13 April 2015, SOUTH KOREA – Seoul

The GDAMS Preparatory Committee of Korea organized 4 major projects and activities in the context of GDAMS on behalf of 32 peace organizations in Korea.

1. GDAMS Korea Official Website launch
GDAMS Korea official website was launched on April 13. The site explained global military expenditure, military spending in Korea and what could be done instead of purchasing weapons.

2. Joint Press Conference by Parliamentarians and Civil Society
A joint statement was issued by parliamentarians and civil society in South Korea on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending entitled ‘Welfare Not Warfare’. Fifteen MPs and 32 NGOs endorsed this statement and had a joint press conference in front of Parliament.

It was significant given that this year was 70th anniversary of the partition of the Korean peninsula and Sewol Ferry a year memorial. The press conference suggested the way toward the safety of the citizens, not national security and toward peace and cooperation, not military expansion.

3. SNS Campaign
A campaign through SNS was hold titled ‘If I had 3.7 billion won, I would #move the money to…’ from April 13th and 30th. Lots of citizen shared their ideas what they would do.

4. Media Campaign
Series of articles on GDAMS campaign were issued through the online media ‘Ohmynews’ in order to show views of peace activists on military spending. Three columns were published, so far.
1. Can’t end the Korean War with military expenditure in Korea.
2. The careless purchase of war weapons without validity.
3. Cutting college tuition in half for F-35, and public children’s homes for Global Hawk.

Organisers: People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy and  GDAMS Korea.

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