
April 13 – Online Campaigning

Doctor Ammar Ali Jan, doctorate degree in History from the University of Cambridge and currently teacher at Forman Christian College (Lahore, Pakistan), endorsed the Global Campaign on Military Spending via video.

18 April 2012, PAKISTAN- Islamabad

Pakistan Peace Coalition

A public protest was held in Islamabad on 18th April demanding drastic reductions in military spending and greater priority given to the hitherto neglected social sector, especially education and health. A peace activist Raja Jahangir Akhtar, 75 years in age, staged a week-long hunger strike in Islamabad in protest against bloated military spending in Pakistan, demanding diversion of resources towards public welfare. The hunger strike camp situated in a prominent public place was visited by a large number of people, which provided him an opportunity to discuss the issue with them. Colin Archer of International Peace Bureau contacted Mr. Akhtar and interviewed him.

April 2012, PAKISTAN- Lahore

Pakistan Peace Coalition

A seminar was organized in Lahore in the Press Club by the Pakistan Peace Coalition and South Asia Partnership Pakistan, where speakers highlighted the severe harm that has been caused to the nation by an excessive military spending over several decades. The seminar demanded turning the present security state into a welfare state. After the seminar, the participants staged a sit in outside the Press Club for a while. Pamphlets highlighting the importance of the issue were distributed.

April 2012, PAKISTAN- Karachi

Pakistan Peace Coalition

Pakistan Peace Coalition staged a protest rally outside Karachi Press Club against excessive military spending in the country, and demanding diversion of resources to the human and material development of the society.