2013 discretionary budget proposes that 57 percent of tax dollars to be spent on defense. Only 5 percent is proposed for health and 6 percent for education. Seacoast Peace Response and N.H. Peace Action are participating in “Move the Money,” a national campaign to reduce military spending by at least 25 percent and to move the money into local programs to meet human needs. The Pentagon itself has proposed cuts greater than 25 percent. If the U.S. military budget were cut by 80 percent it would still be the largest military budget in the world. Currently, the U.S. spends more money on its military than all the countries on the planet combined, according to a press release issued by Seacoast Peace Response.

    The Penny Poll is a large display board with options for people to place pennies, provided by the group, in the categories they think the tax money should be spent in. Some spending options include: veterans benefits, environmental protection, housing, and health care. In last year’s Penny Poll, health care received the most votes with environmental protection coming close behind.

    See media report : Penny Poll in Market Square on Monday.

    15 April 2013, NEW YORK- Albany

    by UAlbany Peace Action

    UAlbany Peace Action, a student activist club at the University at Albany, held a poll asking students “Do you know where your tax money REALLY goes?”

    View photos in their Facebook page.

    15 April 2013, NEW YORK- New York

    Activists and war tax resisters from NYC War Resisters League, NYC People’s Life Fund and War Tax Resistance, along with members of the Grannies Peace Brigade, Veterans for Peace, Peace Action New York State marched from the Manhattan office of the IRS to the General Post Office. They handed out more than 1,000 pie chart flyers. About 50 people leafleted and vigiled in front of the IRS for over an hour; followed by a march through Times Square with the Rude Mechanical Orchestra to the General Post Office. It made for a lively time, with Rude Mechanical playing music and leading chants.

    See the photos here.

    15 April 2013, OHIO- Cleveland
    15 April 2013, OREGON- Eugene

    Activists gathered at the Eugene downtown post offices on Tax Day, April 15th, to challenge militarism and to call for the re-ordering of federal spending from supporting war to meeting human and environmental needs.

    People were provided the opportunity to voice how they would spend their tax dollars when they took part in the “Penny Poll.” Participants were handed 10 pennies, which they deposited in jars representing a 5-category breakdown of the federal budget. The categories and how people voted are as follows:

    • Human Resources                  54%
    • Physical resources                  24%
    • General government               12%
    • Paying Down the Debt             7%
    • Military                                     3%

    “The results are similar to past years. If Eugene residents ran the Federal Government things would be significantly different — their tax dollars would be funding social and environmental programs and not endless war,” said event organizer Michael Carrigan of CALC.

    War tax resisters, who object to over half of their federal taxes going to the military, redirected their “war” taxes to local organizations, including Sponsors, Shelter Care, and Occupy Medical as well as other organizations, who were on hand to receive their donations.

    Peace activists were joined by activists from Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network-Jobs with Justice who spoke out for postal workers and keeping the Gateway mail processing center open. Michael Carrigan of CALC spoke in support of postal workers and not war at their rally April 13.

    See photos here.

    15 April 2013, OREGON- Portland

    Oregon Action demonstrated on the bridges of Portland holding signs with the following messages:

    • Trillions in debt and death every day
    • Don’t like the war? Then refuse to pay
    • Let’s not pay for wars and occupations
    • Use our taxes for jobs and education!

    In the evening the group held a potluck dinner and redirection ceremony at the Peace House, and Ann Huntwork read her letter to the IRS.

    See photos here.

    15 April 2013, PENNSYLVANIA- Philadelphia

    by Main Line Peace Action

    Main Line Peace Action joined Brandywine Peace Community at Philadelphia’s 69th Street Terminal in Upper Darby to reach early morning commuters (7:30-9AM) with the 20′ banner from AFSC graphically showing the federal discretionary budget.  They also passed out 450 flyers, modified from the GDAMS flyer urging “No more tax dollars for the F-35.”

