U.S.: Beach at Santa Monica pier: A cemetery on the sand

Sunday, April 16, 2017
At 2:30 PM
Beach north of the Santa Monica Pier, Site of the Veterans for Peace Project called “Arlington West” – a cemetery on the sand.

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You will see a sea of white crosses just to the right (north) of the pier, in the sand,  with several tables and exhibits set up by Veterans for Peace detailing the costs of war.  Our group, the Southern California War Tax Resistance, will have our own table there, with full support of VFP.

We will gather at 2:30 PM and at 3 PM  will host a public event of war tax redistribution to give out checks of resisted war taxes to local groups supporting peace and justice.  We’ll have lots of information on where your taxes are going now, and ideas on where you might rather spend them.

For more information, reply by email to cathydeppela@gmail.com or call Cathy at 408-206-7992. – And information on War Tax resistance:  www.scwtr.net