
15 April 2013, SWEDEN- Göteborg

A street action took place in the center of Göteborg.

On the same day a major Swedish Newspaper, Göteborgs-Posten, published an article written by the former Swedish Minister for Defence about the huge costs for Swedish participation in the Afghan war, costs that has been kept out of knowledge for the Swedish Parliament and population.

Read the article in Swedish and English.

April 2012, SWEDEN- Gothenburg

Fredsnätverket MP Göterborg/OFOG

Peace organizations distributed flyers to raise awareness among the general public about world military spending. The event took place in Brunnsparken.

12 April 2011, SWEDEN- Gothenburg

Cattis and Antimilitaristic Network Ofog

“On April 12 we handed out leaflets in central Gothenburg about Sweden’s military spending (43 billion Swedish Kronor, about 43 million Euro), and made this video asking people what they would do with that money instead, answers are about paying back the west/north’s debt to the global south, to put into health care, child care, etc.”

Swedish news clip available here.