    Main Line Peace Action joined with the Philadelphia Granny Peace Brigade at the Philadelphia Post Office later that morning at Broad and 15th Streets to unfurl the banner again and pass out the AFSC mini fold out version of the same graph, while the Grannies buttonholed passersby to participate in their penny poll to indicate where they would like for their tax dollars to go.

    See the pictures here.

    15 April 2013, PENNSYLVANIA- Pittsburgh

    by WILPF

    WILPF Pittsburgh had a penny poll nest to the post office and handed out flyers discussing military spending in the United States.

    See the photos from this action.

    Press coverage: View the picture from the local newspaper Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

    15 April 2013, USA

    In 33 states and 86 cities and towns, peace, economic justice, faith based groups used Tax Day and GDAMS to continue grassroots pressure on Congress to change national spending priorities and end the austerity drive to cut jobs and human needs to balance the federal budget.”

    Read this excellent report on activities in the US – complete with pictures – from the Peace Blog, written by our US Coordinator, Judith LeBlanc at Peace Action.

    15 April 2013, VERMONT- Brattleboro

    Activists from Valley War Tax Resistance vigiled, handed out flyers and talked outside the post office.

    See the photos here.

    15 April 2013, VIRGINIA- Richmond

    The Richmond Peace Education Center demonstrated at the Brook Road Post  Office on April 15th. They handed out flyers and pizza to people who went to the post office to fill their taxes. See the pictures on their Facebook page.

    15 April 2013, WASHINGTON- Seattle

    How would you spend our nation’s discretionary funds for a year — a total of $1.242 trillion? On April 15, 2013, people in six different neighborhoods of Seattle (Wedgwood, West Seattle, downtown, Greenwood, Columbia City, Ballard) were asked to make that decision by the Greater Seattle Veterans For Peace.

    Click for the results, quotes from the day, and photos.

    16 April 2013, MASSACHUSETTS- Boston

    Mary Regan with New England War Tax Resistance says, “I was going to a tax day event April 16 (tax day in Massachusetts) and was to announce the grants from our refused taxes. It was a protest to spotlight the need for our economy to turn from war to human needs.

    “But because of the terrible events of Monday in Boston, the event has been canceled. People are hunkering down to be with family, but I wish we were still protesting, because we need to show that violence should be met with love.”

    April 2013, Nationwide: Press articles
  • Philippines (1)
    13 April 2013, PHILIPPINES- Manila

    To commemorate the Global Day of Action on Military Spending in the Philippines, the Stop the War Coalition-Philippines (STWC), Peace Women Partners (PWP), and Samahan ng Mamamayan-Zone One Tondo Inc (SM-ZOTO Inc) brought together children, young people and women who conducted simultaneous workshops on art, music and theater to interpret what GDAMS means to them last April 13.

    Ten children and young people designed posters on the theme: Pagkain, Trabaho at Edukasyon, Hindi Bala,Hindi Kanyon, (Food, Jobs and Education, Not Bullets, Not Cannons) which has been selected as the Philippine Call for the GDAMS campaign. The winning poster was created by Mary Joy Suarez, an SM-ZOTO volunteer who had to drop out of college. The group also made a streamer with the GDAMS slogan, which they paraded in the streets of Dagatdagatan before it was set up in the GDAMS forum held at an evacuation center in Pescadores, Navotas, Philippines. Here is the news article  for the events co-organised by Stop the War Coalition Philippines and the Peace Women Partners.

    Watch the video Food, Jobs, Education. Not bullets, arms and cannons

    Press: Opinion: Summertime blues by Bernard Karganilla (Malaya)

  • Italy (1)
    14 April 2013, ITALY- Rome

    U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice organised a sit-in next to the Colosseum in Rome. They handed over flyers and engaged passers into discussions. In addition one of their members played live music.

    See the photos.

  • Australia (4)
    15 April 2013, AUSTRALIA- Australian Greens

    Media release: Global Day of Action on Military Spending – time to recalibrate defence 

    Global military spending rose to US $1.74 trillion in 2011. The Australian government spends $25 billion a year — or $68 million per day — on defence spending.

