April 18 – Brooklyn, New York

How the Pentagon Robs Our City! 7 to 9 pm. With Bill Hartung, Jan R. Weinberg and  Christine Lewis. Discussion on how the war economy drains NYC resources, and ways we can get active to turn it around, as well as two active campaigns: “Move the Money” & “Divest from the War Machine.” Then, working groups formed to plan actions. Location: Brooklyn Friends Meeting Hose, 110 Schermerhorn St, corner of Boerum Place.

Co-sponsors: Brooklyn For Peace, Peace & Social Action Committee of Brooklyn Friends (Quakers), Fort Greene Peace; Granny Peace Brigade; Park Slope United Methodist Church Social Action Committee; Pax Christie Metro New York (list in formation). A summary of the event and pictures on this link. For more info, please email bfp@brooklynpeace.org