
World Youth Peace Organization supports GDAMS

Statement by Peace Ambassador Ejimole Fidel Onwuekwe of the World Youth Peace Organization in Nigeria

Nigeria on the front line of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending 2020. A global call for an end to military spending pandemic which started on the 10th april to 9th may, 2020.

Youth wants a complete ban on nuclear weapons. This global yearly event organized by International Peace Bureau, Berlin, Germany marks activities to reach out to civil society groups, NGOs, government agencies working on conflicts and peace resolution; religious bodies; environmental organizations, labor union etc., on military spending and developments and also on climate change crisis.

Youth advocates for major reductions of military spending and reallocating the funds to human security, such as healthcare, education, food and not bombs. It is now time for us all to come together to rethink our priorities on how and why to move the money to healthcare.

Corona virus is taking the world hostage.

Sign and share IPB’s petition to the United Nations General Assembly: “Healthcare not warfare”

Nigeria: Three Schools

GCOMS Nigeria, hosted by TREES ON EARTH Development Foundation (member of IPB), has engaged THREE SCHOOLS in 2017 GDAMS campaigns namely,
1) Magongo Community Secondary School- 18 April, 2017
2) Western Hall College- 24 April, 2017
3) Peculiar Future Academy- 28 April, 2017


1) Inter-House sport competitions.
2) Interviews with students/Public letures on  GCOMS/GDAMS activities
3) Advocacy visit to the Mayor/Deputy Mayors of Ogori/Magongo Local Government Council,Kogi State.
4) Interview with the schools Principals.
5) Advocacy visit the Traditional Rulers in Ogori/Magongo Local Government Council.