    This is a travesty when 125,000 Australians are homeless every night and budget cuts are being made to higher education.

    Demonstrations were held on April 15 in cities around Australia and in over 100 centres world wide to mark a global day of action on military spending. This coincides with the publication by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute of world military expenditures for the past year.

    15 April 2013, AUSTRALIA- Brisbane

    Just Peace Queensland Inc. presented its case for a serious reduction of military spending by Australia in several ways. Read here about their actions.

    15 April 2013, AUSTRALIA- Canberra

    Peacebus organised a manifestation in front of the Defence headquarter in Canberra. Read the illustrated report here.

    15 April 2013, AUSTRALIA- Sydney

    Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition: Read their press release. See the photos here and watch the video.

    Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Australian Section: As part of its campaign Challenging Militarism and its overall aim of universal disarmament, WILPF issued a statement to support GDAMS.

    Press coverage:Sydney protest wants army ‘wastage’ cuts (The Australian) Global day of action protests military spending by Rachel Evans (Green Left Weekly)

    Blog: Demo-Global Day of Action on Military Spending 

  • Bolivia (1)
    15 April 2013, BOLIVIA

    Press release: Global Day of Action on Military Spending (Pressenza)

  • Canada (4)
    15 April 2013, CANADA

    Ceasefire Canada created a word cloud on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending asking this question: How would you spend the money? They received nearly 400 ideas of how Canada could better spend the money wasted on weapons and war. Read the ideas here.

    15 April 2013, CANADA Halifax

    The Canadian Voice Of Women For Peace called on the federal Government to redirect military spending to invest in urgent human and environmental needs.

    They organised a petition. VOW Peace activists collected signatures on the streets of Toronto on the Global Day of Action Against Military Spending.

    Below, Nova Scotia Canadian Voice of Women for Peace activists engaged members of the public, asking them to sign the VOW petition calling for a 50% reduction in Canada’s military spending, and a redirection of that money toward the social and environmental needs of  Canadians.

    Read their report here. Read the press article: Halifax groups want military spending cut back (the Herald News). Read a blog entry about this action.

    15 April 2013, CANADA Toronto

    Science for Peace held a panel, watch the video here.

    15 April 2013, CANADA- Nationwide

    Blog entry: 2013-04-15 Global day of action on military spending by Kathleen Walsh.

  • Chile (1)
    15 April 2013, CHILE

    Read the report from actions organised in the following cities: Arica, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Cabildo, Valparaiso, San Antonio, R. Metropolitana, Maule, Puerto Montt and Aysén.

    See the photos here and watch the Día Global de Acción Contra el Gasto Militar video from Coyhaique, Chile here.

  • Colombia (1)
    15 April 2013, COLOMBIA Bogotá

    The organisations Mujeres por la Paz and Acción Colectiva de Objetoras y Objetores de Conciencia (ACOOC), invited the public to tell what they wanted their taxes to be spend on. This survey will then be submitted to the Colombian government as a formal petition.

    Please watch the video: Jornada de acción global contra el gasto militar – Bogotá DC 15 de abril de 2013.

    And see the photos here (from the peace manifestation on April 9 and April 15).

    Read the article from El Siglo about military spending.

  • UK (6)
    15 April 2013, England- Brighton

    Workers at EDO in Brighton arrived to work on April 15 to find the front gates drenched with red paint, symbolising the blood of the victims of the weapons manufacturer. Read the article here.

    15 April 2013, ENGLAND- Coventry

    A protest against weapons was held at a the military manufacturer General Dynamics.

    Read press article: Company silent on weapons protest by Matthew Bates (The Coventry Observer)

    15 April 2013, ENGLAND- London

    “The UK spends £39 billion a year on the military and arms, while vital services in health, education, welfare and renewable energy are cut or under threat”. This concern was raised at a meeting in the Houses of Parliament on Monday 15 April by 39 peace and development groups.
    Press article: Calls in Parliament for military spending to be directed to meet human needs (The Independent Catholic News)

    Members of Pax Christi, Campaign Against the Arms Trade and Movement for the Abolition of War took part in street-theatre and protest outside Parliament.

