
Stop Fuelling War – Online actions and press release

Stop Fuelling War supported GDAMS 2020 campaign by sharing one of the campaign’s infographics on its social networks and calling for a reduction in military spending to reinvest in health, education and ecology.

“Infographie comparant le coût des systèmes d’armes au matériel et aux services de santé nécessaires pendant la pandémie #COVID19 Les solutions ne peuvent venir du financement du matériel militaire mais plutôt en soutenant les soins de santé, l’éducation et l’écologie”

With the occasion of Europe’s Day, Stop Fuelling War prepared a press release: Communiqué de presse: Sortie de crise COVID-19, le choix de l’UE : œuvrer à la paix ou se préparer à la guerre?

Find out more about Stop Fuelling War here.

Mouvement de la paix – Paris

The organisation “Movemement de la Paix” takes actions against the arms fair in Paris or elsewhere and the arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

Please, download the full Flyer (in french) here.

Join the movement here.

You can also:

  • Sign the petition against the Eurosatory here.
  • Sign the petition against the arms sales to Saudi Arabia here.

April 19-22, Arras

On the occasion of its 2018 Annual General Meeting, which took place in Arras (France) from 19-22 April, Pax Christi International has contributed to the GDAMS social media campaign. We invited our section representatives to join this campaign in order to promote budgets for nonviolent approaches to sustain peace, which is one of our advocacy priorities, writing on a poster where they would move 10% of global military spending to. Look at the Pax Christi selfies webpage, and read more on the event! here:

14 April 2015, FRANCE

The Mouvement de la Paix issued a press release  entitled ‘Un fardeau insupportable et inadmissible pour les peuples!’  (An unbearable and unacceptable  burden for the people!) and distributed flyers.

21 April 2012, FRANCE- Nancy

Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente (MAN)/Oxfam/Amnesty International

On April 21, MAN, Oxfam and Amnesty international organized an event to raise awareness on military spending. In this respect passers-by could sign two petitions: the first urging France to initiate unilateral nuclear disarmament, and the second demanding that governments regulate the sales of arms.

April 2011, FRANCE- Seine-Saint-Denis

Mouvement de la Paix
Volunteers showed a short film and distributed leaflets about military spending, encouraging visitors to contact their members of parliament about the issue.

April 2011, FRANCE- Rennes

Mouvement de la Paix
At the town square, organizers polled passersby on which they would prefer — new investments in various military technologies, or new investments in social security, social programs, international diplomacy, or cultural affairs.

April 2011, FRANCE- Paris

Mouvement de la Paix

Organizers distributed over 3000 leaflets at local markets and universities. In the evening, they held a “coffee debate” on military spending, complete with rich discussion and a slideshow.