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Gasto Militar: Récord historico

[ONLINE] Madrid Madrid

"La historia enseña que los momentos de militarización siempre son el preludio de la guerra" Escucha el programa de LaBaseTV que analyza el aumento del gasto militar mundial y español. On Youtube:

Petition “WagesNotWeapons” by C&D

[ONLINE] London

The government must stop wasting money on nuclear weapons and use it instead to ensure fair wages and a decent standing of living for all. People across the country are facing hardship during this cost of living crisis, but the government is spending at least £205 billion on a new nuclear weapons system. Instead of... Read more »

Online Support by Catédra UNESCO de Educacion por la Paz

Puerto Rico

Catédra UNESCO de Educacion por la Paz in Puerto Rico has shared its support on Facebook and Instagram, publishing GDAMS' banner as well as the infographics put together by ENAAT, adding its own statement to the GDAMS Campaign. "La guerra no discrimina, provoca sufrimiento sobre toda forma de vida. Desde la destrucción de ecosistemas hasta... Read more »

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