April 11 – Rome, Press Conference for the relaunch of the No F-35 Campaign

At the Press Room of the Chamber in Rome (in via della Missione 4) initiatives of the Italian civil society for a mobilization campaign against fighter-bombers with nuclear capacity F-35 were introduced. The relaunch of the Campaign is promoted by the Italian Network for Disarmament (Rete Italiana per il Disarmo), the Peace Network (Rete Della Pace) and the Sbilanciamoci! campaign. During the press conference the promoting organizations presented the objectives and initiatives for the coming months with the aim of pushing Italian Parliament and Government to stop Italian participation in the Joint Strike Fighter program; the alternative uses (more useful for the needs of Italian citizens) of substantial public funds were also illustrated. Speakers argued that despite the purchases already concluded in recent years by several governments, it is still possible to stop the contract for the acquisition of the final lot, saving billions of euros that could be used to defend the territory and the revival of labor and welfare policies.