21/09/2017 |

The GCOMS campaign is visiting the Spanish Congress to discuss military spending

In the framework of the GCOMS campaign (Global Campaign on Military Spending), the Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz, as a representative of the International Peace Bureau, organizes a strategic discussion in Madrid on next Thursday, 21 of September, with representatives of the Congress’ political groups along with entities working in the field of solidarity-based economy, cooperation, peace and Human Rights’ activism.

The meeting, which will take place in the room SERT of the hemicycle, will focus on issues such as:

–       the opacity in official data on defence and military industry and exportations;

–       the need to conduct an audit on the PEAs (Programas Espaciales de Armamentos) to determine their true cost and the debt that they have generated;

–       criteria to address military expenditure in the budgets in a comprehensive and rigorous manner;

–       the necessary redistribution of military expenditure toward social, cooperation, conflict mediation and peace-building areas.

In that regard, the Centre Delàs works to expand, both within the State and at the international level, the GCOMS campaign on which more than 100 organizations from 35 different nations are working in order to reduce military spending.