
– SERPAJ endorses GDAMS Appeal and share it through social network.

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According to the information, in 2020, Chile had a military expenditure of 4,601 million dollars, ranking fourth in Latin America, after Brazil (19,736 million), Colombia (9,216) and Mexico (6,116). Likewise, Chile is positioned as the fourth country with the highest military expenditure in relation to Gross Domestic Product with 1.9%, after Colombia (3.4%), Uruguay (2.3%) and Ecuador (2.4%).

15 April 2015, CHILE

Servicio e Paz (SERPAJ-Chile) organised a national GDAMS day with many actions all over the country, in order to launch a Latin-American movement promoting the culture of peace and opposing excessive military spending. They published the following (very impressive) report, highlighting the activities that took place in different cities. (Text in Spanish with many photos).

15 April 2013, CHILE

Read the report from actions organised in the following cities: Arica, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Cabildo, Valparaiso, San Antonio, R. Metropolitana, Maule, Puerto Montt and Aysén.

See the photos here and watch the Día Global de Acción Contra el Gasto Militar video from Coyhaique, Chile here.