    Press article: London: Global Day of Action Against Military Spending (The Independent Catholic News)

    15 April 2013, SCOTLAND- Faslane

    Activists from several campaign groups and political parties peacefully blocked entrances to the Faslane nuclear base.

    Media release:

    Anti-Trident campaigners blockade naval base (The Guardian)

    Protesters stage anti-Trident blockade at Faslane (BBC News)

    Protesters vow to keep fighting spend on Trident by Matty Sutton (EveningTimes)

    Activists plan blockade as part of global protest (Evening Times)

    Police arrest 47 at peaceful blockade of Trident nuclear base (Ekklesia)

    Peace campaigners blockade Trident base by Brian Larkin (Independent Catholic News)

    Arrests made at Faslane anti-Trident protest (Scotsman)

    50 held at anti-Trident blockade (Hawick News)

    15 April 2013, WALES- Wrexham

    Half a dozen members and supporters of Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum were out on the streets on April 15.  They offered suggestions for how the huge sums of money currently spent on warfare might be better used for social purposes.

    See the photos here.

    April 2013, UK

    See reports, photos and videos of UK actions for the Global Day of Action on Military Spending up on the UK GDAMS website.

  • France (1)
    15 April 2013, FRANCE
  • Greece (1)
    15 April 2013, GREECE- Athens

    On 15 April 2013, the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection organised an action in front of the Greek Parliament,  at Syntagma Square, in the heart of Athens, above the central metro  station. They had  a huge banner writing on its first half « THERE ARE  MONEY » with drawings of a military tank, a military airplane, a military  submarine and bombs, while on its second half one could read «  THERE ARE NO MONEY »  with drawings of a public school, a public hospital, a public bus and a  peace sign.  This action was co-organised by World Without Wars and Violence, the Greek Association of  Conscientious Objectors, the  Antinationalistic-Antimilitaristic Initiative, the Greens and the Synaspismos Youth.

    Find here some newspapers articles about this action:

  • India (2)
    15 April 2013, INDIA- New Delhi

    Cut Military Spending, Fund Human Need

    New Delhi, 15 April 2013: Over 100 organisations from all over the world came together to observe the Global Day of Action on Military Spending. This coordinated global effort constitutes a civil society movement for change. Indian civil society led by Control Arms Foundation of India(CAFI) & Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network(MWGSN) successfully observed the day today.

    A mass public action was successfully organised in India’s capital New Delhi to join the “Global Day of Action on Military Spending: Cut Military Spending, Fund Human Need”. The venue/s of the event are the three historic sites of Raj Ghat (The shrine of Mahatma Gandhi’s resting place), India Gate and Dilli Hatt.

    CAFI and MWGSN joined thousands around the world demanding that our government/s reduce military spending and devote those precious resources to pressing human needs. We sent a message that $1.5 trillion spent on military budget is too much. Our action was significant especially as India continue to be the primary importers of arms as in 2013. India has now emerged as the largest arms importer in the world, overtaking China. India accounted for 9% of all international arms imports between 2006-2013, making it the world`s largest weapons importer.

    The Awareness programme started from Raj Ghat and ended at Dilli Haat; during the event more than 200 fliers were distributed to the general public and members explained about the military expenditure. Later we submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister of India and Union Defence Minister. We called upon government of India and South Asia to: To cut military expenditure and the saved fund to be deployed towards combating and providing social security. We also call upon government to stop building up nuclear arsenals, and to support the Mine Ban Treaty,Convention on Cluster Munitions & the recently agreed Arms Trade Treaty. We also called upon India to take the lead in international humanitarian disarmament which was the pillar of India’s Foreign Policy in 1950s and 1960s

    Campaigners in India asked the govt of India: “When people are dying of poverty, can security and arms provide them with a basic square meal? In a country where poverty is rampant and where there is great deal to be done in the fields of health and education, we cannot be spending so much on defence. Our battle is against starvation and deprivation, which cannot be fought with guns and missiles”

