16/09/2024 |

Join the Global Week of Action on Nuclear Spending: No Money for Nuclear Weapons!

From September 16 to 22, 2024, we’re uniting globally to challenge the absurd amount of money spent on nuclear weapons.

In 2023 alone, $91.4 billion was squandered on weapons of mass destruction. It’s time to stand together with one message: “No Money for Nuclear Weapons!”

Nuclear-armed countries spend over $173,000 every minute on nuclear bombs, while vital global needs are neglected. Imagine the impact if those funds were redirected:

  • 1 minute of nuclear spending could plant 1 million trees.
  • 1 hour could convert 535 homes to solar power.
  • 1 second could provide 16,994 vaccines to children through UNICEF.
  • 1 week could provide clean water for 27 million people.
  • 1 year could feed 45 million people at risk of famine for 13 years​(Billion_better_uses-_fl…).

Join us in pushing back against this unacceptable spending. RSVP below to receive updates, campaign materials, and ideas for how to get involved in your community. Together, we can put an end to nuclear weapons before they put an end to us.

Learn More and RSVP