15 April 2013, ARIZONA- Tuscon

Peace activists held signs outside Tucson’s RaytheonMissile Systems while the workers arrived for the early morning shift.

The messages were “Not With Our Tax Dollars”, “Drones: Terror From the Sky” and “Will the World’s Children Survive Your Work?” — the group publicly expressed their desire that tax dollars fund social needs such as education and health care rather than the pilotless drones, cruise missiles, Star Wars “kill vehicles”, cluster bombs and more built at Raytheon’s Tucson plant.

That afternoon, John Heid had a trial in Tucson City Court for his December 28, 2012 arrest during a drone protest at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, home to an active combat predator drone unit. He told the judge that he didn’t go to Davis-Monthan AFB that day with criminal intent, but rather with the intent to challenge criminality. Heid was found guilty of trespass and sentenced to time served on the day of his arrest.

See the photos.