May 2nd, Sydney

Media Conference at Sydney Parliament on May 2 with SIPRI details, to coincide with other GCOMS conferences. IPAN is developing a national campaign on “Dont Buy into War”: The Australian government has recently announced a $3.8 billion loan fund to assist in making Australia one of the largest arms exporters in the world. This is on top of planned expenditure of $50 billion on 12 new submarines, $86 billion on air warfare ships and $17 billion on 70 new fighter planes, none of which are essential for the defence of Australia. The Press Conference at Sydney Parliament was offered by Kellie Tranter, lawyer and activist, Sister Monica Cavanagh, congregational leader for the Sisters of Saint Joseph and professor Stuart Rees, Human Rights activist and founder of the Sydney Peace Foundation. Watch the videos: Video1 – Video2 – Video3