    For photos of event, please log on to For more information, please contact: Office of the Control Arms Foundation of India & Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network at and

    Read the press release: Cut Military Spending, Fund Human Need

    15 April 2013, INDIA- Salbardi, Amravati

    As a member of IPB, the Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament & Environmental Protection arranged a advocacy event on Cost of Military spending and effects on socio – economical development of India. The Member of Provincial Parliament, Zilla Parishad and political leaders from centre to grass roots attended and addressed the people. More than 156 delegates from all walks of life attended the seminar.

    Noted economist Dr. Phadnaik, narrated that India is one the highest spender on military weapons and it surpass the China. Basic amenities like water, sanitation, housing, nutritional foods, education which are basis needs of the people are sacrificed due to huge spending on arms by our government. Arms race is futile add it will not serve any purpose but enhance the poverty and degrade the development of society in general and poor people in particular.

    Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, informed the delegates the works of IPB and other organization in the world regarding spreading the message of Action on Military Spending and need to curb the military spending for the benefit of humanity and development.

    Dr. Karade, Member of Provincial Parliament was amaze to see the effects of military spending and its effects on development. He informed that many politicians and  policy makers are not aware regarding  effects of military spending on society and development.

    Mr. Tekade, a Zilla Parishad leader also stressed that the money which are spent on arms can be diverted towards the development of people. He requested the IIPDEP and IPB that political leaders and people are not aware of the horrible impact of military spending on development.

    After lunch, the session was devoted for discussion and feedback. Many delegated who are leaders in their areas and localities stress the need of curbing the spending on military weapons. They will build the public pressure on government to curb the military spending and solve the problems with neighbours in diplomatic channels.

    See the photos of the seminar here.

  • Japan (2)
    15 April 2013, JAPAN – KOREA

    Read the Republic of Korea-Japan Joint Statement which was endorsed by 39 organisations and led by Peace Boat and the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy.

    15 April 2013, JAPAN- Tokyo

    Peace Boat staff, Watanabe Rika and Karen Hallows gave a lecture in the morning of Global Action on Military Spending day as the first step was to raise awareness among participants about the day and what it means.

    Participants were invited to show their solidarity with the movement by taking a photograph on top deck.  The participants gathered on the deck under the hot midday sun with a banner that said “Cut Military Spending” in English and Japanese.

    Read their report here and see the pictures here.

  • Korea (1)
    15 April 2013, JAPAN – KOREA

    Read the Republic of Korea-Japan Joint Statement which was endorsed by 39 organisations and led by Peace Boat and the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy.

  • Kenya (1)
    15 April 2013, KENYA- Nairobi

    We presented a petition presented to the president of which this is an excerpt:


    We the people of Kenya under the banner of Coalition for Constitution Implementation (CCI) gather here today on 15th April 2013 to mark the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS). Today there are other events held worldwide with the main event being held outside the United Nations Security Council Offices.

    CCI is an open, voluntary and vibrant National Lobby Movement that brings together Bunge La Mwananchi (BLM), La Vie Foundation (LVF), the Nubian Human Rights Forum (NHRF), the Unga Revolution and the Super Ethnic Minority Rights Forum (SEMRF) and whose vision is to ensure full implementation of the Constitution of Kenya.

    Find here the signed petition. Read also the press report.

    Press article: Lobby calls for cut in military spending by Joseph Muraya (Capital FM Kenya)

  • New Zealand (1)
    15 April 2013, NEW ZEALAND- Wellington and Auckland

    Peace Movement Aotearoa organized public forum and leafletting in both cities. Read the report here.

    Please view photos from a public forum on government spending priorities in their Facebook page.

