10/01/2019 |

France should commit to nuclear disarmament, according to 76% of French people

The goal of doubling the credits devoted to atomic weapons fixed by the French law of military programming (from 3.2 to 7 billion per year) is inadmissible. This is coming shortly after the UN Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) was adopted on July 7, 2017. France needs these funds both for social needs and to address the problems related to climate change.

Achievements are real, as evidenced by the Treaty of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the support of 76% of the French for France to engage in nuclear disarmament, the success of actions within the framework of the International Day of Peace, the rallies of 14 October 2018 in front of the sites linked to the nuclear weapons, and the international call launched on November 11, 2018 under the slogan “Damn the war, let’s build peace” which gathered nearly 6,000 signatures in a few days. Moreover, the request for France to ratify the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty is approaching 10,000 signatures, and the letter-petition for Parliamentarians on the 2019 Budget Bill, was signed and sent by 3,000 citizens in 24h.

The defense of peace requires the intervention of the citizens, that must move towards a more humane world in a context of a national and international situation that is uncertain and dangerous in many ways. The monstrous amount of military spending that reaches almost $1.8 trillion a year is disgusting, in a world where one billion people still suffer from hunger and where climate emergency is already here. This arms race feeds all conflicts and wars, also giving significant profits to the military-industrial complex.

The French Peace Movement (“Mouvement de la Paix”) is active on all fronts and works on unitary actions and rallies at national and international levels. Thus, the collective of Peace Marches today brings together 180 organizations, very diverse but united to say: “stop the misery, stop the violence, stop wars”.

The task and our responsibilities are immense when our means are too limited. United and more, we will be more efficient. The urgency is there.

The world needs peace… Peace needs people!

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