GDAMS 2020 Final Report
This report is a thorough compilation of all actions, statements and materials prepared by partners, collaborators and friends across the world during 2020’s Global Days of Action on Military Spending. For this edition we listed over 100 online actions carried out by organizations (partners and others) in at least 27 different countries. Similarly, thousands of individuals engaged with the campaign on social media sharing its message and infographic, and it was mentioned in dozens of media outlets.
This year’s Global Days of Action on Military Spending were tremendously conditioned by the health emergency provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic. These difficult circumstances demanded a change in course for this special period of the campaign, in order to address the dramatic crisis concerning everyone across the world. In view of the necessary measures for the containment of the pandemic, there were almost no public events during GDAMS and most actions were carried out online. But these limitations didn’t keep us from campaigning to express our criticism and demands, which we considered more relevant than ever. This health emergency had (yet again) revealed the flaws and inconsistencies of the current “defense and security” model, the incapacity of states to provide true security to their citizens despite the billions spent on the military sector for the sake of it, so we decided to adapt this year’s GDAMS to the new context, prepare a new strategy, statement and materials and adopt a new motto: Healthcare Not Warfare!
GDAMS had always been about taking the streets, but this time we had to rely more than ever on social media and other non-contact forms of communication and protest. Despite the difficulties and the little time to react, this new approach to GDAMS gave us the opportunity to reach new audiences and to contribute with a critical perspective to the debate on security and spending priorities taking place globally. Our message resonated widely within this context and was referenced and shared by several major peace and disarmament organizations and campaigns.
You can preview the report here:
GDAMS-2020-Report_compSome highlights
– International organizations and campaigns referencing GDAMS included: SIPRI, UNODA, Greenpeace, WILPF (Reaching Critical Will), ICAN, PNND, IPPNW, ENAAT, Women Nobel Laureates, Control Arms, Global Campaign for Peace Education, War Resisters International, BDS, SCRAP, AEPF and RAMALC.
– At least 18 online events, including international conferences, press conferences and webinars.
– 12 statements in support of GDAMS’ message.
– Over 30 infographics (including translations) with the GDAMS message.
– Around 100K impressions on our social media during the GDAMS period.
– GDAMS coverage in at least 45 media outlets.
– Political advocacy: interesting developments in the US, Colombia, Italy, Spain and EU. In the U.S., pressure on congresspeople and candidates of the Democratic Party increased even more with key actions as the joint statement by 34 U.S. organizations and online tools to write to Congress representatives to demand cuts on the Pentagon budget. In Colombia, after a meeting with a GDAMS partner, congressman Iván Cepeda proposed a shift of the military budget to healthcare, which was accepted, although with a much smaller amount than originally suggested. In Italy, Rete Disarmo and partner launched a policy proposal to the Italian government in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1 year moratoria on all military and arms acquisitions. In Spain: a motion and an official question to the Spanish Government were presented at the Senate by 2 different regional political groups to demand a redirection of military budget to health and social spending, using GDAMS materials as a source. At the EU level, the joint letter and online actions organised together with ENAAT were addressed to MEPs and put the focus on the European Union’s policies during these times of crisis
– Articles and op-eds dedicated or referencing GDAMS, including:
- A global struggle: healthcare not warfare – Kate Hudson (CND) Read it here
- COVID-19: Divest, Demilitarise, and Disarm – Ray Acheson (WILPF) Find it here
- ‘Halt This Madness’: US Drove Last Year’s Over $1.9 Trillion in Global Military Spending – Jessica Corbett (Common Dreams). Find this article here
- World military spending surges to new heights – Caroline Jones (CAAT). Read it here
- Will the EU fight for peace or prepare for war? It can’t have it both ways – Laëtitia Sédou (ENAAT) Read it here
- Pentagon Spending: A Primer – William Hartung (Centre for International Affairs) Read this article here
- As Global Military Spending Hits Nearly $2 Trillion, These Weapons Are Useless Against Biggest Threats We Face – Tori Bateman (AFSC).Read this article here.