    Press articles: Global military spending falls ( Global day of action on military spending (Yahoo news) Global military spending falls, but not far enough, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 15 April 2013  ( Global Day of Action on Military Spending, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 10 April 2013(

  • South Korea (1)
    15 April 2013, SOUTH-KOREA

    he People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), composed of 24 civil organisations, held a press conference with 15 Parliamentarians in front of Parliament urging them to “Disarm for Peace”. Read the statement, the letter send to governments and see the photos from this action.

    On April 15, they also held a campaign in the street: dressed up like Teletubbies they asked about 1,000 people to write a peace message. See the photos.

    The PSPD also made a short film Will the Pacific Teletubbies keep the Pacific pacific? urging the two Koreas and other stakeholders to stop the fights, as they only benefit military and weapon sellers. The movie also emphasizes how people should and can stop the fighting.

    For more information, visit their facebook page or visit their website.

    See pictures from the Peace parade on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (Hankyoreh). People display signs with messages of peace related to the ongoing tensions on the Korean peninsula. Some of the Korean signs read, “Flowers instead of bullets” and “Who really wants war?”.

    Blog entry: Global Day of Action on Military Spending by Tom Rainey-Smith.

  • Spain (1)
    15 April 2013, SPAIN- Autonomous community of Andalusia

    The Red Antimilitarista y nonviolencia de Andalucía (R.A.N.A.) organised several presentations in universities and educational centres about military intervention. Read their report (in Spanish) and read the magazine article.

  • Sweden (1)
    15 April 2013, SWEDEN- Göteborg

    A street action took place in the center of Göteborg.

    On the same day a major Swedish Newspaper, Göteborgs-Posten, published an article written by the former Swedish Minister for Defence about the huge costs for Swedish participation in the Afghan war, costs that has been kept out of knowledge for the Swedish Parliament and population.

    Read the article in Swedish and English.

  • Switzerland (1)
    15 April 2013, SWITZERLAND Geneva

    International Centre, Rue de Varembé, Geneva
    Organised by the International Peace Bureau

    The presentations and discussion highlighted several issues:

    • The continuing support of the United Nations, both for the Global Day of Action itself, and for the UN’s own transparency instrument, the annual Report on Military Expenditures.
    • Clear evidence from SIPRI’s new data release that the global total for military expenditure (not to be confused with ‘expenditure on armaments’) has dropped, for the first time in real terms since 1998 – even though the absolute dollar figures are slightly higher than the 2011 numbers.
    • Spending has dropped mainly in Western countries, while most of the increases are in Russia, China and other developing states.
    • The importance, from the IPB point of view, of raising the issue of military spending within the ongoing consultations on the UN’s Post-2015 Development Agenda, ie the successor process to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

    Introductory remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament

    Presentation by Mr. Samuel Perlo-Freeman, Director, SIPRI Military Expenditure project
    Based on: Trends in World Military Expenditure 2012 – Fact Sheet

    Presentation by Mr. Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau
    Based on: Opportunity Costs: Military Spending and the UN’s Development Agenda

    Concluding remarks by Mr. Jarmo Sareva, Director, Geneva Branch, UN Office for Disarmament Affairs

  • Uruguay (1)
    15 April 2013, URUGUAY
    Acción Global SERPAJ Uy

    Serpaj Uruguay se suma a este día de acción: “América Latina”, territorio de paz”
    Servicio Paz y Justicia – SERPAJ Uruguay
    Joaquín Requena 1642, 11.200 Montevideo
    Tel: 589 2408 5301 – Fax: 598 2408 5701
    En Facebook: Serpaj Uruguay

  • Malaysia (1)
    April 2013, MALAYSIA

    Press coverage: Cut defence budget: Suaram by Cindi Loo (The Sun Daily)

  • Netherlands (1)
    April 2013, NETHERLANDS

    The Transnational Institute and the Dutch Campaign against Arms Trade published a report about European military spending.The report, Guns, Debt and Corruption: Military spending and the EU crisis, demonstrates how military budgets across Europe have been largely protected, at a time of severe social cuts.

    Read the press release.

  • Norway (1)
    April 2013, NORWAY

    The Nowegian Peace Council organised a seminar.

    See the photos.