26/04/2018 |

EU MONEY for military research – Sign the Pledge!

More than 90 million euro will be spent for a European Union (EU) three years’ military research program this year. The decision was taken by the Preparatory Action on Defense Research (PADR) ran by the European Defense Agency (EDA) whom has already started a development of robotic weapon systems.

This research aims at three activities: reconfiguration of system-on-chip or system-in-package for defense applications; the design and build of a European high power laser effector to be available for defense purpose; and lastly, a strategic and innovating development on future technologies for unforeseen defense concerns.

Their main goals of this research, and they express it in their official website here (https://www.eda.europa.eu/what-we-do/activities/activities-search/preparatory-action-for-defence-research ), are to “Demonstrate and assess added-value of EU-supported defense R&T; Results should foster further cooperation between MoDs and between EU defense industries; Prepare for a basic act to launch a substantial defense research program from 2021 on-wards”.

Without really concentrating our attention to the two first goals mentioned, which give a value to this kind of organization whom see a threatening future ahead and need it to create a profitable situation for them and their partners, the third statement express the need of a continuum future investment.

Arms company have been supported and preserved in many different ways. We have been aware of the massive support of our governments in selling and facilitating this competitive trade of weapons. This EU decision can have massive negativity consequences such has an increase of arms trade, exports and worldwide acceptance and even a need especially in hostile environment where conflicts has been presents for years giving profits to these agencies at the same time. The causes of conflicts, peace resolution, negotiation and diplomacy should be the areas in which they should more invest in.

The IPB declares that The Preparatory Action is only a first step in paving the way for a full blown European Defense Fund of an estimated 40 billion euros for research and development of military hardware over the next ten years and invite all scientists, academics and researchers to sign their pledge and to call the European Union to stop funding military research programs and invest in civilian research areas which will benefit the Europeans and the rest of the world.

Sign the Pledge here!: https://www.researchersforpeace.eu/form/researchers-pledge-form