Whose Priorities?
A guide for campaigners on military and social spending
You can download this guide here.
“How to make an impact on governments? How to stop them spending billions of dollars on weapons and war, while mil-lions starve and suffer needlessly, and the planet overheats? How to persuade the private sector – and rich financiers – to invest in products and services that respond to human need and ecological sustainability, rather than threaten our security in the name of protecting it? How to mobilise our fellow citizens and taxpayers, to gather people together and make a difference?
Such are some of the fundamental questions asked by so many people around the world in our time. This book does not attempt to analyse all the whys and wherefores of these weighty issues. Rather, it attempts to show what some people have done, and are doing, to challenge the military madness of our times, to question military spending and investments, and to propose alterna-tives. In addition, it offers some thoughts and resources to aid those who are determined to work out ‘what is to be done’, and how best to do it.”