
April 14-30, Kenya

The campaign is slowing down in Africa due to obvious challenges including state criminalization of matters security and military. The Regional meeting that was to take place in 2017 in Dar Tanzania had to be cancelled due to such reasons. Most activists in Kenya are fearing. Anyway, activists are trying to consolidate 2018 activities in Kenya. Contact: David Calleb Otieno. Look at Nairobi selfies!

Kenya: Disarmament Congress 2017

19th April 2017 from 08h00 to 16h00
Ufungamano House, Nairobi, Kenya
The Congress shall be graced by Prof Manas Chatterji from School of Management, Bingamton University, USA. Prof Manas will make presentations on Conflict Management, Peace Economics an Peace Science and Military Expenditure, Development and Concomitant Issues. There will be also presentations of the discussions from previous GDAMS, and further Discussions on the same. Expected participation of Delegates from Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi and remote participation from Netherlands and East Africa. Representatives of Refugees from Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan will also attend. The final conclusions of GDAMS 2017 and the disarmament Congress will published into a bulletin that will be Circulated. – Contact: David Calleb Otieno:

Kenya: Meeting on Spending – (Download the Poster of the meeting)

11 April 2017 from 08h00 to 13h00
Ufungamano House, Nairobi

As usual since 2011, the Coalition for Constitution Implementation Kenya (CCI Kenya) a member of this International Peace Bureau and host of the Global Campaign on Military Spending Africa (GCOMS Africa), in conjunction Bunge la Mwananchi, the Coalition for Grassroots Human Rights Defenders Kenya and the Kenyan Peasants League shall be making the Global Day of Action on Military Spending 2017 (GDAMS 2017) on 11 April 2017 at Ufungamano House in Nairobi.  From 08h00 to 13h00 there  shall be a meeting where Military Spending for select African countries shall be released. There shall also be discussions on the Security Interactions and Power Relations in the East and Horn of Africa, the Human Cost of uncontrolled proliferation of Small Arms in the Horn of Africa, the African Regional Security Complex, Economics of Security Regimens in Africa  and the Impact of Regional Conflicts on Women, Children, Disabled and the aged. The event will be attended by representatives of Refugees from Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan. A statement will be developed based on the discussions presented during the Disarmament Congress. Remote Skype participation is expected from Netherlands, Kampala Uganda and Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania. Contact: David Calleb Otieno:

17 April 2016, Nairobi (Kenya)

“Africa Prepcomm for Berlin Congress”
GDAMS event
Venue: Ufungamano House in Nairobi.
David Otieno:

13 April 2015, NIGERIA – Kogi state

‘The birth of GCOMS West Africa and Nigeria chapter was launched by Trees on Earth Development Foundation, a national non-governmental organization operating to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, environmental pollution and poverty through sustainable development practices in the communities of in Nigeria and Africa.’

Local participants and visitors from Lagos, Abuja, Lokoja, Edo state staged dramas and a  debate for students on the topic:  #MOVE THE MONEY! FROM WARFEARE TO EDUCATION (SUPPORT OR AGAINST).

Sixty-three students and  and 11 teachers were interviewed including the principal of the school. Part of the plan is to establish GCOMS Clubs in schools in Edo and Kogi states.

13 April 2015, KENYA – Nairobi

On 13 April, the Coalition for Constitution Implementation in conjunction with Global Campaign of Military Spending or GCOMS-Kenya released the 2015 Military Spending Survey Report entitled ‘I Would Plant Trees to Combat Climate Change.‘ The title was a quotation from a survey respondent who said that if he had his way, he would reallocate money to plant trees to combat climate change instead of  spending the money on the military. Then the group proceeded to Freedom Corner for a tree-planting activity. You may also read the report in  Cidi Otieno’s blog.

‘I would plant trees to combat climate change’

15 April 2015, Kenya

Bunge la Mwawanchi organized various events in the context of GDAMS.  A report detailing the Kenyan military expenditures was discussed. A march, tree-planting and candle-lighting activities were also held.

La imagen puede contener: 5 personas

15 April 2013, KENYA- Nairobi

We presented a petition presented to the president of which this is an excerpt:


We the people of Kenya under the banner of Coalition for Constitution Implementation (CCI) gather here today on 15th April 2013 to mark the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS). Today there are other events held worldwide with the main event being held outside the United Nations Security Council Offices.

CCI is an open, voluntary and vibrant National Lobby Movement that brings together Bunge La Mwananchi (BLM), La Vie Foundation (LVF), the Nubian Human Rights Forum (NHRF), the Unga Revolution and the Super Ethnic Minority Rights Forum (SEMRF) and whose vision is to ensure full implementation of the Constitution of Kenya.

Find here the signed petition. Read also the press report.

Press article: Lobby calls for cut in military spending by Joseph Muraya (Capital FM Kenya)

17 April 2012, KENYA- Nairobi

Bunge la Mwananchi/Wanjiku Revolution/Baraza la Taifa

We the people of Kenya under the banner of Bunge la Mwananchi, Wanjiku Revolution, Baraza la Taifa and CBOs from across the country congregated in the capital to present to the President, the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the National Assembly our petition regarding military expenditure. On 17th April every year the world marks the Global Day of Action on Military Spending. Here in Kenya we have come together to mark the event. The event is critical for Kenya given the on going Operation Linda Nchi in which millions are being spent at the expense of the basic needs for Kenyans.

It is worth noting that Africa as a whole experienced a large increase in military expenditures last year. Although Kenya showed a modest decrease in 2010 it is expected to rise due to the Somalia Incursion. We also note with concern that in the budget estimates presented by the finance minister, an estimated 45 billion Kenya shillings is expected to be spent on operation Linda Nchi.

We therefore asked politicians to:

1) Immediately withdraw Kenyan forces in Somalia and embark on policing our borders as attacks have continued despite the KDF’s presence in Somalia pointing to a failed policy.

2) Drastically reduce the amount spent on military ware and related expenses and channel the funds to provision of basic needs.

3) Beef security to ordinary Kenyans who have constantly suffered should there be any attack.

4) Come out clean on how the tenders to supply material were awarded to allay our fears that the Somalia incursion is used to benefit some unscrupulous businesspeople.

See press coverage of the event, as well as more information about East African military spending here.