“GDAMS U.S / Tax Day 2016”
We are writing to encourage you to join activists across the U.S. and internationally
in this year’s GDAMS activities. The Pentagon has inflated its budget request to
nearly $600 billion, including $58.8 billion for its “overseas contingency
operations” – wars – and to quadruple spending for war preparations in Eastern
Europe. In the coming years, our government is planning to spend
$1,000,000,000,000 to modernize its nuclear arsenal and its delivery systems, a
small fraction of which could bring on nuclear winter. The new F-35
fighter/bombers are set to cost $1,500,000,000,000 over their “lifetime.” In
addition to encouraging and fueling the catastrophic destruction of wars, this
spending claims and truncates lives without a shot being fired, a bomb dropped or a
missile launched.
Contact person: Joseph Gerson or mbass@afsc.org
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)