April 2012, New York- NY

Granny Peace Brigades/War Resisters League/Veterans for Peace/New York State Peace Action/Code Pink/National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee/Raging Grannies/Rude Mechanical Orchestra

GDAMS in the USA coincided with Tax Day, the deadline for filing tax forms for the Federal, State and local governments. Together with various peace groups, the Granny Peace Brigade (GPB) met outside the Internal Revenue Office on 44th Street and then proceeded to the Main Post Office on 32nd Street.

Our action represented the work also of the War Resisters League, Veterans for Peace, New York State Peace Action, Code Pink, the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, and the Raging Grannies and supporters. Last but not least, we were accompanied by a marching band named the Rude Mechanical Orchestra…who are only rude to warmongers!

We distributed GDAMS flyers; the War Resisters’ “pie chart” flyers; and sang songs as we marched. Thanks to Occupy Wall Street many important issues are now raised in the US so some messages were about the 99 percent and the greed so prevalent in our society. There were messages, banners and signs galore as we handed out flyers!

We stand in solidarity with the work of GDAMS and are proud to be engaged in the efforts of the International Peace Bureau, the Institute for Policy Studies and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Onward!